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Chapter 1 France is calling

Chapter 1 France is calling

chapter 1 france is calling


chapter 1 france is calling

first  period




1. student’s book 8b page 2,3 – for reading materials

2. cassette 8a and a cassette player

3. the cause ware made by myself 


this is the first day of the new term, so it’s important to welcome students bake to school and let them know the requirements of the english study in the new term. i’ll also encourage them to take an active part in classroom activities.



1.to learn some information about france

2.know the main idea of this passage.

3.read the first and the second paragraph carefully, learn the new vocabulary and be able to retell them.


1.to use power point to make the class understand easily and vividly.

2. ask the students to work in pairs and discuss what they know about france.

3.to let the students to listen to the tape recording of the letter and get the main idea of the passage.


1. to arouse the students interests in learning english.

2. to open their mind and accept the culture from other countries.



to learn the first and second paragraph of the passage.

to know some background information of france.


understand the new words by reading the words around it.


task-based teaching approach






i.  warming up

ask students to talk about their winter holidays.

to talk about their winter holidays individually.

establish the atmosphere of talking in english


pre-task preparation.

1.ask: which one is the french flag?

1. to answer the teacher’s questions individually.

to lead in the new lesson.

2. what happened to the king of france in 1789?

2. to answer the teacher’s questions individually.

to know more about france.

3. which two of these sports are not popular in france?

3. to answer the teacher’s questions individually.

to know more about france.

4. which of these drinks come from france?

4. to answer the teacher’s questions individually.

to know more about france.

iii.  while-task activities

1. let the students listen to the tape and answer some questions.

1. listen to the tape and answer some questions.

let the students be familiar with the text.

2. play the tape recording of p1-2 again. ask the students to repeat each sentence after the tape. 

2 repeat each sentence after the tape.

practise reading.

3. ask the students to guess the meaning of some new words by reading the words around it. 2页,当前第112

Chapter 1 France is calling

3. read the two paragraph again and understand the new words by reading the words around them.  

develop reading skills


1.       read the two paragraphs again and find meanings of the new words.

2.       workbook page 1-2


this is the first day of the new term. the students are excited when they were talking about their winter holidays. and i required them to take an active part in classroom activities. most of them did quite well in class. i plan to spend more time training their abilities of listening reading and writing.2页,当前第212