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八年级英语The Best Clothes教案2

八年级英语The Best Clothes教案2

lesson 5 the best clothes


everything comes to him who waits. 凡事需耐心等待。


    1.is, am __________      2.say ________       3.can __________

    4.paint ___________      5.laugh _________    6.think __________

    7.go _________           8.get __________     9.draw __________

    10.look __________

二、你能根据课本p6的part one 回答下列问题吗?

    1.what was krista wearing?


    2.did gina always wear the best clothes?


    3.did krista like gina very much?


    4 .what did krista want to do at last?


    5.how many colours did krista paint her runners?



     1.不再________   2.非常________   3.嘲笑________   4.一双跑鞋_________

     5.回家________   6.第二天_________    7.想到_________   8.把门漆成绿色____

 四、你知道best 的比较级和原级吗?请写出来。

     best ______ ______ ______



  a little pot is soon hot.壶小易热,量小易怒。


      1.krista _______ a cat on the blackboard yesterday.

        a. draw     b. draws     c. drew      d. is drawing

      2.what time _______ you _______(get) home last night?

        a. did; got     b. do; got    c. do;  get      d. did; get

      3.last weekend, he went to the shop and_____ a computer. 

        a. buy      b. bought     c. buying  

      4.i’m sorry you didn’t have fu n_______ your day off.4页,当前第11234

八年级英语The Best Clothes教案2

        a. on    b. in     c. at

      5.what about _______ your grandmother?

        a. visit     b. were    c. visiting

      6.how______ your day off?

        a. was    b. were     c. are

      7.what ______ did you do?

        a. other     b. else       c. anything

      8.i had a little dog. it was ______ cute.

        a. a kind of    b. kind of       c. kinds of

      9.there_______ a seal and two sharks.

        a. was     b. were      c. has

      10.after_______ lunch, we cleaned the bus.

        a. the    b. a       c. /

      11.do you want______ to the visitors’center again?

        a. go     b. to go      c. going

      12.-let’s visit my aunt’s house.

         -that ______ interesting.

         a. listens       b. sounds       c. hears


    1._______(be)you busy last nigh t?

    2.it’s seven o’clock. the smiths_______ (have) supper.

3.they ______ (have) a class meeting every week.

4.what______you______(do) last weekend?

5.alice_______(do) some reading on sundays.


    1.the circles and lines looked like flowers.(改为一般疑问句)

      ______ the circles and lines ______ like flowers?

    2.the girl was very angry because gina laughed at her runners.(就画线部分提问)

    _______ _______ the girl very angry?

    3.krista didn’t like gina very much.(改为肯定句)

      krista ________ gina very much.

    4.mr king has to play sports every day.(改为一般疑问句)4页,当前第21234

八年级英语The Best Clothes教案2

      ______ mr king ______to play sports every day?

    5.the students had a great trip.(改为否定句)

       the students ______ _______ a great trip.

    6.there are some sharks in the river.(改为一般疑问句)

       _____ ther e _____ sharks in the river?



don’t cross the bridge b efore you come to them. 不要杞人忧天。


a. what about you?

b. hello, d ick!

c. it wasn’t very good.

d. i went to the beach.

e. how was your weekend?  


       a: hello, bill!

b:  1

a: what did you do over the weekend?

b:  2

a:  3

b: it was great!  4

a: i studied for the science test. 5

1.______   2.______   3._____   4.______    5.______   


    1. do you have two tennis racket?


    2. great! let we go to the park.


    3. it sounds well. do you have a ball?


    4. thanks you very much. you’re welcome.


    5. lucy doesn’t has a computer.



   one cold winter morning, an old woman had to see her 1 . when she got there, she 2 him that her right leg hurt, and sometimes she could not 3 . she asked him what was 4 , as she had 5 have such feeling before.

   the doctor looked her over carefully, then he said,“you are in good  6 for a woman of your age. i think the trouble in your right leg is just a matter of old age. we get all kinds of illnesses(疾病) 7 we get older. the trouble will almost 8 when the weather turns warm.”

    “i don’t think so, doctor!” she said.“my  left leg is 9 ,and it is 10 age as my right.”

     1.a. doctor   b. teacher    c. daughter    d. son

     2.a. asked    b. said       c. told        d. spoke4页,当前第31234

八年级英语The Best Clothes教案2

     3.a. see      b. sit        c. go          d. walk

     4.a.trouble   b. wrong      c. matter      d. problem

     5.a.before    b. never      c. ago         d. ever

     6.a.time      b. age        c. luck        d. health

     7.a.when      b. during     c. before      d. until

     8.a.start      b. begin      c. eng         d. come

     9.a.good      b. nice       c. kind        d. beautiful

     10.a.the same    b. as    c. so    d. the different

keys:一、1. was  2.said  3. could  4. painted  5.laughed  6.thought  7.went  8.got  9. drew  10.looked

二、1. a pair of runners  2. yes, she did.  3.noshe didn’t  4.she wanted to cry.  5. tow.

三、1. not..any more  2.  very much  3. laugh at  4.  a pair of runners  5. go home  6. the next day  7.think of   8.  paint the door green

四、better,many ,much

五、1.c  2.d  3.b  4.a  5.c  6.a  7.b  8.b  9.a  10.c  11.b  12.b

六、1. were  2.are having  3.  have  4. did,do  5.does

七、1. did,look  2.why was  3 . liked  4.does,have  5.didn’t have  6. are ,any

八、1.b  2.d  3.e  4.a  5.c

九、1.应把racket 改为rackets  因有two,故用复数形式。2.把we改为us 放在动词let后应用宾格。3.把well 改为good  sound  是半系动词,其后用形容词作表语,well作“好“讲时是副词,故用good。4.把thanks 改为thank  thanks 相当于thank you ,故去掉 “s”。5。把has改为have  doesn’t 后应跟动词原形。

十、1.a  由后面文章意思可知她是去看医生。2。c  told him  告诉他。3. d  因为前面讲他的右腿疼,故应不能走路。4.b  “某人怎么了?”有三种说法。  what’s wrong with sb?/what’s the matter with sb?/what’s the trouble with sb.? 5.b  根据意思,应用necer.  6.d  in good health  身体健康。7. a  when  当......的时候。8.  c   根据语意,end最合适。9. a  nice 漂亮,kind 友好,beautiful 漂亮。10.a  the same...as... 和一样。
