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unit6 how long have you been collecting shells? 学案

section a period one (1a-2c)


知识目标:单词:collect, shell, skate, since, marathon, 词组:how long, collect shells, a pair of,

句型:1. -how long have you been skating?   2. -how long did you skate?

-i’ve been skating since/for……         -i skated for two hours.

能力目标:1.学会谈论做某事持续多长时间“how long…”。

2.学习现在完成进行时态,它表示从过去开始一直持续到现在,有可能还要持续下去的动作,常与for, since, how long等词连用。其结构为:have\has been + 动词-ing

3.since与for的用法和区别。since+ 某一时刻的词,短语或从句,for+ 一段时间的词或短语



1.多久 ___________  2.自从 ___________  3.溜冰鞋 ___________  4.溜冰者 ____________

5.滑冰马拉松 _________________    6.collect shells ___________     7.a pair of ___________


1. my best friend bought me a p ______of skates for me on my birthday.

2. my hobby is to c__________ stamps (邮票). there are about five thousand stamps.

3. lisa has been studying english s_______ she was six years old.

4.was this your first skating ___________ ['mærəθən]?


一.用since 或for 填空。

1. sarah has been sleeping ________ eight o’clock.

2. he has been drawing _________ four hours.

3. his uncle has been teaching chinese __________ he was twenty years old.

4. i haven’t gone for a walk in the park ________ a long time.


1. -how long have you been _________ (skate)?  -i have been skating for seventeen ________(minute).

2. mary ________ (have) been shopping for two hours.

3. my sister got a pair of _________ (skate) yesterday.

4. when did you _________ (start) class today?

5. i like _________ (collect) _________ (shell) very much.



a:alison, congratulations ________ winning the skating marathon!

b:thank you.

a:so, how ________ did you skate today?

b:________ six hours!

a:was this your ________ skating marathon?

b:no, i skated ________  a marathon last year.

a:you’re an excellent skater, alison. ________ you skate every day?

b:yes, i do.

a:how long have you  ________ skating?

b:________ i was seven years old. i got my first of skates on my birthday ________ my grandmother.

八年级下unit6 how long have you been collecting shells? 学案

section a period two (3a-4)



知识目标:单词:raise,  several,  skater,  charity 

词组:talk to,   three and a half years三年半, raise money for… 为…筹钱,

for whole five hours整整五个小时,  the+序数词+to do sth 第几个做…

句型:1.i’m talking to you from the hilltop school skating marathon.

 2.the skating marathon has been going for five hours now.




a: ye lan, _______ sport do you _______?

b: tennis.

a: when did you _______?

b: _______ i was eleven.

a: so _______ have you been playing?

b: three and a _______ years.

二.阅读课本p46的3a, 判断正(t)误(f)。

1. the skating marathon is in the hilltop school.  (     )

2. the students are skating to raise money for their english summer camp.  (     )

3. for every hour the students skate, each student raises fifteen yuan for charity.   (     )

4. the skating marathon has been going for six hours now. (     )

5. alison was the first to start.      (     )



1. they’ll sell their old books to r_________ money for the poor children.

2. he has studied for s__________(几个的) months before the exam, so he’s sure he can pass it.

3. the w_________ country was excited when the olympic games was held (举办) in china.

4. she is an excellent ________ ['skeitə].


1. you, talking, from, to , the bird’s nest(鸟巢),i’m,       _______________________________________.

2. alice, first, start, to, was, person, skating, the           _______________________________________?

3. has, jim, been, for, skating, hours, six,                 _______________________________________.

4. money, charity, i, to, raise, having, a, sale, bake, for, am   _______________________________________.

5. sport, do, play, what, you,                           _______________________________________?



1. 从今早六点起,我的爸爸就一直在田间劳动。

my father ______ ______ ______ in the field ______ ______ ______ this morning.

2. 自从他中学生以来,他就一直在学英语。7页,当前第21234567


he has ______ learning english ______ he was a middle school student.

3. 他有几个好友,但不太多。     he has ______ good ______, but not ______ ______.

4. 戴夫打网球已有两年半了。     dave has been playing tennis for ______ ______ ______ ______ ______.

5. 那个女孩一直哭了整整两个小时。 the girl has been crying ______ the ______ two ______.

八年级下unit6 how long have you been collecting shells? 学案

section b period three (1a-2c)


知识目标:单词: stamp,  kite,  coin,  collector,  collection   词组: fly a kite/fly kites 放风筝,

would like 想要,   so far 至今为止,   stuffed animal 填充玩具动物,

句型:1.i’d like to collect stamps because they are interesting. 

2.-how many do you have?      -i have 20.

3. -what does bob collect?       -he collects kites.        

4.-how long has he been collecting kites?

         -he’s been collecting kites since he was ten years old.

能力目标:通过对话的学习与操练去掌握表示业余兴趣的句型。如:①i would (i’d) like to… because…,

          ②i like…best,  ③i also like…, ④sb. have/has been collecting for/since…



1.放风筝 ___________  2.集邮 ___________  3.硬币 ___________  4.收藏家____________

4.收藏品 ___________  5.想要___________   6.stuffed animal _________7. so far __________


a: _______, linda! i heard you love _______ very much.

b: yeah! i have been _______ for nine years so_______.

a: well, _______ do you have?

b: let me see. er, i _______over 10000.

a: wow! how _______ have you collecting stamps?

b: i’ve been collecting it _______ i was six years old. what do you collect?

a:me? nothing. ________ like to save more money.

b:haha!i think you are a ________ of money.



1. -what _______ bob collect?   -he collects kites.

2. -can you fly a k_______.     -yes, i can. it is very easy.

3. when we post(寄) a letter, we have to put a s_______ on the envelope(信封).

4. my little sister loves to play s_________ animals.

5. our science teacher is an old stamp ________ [kə'lektə].


1. i like to collect shells ________ they are very beautiful.

   a. since        b. because      c. for            d. so7页,当前第31234567


2. - _______ has he been collecting coins?  -since he was a little boy.

   a. when       b. how long    c. what time     d. how soon

3. i’d like ______ shopping with you, but i am very busy now.

   a. to go       b. go           c. going         d. went

4. the boy has been playing the guitar _______ twelve years and now he was popular in qionghai.

   a. since       b. in           c. at            d. for

5. we ____ like collecting leaves(树叶).

   a. too         b. also         c. either         d. not

八年级下unit6 how long have you been collecting shells? 学案

section b period four (3a-4b)


知识目标:单词: globe,  favorite,  monster,  store,  cake,  particularly,  collector,  hobby,  common,

词组: thanks for doing感谢…, snow globe雪球,  send sb sth.送某人某物,   in fact事实上, 

all around到处,  run out of用尽,  on one’s +序数词+birthday在某人第几岁生日,

anyone else任何其他的人,  by the way顺便说一下,

句型:1.my mom says i have to stop, because we’ve run out of room to store them. 

2.i have a big one with bears in it and another one with penguins.

3. what’s your hobby? 

4.what is the most common/interesting/unusual hobby? 

5. what hobby would you like to have?

能力目标: 学会描述个人的兴趣爱好和询问他人的兴趣爱好。 



    thanks for sending me the snow ________ of the ________. i love it. in ________ i think it’s probably my

________. i’ve been ________ snow globes for seven years, and now i have 226 ________ them. my mom says i

have to ________, because we’ve run out of room to ________ them. they’ve ________ _________ our apartment.

i _________ love globes ________ animals. if you know ________ ________ who collects them, please tell me.


1. ellen collects snow globes.   ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ (     ) 7页,当前第41234567


2. ellen stores 206 of snow globes.       (     )

3. her mother would like to help her collect and store the snow globes.    (     )

4. ellen particularly loves globes with flowers.    (     )

5. ellen’s first globe was a birthday cake snow globe.    (     )

questions: 1. what did ellen get from jack?              ______________________________________

2. how long has she been collecting them?      ______________________________________

3. how many snow globes does ellen have?     ______________________________________

4. what does ellen’s mother say?             ______________________________________

5. what would ellen like to start?             ______________________________________



1. their ______ (hobby) are to collect kites and snow globes.

2. joe got a snow globe on her ______(nine) birthday.

3. thanks for ______(invite) me to your party.

4. liu qian is an ______ (usual) person. he can show us magic(魔术).

5. she ______ (send) me an interesting story book.

6. we can ______ (store) food in the refrigerator(冰箱).


1. i have a big snow globe _______ bear _______ it.

2. _______ fact, he doesn’t like vegetables.

3. thanks _______ sending me the postcard(明信片).

4. we are running out _______ room to store them.

5. _______ the way, are you free this sunday?

6. _______ his twentieth birthday, his parents were killed by the car accident.

八年级下unit6 how long have you been collecting shells? 学案

self check&reading period five


知识目标:单词: extra,  coin,  topic,  been,  writer,  dynasty,  character,  capital,  european,

russian,  australian,  jewish,  jew,  thousand,  emperor,  foreigner,  quite,  certain,  miss,

词组: be interested in对…感兴趣,  the capital of…省会/首都  in russian style用俄式风格,

more than超过, the olympic games奥林匹克运动会, have problem with在某方面有困难

in english用英语,far away在远方,  be welcomed by受到…的欢迎,  be certain确定…

the more…, the more…越…越…,enjoy doing sth喜欢做某事,

句型:1.i am interested in the job as a writer.      2.how long have you been writing in english?7页,当前第51234567


3. how many chinese dynasties/famous characters can you think of?

4.for a foreigner like me, the more i learn about chinese history, the more i enjoy living in china.




1.foreign ________ (名词)     2.jew ________ (形容词)      3. write ________ (作家)

4.europe ________(形容词)    5. be _______(过去分词)      6. certain ________(副词)


1. 对…感兴趣________ 2.用英语________  3. 受到…的欢迎________ 4.…省会/首都_________

5. far away________6. more than________7. be certain________8.dynasty_______9.character_______


1. what does leo do?                              ________________________________________

2. in what style are some of the old buildings in harbin?   ________________________________________

3. when did the first jews probably come to kaifeng?     ________________________________________

4. who was welcomed by the song emperor?            ________________________________________

5. is chinese history difficult to understand for leo?      ________________________________________



1.i live f_____ away from my school.

2.can you write a letter i________ english.

3. they do some e________ work to get more money.

4.i am c________(确定)that she told a lie.

5. the boy was q ________ crazy about skating.

6.england is an e________ country.

7.this is an interesting city ________(具有)a very _______['kʌləfəl] history.

8. i have been living in usa for two years, so i ¬¬________(想念)chinese food very much.

9.the 30th ________ ________(奥林匹克运动会) will take place in the c________ of the uk.

10.for a _____['fɔ:rinə]like me, t____ more i learn about chinese history, the more i enjoy living in china.


1. are you ________ (interest) in music?               2.there are many tall ________(build).

3. lu xun was one of the greatest ________ (write).

4.you need some ________(coin) to use the pay phone.

5. what’s the ________(common)hobby?7页,当前第61234567


6.i went to visit him and i was ¬¬¬________ (welcome) by his family.

7.hainan has ¬¬¬_______ (be) named as international tourism island(国际旅游岛), so more and more

________(foreigner)visit hainan.



i want to tell you about my h______.i like c______ kites.i have b______ collecting them for ten years.

i collect them b______ they’re beautiful and c______.i s______ them in boxes. on sunny sundays, i often

go to f____ kites.if i fly kites in the park, i will be w______ by many kids.my dream is to fly kites in

tian’anmen square of the c______ of beijing.if you know anyone e______ who collects kites, please tell

me. i w______ like to make f______ with them.


    last sunday, our school organized a talent show to raise money for charity. it was a great success. most

students took an active part in it (积极参加), and we raised 2,000 yuan in all.

    after the show, i interviewed three students. first, i talked with jiang shan. in the talent show, she danced

a ballet. “how long have you been dancing the ballet?” i asked. “for six years,” she answered. “why do you like

it?” “because i think it’s beautiful and i want to be a professional dancer when i grow up.”

    then i had a talk with sun jian. he played a piece of mozart’s music. he played wonderfully. “when did you

start playing the piano?” “um. i’m fifteen now and i have been playing it since i was six years old,” he said. “are

you going to play the piano after you finish high school?” “sure. my dream is to be a pianist.”

    finally, i talked with zhao ying, an 14-year-old girl. she sang us some folk songs. her voice was very sweet.

“i admire song zuying and i want to be a singer. i have been singing folk songs since five years ago,” she said.


name talent how many years dream

jiang shan ________ six ________

sun jian ________ ________ to be a pianist

zhao ying singing folk songs five ________



参考词汇:have been skating for/since…,want to be an excellent skater, a pair of, collect skates, store



假如你是mike, 你爱好集邮,请给你的笔友harry写一封信,谈谈你的爱好。不少于60个词。
