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Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music ?

Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music ?(精选5篇)

Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music ? 篇1

unit 7 would you mind turning down the music?


unit 7 would you mind turning down the music?


1. 重点短语:

(1) not at all 一点也不    (2) turn down 把音量调小

(3) right away 立刻,马上  (4) wait in line 排队等候

(5) cut in line 插队    (6) keep …down 控制,压低声音

(7) at first 首先    (8) put out 熄灭

(9) pick….up 捡起    (10) break the rules 违反规则

(11) no problem 没问题

2. 句型:

(1) would you mind doing…?

(2) could you please do…?

3. 交际用语:学会提出请求或表示抱怨

4. 语法:

(1) 情态动词could表示请求

(2) would you mind +动名词的用法


1. would you mind turning down the music?


ex: would you like some tea?

would you please come with us?

would you please not do this?


ex: do you mind if i put my bike here?

i don’t mind what you said.


would you mind opening the door?


(3) mind doing sth. 意为“介意做某事”,若表示“介意某人做某事”,则用mind sb. /one’s doing sth.

ex: 我在这吸烟你介意吗?

would / do you mind me / my smoking here?


i don’t mind your / you saying so.

(4) would you mind doing sth.?或would you mind not doing sth.?


ex: —would you mind moving your car?

—sorry, i’ll do it right away.

此句中的sorry还可以说成 “of course not. /certainly not.或no, not at all.

△ —would you mind not smoking here?

—sorry, i won’t do that again.

△ —would you mind my sitting here?

—sorry, you’d better not. /please don’t, it’s for tom.

—yes, i do mind.(是的,我介意。)

(5)turn down意为“调小,调低”,其反义词组为turn        .

若表示“打开或关上”电器开关等,则用turn        或turn        .

△ the tv is too loud. please turn                 .

it’s getting dark. please turn          the light.

i can’t hear clearly. would you mind                    the radio?

when you leave the room, please turn        the light.

2. —would you mind washing the dishes?

—no, not at all.

(1)此句中的not at all 意为“一点也不,根本不”。它还可以用来表示“不客气,不用谢”,用来回答对方的感谢。

thank you! —not at all. / that’s ok. / that’s all right. / you are welcome.

(2)not…at all 意为“根本不,一点也不”,此时的at all用在句尾。

i don’t like geography                 .

a. a little   b. a bit   c. a lot   d. at all

3. —would you mind cleaning your room?

—sorry, i’ll do it right away.

句中的right away意为“立刻,马上”,同义词为 “right now, at once, in a moment / minute”.

4. your father is at the meeting.

此句中的at the meeting 意为“在开会”,类似的短语有:at work, at school, at the cinema, at a party, at table等,均表示“在干……”。

5. could you please feed the dog?

△ could you please + v原意为“请你干……好吗?”相当于would /can you please +v原?此处的could和would不表示过去,只表示客气的语气。若表示“请你不要做……好吗?”则用could / would / can you please not +v原?


—could you please cook dinner?

—yes/sure. i’d love to. /no problem.


could you please         follow me around?

a. don’t    b. not    c. not to

6. there are many people waiting in line. 许多人在排队等候。

此句中的wait in line意为“排队等候”,若表示“插队”,则用cut in line,line的意思是“排,队,列”,in line意为“排队”。

(1) the students are standing in line.

(2) lines of trees “一排排的树”

7. i get annoyed when someone talks to me while i’m reading.

(1)get annoyed意为“生气,恼怒”,相当于get angry。annoyed是形容词,其动词形式是annoy,意为“使……恼怒/生气”,

ex: don’t annoy others. (make others annoyed)

(2)while i’m reading. 意为“当我在看书的时候”。

8. the pen you bought didn’t work.

(1)此句中含有一个定语从句,即you bought,省略了关系代词that,修饰先行词pen。

the boy you met just now is tom.


△ the computer works well.

△ i took some medicine, but it didn’t work.

9. perhaps in the future i should try not to be so polite.

(1)perhaps 用作副词,意为“或许,大概,可能”,相当于maybe。

perhaps / maybe the weather will get better.

(2)try not to do sth. 意为“尽量不做某事”。

please try                    (别迟到).

you should try                     (别吃垃圾食品).

(3)polite 意为“有礼貌的”,其反义词为impolite, be polite to sb.意为“对某人有礼貌”。

we should be polite to old people.

it’s impolite of you to say so.

10. classmates don’t return my eraser.

句中的return意为“归还,返回”,相当于get back, give back, come back等。

ex: (1) when did you return to china? (come /get back)

(2) could you please give back my book?

11. if you spend some time in an english-speaking country,…

(1)句中的english-speaking 意为“说英语的”,是由名词+动名词构成的。类似的词还有:tree-planting day(植树节)。

(2)spend意为“花费(时间,金钱)”等,常用短语有 “spend time/money on sth.”或 “spend time/money(in) doing sth.”

ex: he spend 2 hours doing his homework. (doing可用on替换)

12. would you mind keeping your voice down?


△ when we do eye exercises, we should keep our eyes closed.

it’s hot in the room. would you mind keeping the windows open.

△ don’t keep kids studying all day.

i’m sorry to keep you waiting too long.

△ nobody can keep him back.

you’d better keep your voice down.

△ please keep yourself from the grass.

i always keep my keys in my bag.

△ he kept smiling when he read the letter.


△ try not to make any        when you are in the reading room.

there’s too much      in the street. it’s too noisy.

—what about going fishing? —that        great.

can you hear the        of water?

the singer has a beautiful        .

a. sound  b. voice  c. noise  d. sounds

13. at first首先,at last / in the end / finally最后,终于

14. asia-asian, europe-european

france is in        , it’s a        country.

15. talking loudly is not allowed.

此句中的allow意为“允许,承认”,allow sb. to do sth. 意为“允许某人做某事”。

例如:parents should allow their children choose their friends.

smoking is not allowed here.

16. we should take care not to cough or sneeze loudly in public.

(1)此句中的take care意为“当心,小心”,take care not to do sth. 意为“小心不要做某事”。

take care! (=be careful!) the bus is coming.

please take care not to make any mistake.

(2)in public意为“在公共场所”,相当于in public places。

we shouldn’t speak loudly in public.

17. droping litter is almost never allowed.



1. —would you mind doing sth. ? 

2. —would you mind not doing sth.?

—sorry, i won’t do it again.

3. —could you(please) do sth. ?

—sure. that’s no problem. / with pleasure.

4. —could you please not do sth. ?

—ok, i won’t.


1. would you mind                      (调低)the radio?

2. could you please             (not smoke) here?

3. do you mind                 (not speak) loudly?

4. you should try           (not be) late for school again.

5. you’d better         (put) on another shirt.

6. —would you mind my smoking here?

—        . look at the sign. it says, “no smoking.”

a. of course not  b. no, i don’t  c. not at all  d. you’d better not

7. walking on the grass      .

a. don’t allow  b. not allow  c. is not allowed d. is allowed

Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music ? 篇2

unit 7 would you mind turning down the music?



mind    dish     task   clothing  poster

solution  annoy    line   return   voice 

etiquette  normal   asian  europe   allow

public    impolite  cough  smoke    sneeze

criticize  drop    litter  behave   perhaps

polite    uncomfortable 

not at all    一点也不

turn down     调节(收音机等)使音量变小

right away    立刻;马上

wait in line   排队等候

cut in line   插队

keep down     控制

at first     首先

break the rule 不服从;不遵守

put out      熄灭

put on      穿上

pick up      捡起

even if      即使


1. would you mind doing…?

2. do you mind doing…?

3. could / can / will / may you please do…?

4. would you mind not doing…?

5. not at all. i’ll do it right away.

6. sorry,i’ll do it right away.

7. please do / don’t…

8. you’d better do…


1. would you mind turning down the music?

2. whether和if引导从句的用法。

3. get的用法


1. would you mind…?和do you mind…? 用于询问或请求别人做某事,或请求他人的许可。

(1)mind后面可以用-ing形式,复合结构 one’s doing或if引导的从句。


would you mind doing the dishes?

= do you mind doing the dishes?

= please do the dishes.

请把餐具洗了好吗? (表示请求别人做事)

would you mind turning down the radio?

= do you mind turning down the radio?


(2)would you mind my doing…? = do you mind if i do…?



would you mind my smoking here?

= do you mind if i smoke here?


would you mind my asking you a question?

= do you mind if i ask you a question?


would you mind my opening the window?

=do you mind my opening the window?

= can i open the window?



在美国口语中还可以将这个句型用would you mind me doing sth.?来表达,但是在书面表达中要用my。

would you mind me using your car? 我用一下你的车好吗?

(3)询问有关人们感觉的一般性问题,可以用do you mind…?通常不用would you mind…?


do you mind people smoking in your house? 你介意别人在你家里吸烟吗?

这里不能说would you mind people smoking in your house?

(4)这个句型的否定形式是在mind后加not,即would you mind not…?或do you mind not…?


would you mind not playing basketball here? 你不要在这打篮球好吗?

would you mind not wearing those old jeans?

(5)回答do/would you mind…? 提出的问题时,表示允许要说no或not at all等;

如果介意要做肯定回答yes. 或yes,i’m sorry,but i do.等,


--do you mind if i ask you a question? 我可以问你的一个问题吗?

--no,please do.可以,请问吧。

2. 通常既可用whether 也可用if 表示“是否”来引导从句,常置于see,ask,learn,tell,wonder,doubt,find out等动词之后。


i'm not sure whether /if i'll have time. 我不敢肯定我是否会有时间。

he asked me whether/if i could help him.

i want to know whether/if he lives there. 




success depends on whether we make enough effort. 

(2)在英语中与or (not) 连用的词通常是whether


whether we help him or not,he will fail. 不论我们帮助他与否, 他都将失败。



please tell us whether to go or stay here.请告诉我们是走还是留。

they didn’t know whether to agree or keep silent. 他们不知道是应该同意还是保持沉默。



whether the meeting will be in beijing is not known yet. 会议是否在北京举行还不得而知。

it's not sure whether he is free. 他是否有时间不确定。

3. get on / get off ( a / the bus,train,boat,plane) 上/下(公共汽车、火车、船、飞机)


she got on / off the bus quickly.

get on还可以表示为:相处融洽、继续。


get on with your work! 继续工作吧!

i get on well with all my classmates. 我和所有的同学相处都很融洽。




she got there at six.


when we got to the station, the bus was waiting.

当我们到达车站时,汽车还在等着。(the station是名词)

(2)get sth. done使;受;让人做好;经历;让;做(该做的事)


i'll just get these dishes washed and then i'll come. 我得把盘子洗了,然后就来。

i must get the television fixed. 我必须请人修理一下这台电视机。



i got my feet wet. 我把脚弄湿了。

it's time to get the kids ready for school. 该给孩子们收拾好去上学了。



my hands are getting cold. 我的手冷。

the food's getting cold. 菜凉了。

this skirt is getting dirty;it needs washing. 这件短裙脏了,该洗一洗了。

he is getting old. 他渐渐老了。



i must get some fruit in the market. 我得在市场上买点水果。

i'll get something to eat before i got out. 我出去之前要找点东西吃。


一. 单项选择

1. — may i help you? you have lots of things to carry.  

— would you mind ______ for me?

a. carrying these books  

b. carry these books

c. to carry these books  

d. will carry these books

2. — will you come to the net bars(网吧)with me?

— sorry.my mother always tells me ____ there. 

a.not go 


c.not to go 

d.to go

3. the old man wondered ____.  

a.whether the american pilot had seen ufo

b.whether had the american pilot seen ufo

c.how had the american pilot seen ufo

d.that the american pilot had seen ufo

4. _________ he left here?

a. do you think when

b. when do you think

c. do you think how long

d. how long do you think

5. — we are going to have a picnic tomorrow. what's the weather like,mike?

— why not ____ the radio and listen to the weather report?      

a.turn on

b.turn off

c.take away

d.find out

6. — do you mind if i sit here?

— ______. it's for mr. brown.

a. not at all       

b. never mind

c. better not       

d. of course not

7. — can you write a letter in english?

— no,i ____.

a.may not




8.“help ____ to some meat,mary,”my aunt said to me.  





9. he asked ____ they needed some more tea.





10. wei fang is young,but she plays ping-pong ____ her mother.

a.as good as

b.as well as

c.as better as

d.as best as

11. could you ____,please? it's too loud.

a.turn down the radio

b.turn on the radio

c.turn on the tv

d.turn it on

二. 选择正确的词组,用其正确形式填空

put on    annoy    put out    not at all    behave

1. please ______ the light before you go to bed.

2. the boy ______ very well last night.

3. i was _____ by his bad manners.

4. — thank you very much

— _______.

5. it is quite cold here. you'd better ____ your coat.

三. 完型填空

miss richards was a teacher at a school for boys and girls. she  1  chemistry and physics from the lowest to the highest classes in the  2 . sometimes the new classes  3  rapidly,but sometimes they were very  4 ,and then miss richard's had to  5  things many times.

one year,the first class had been studying chemistry for several  6  when miss richards suddenly asked,“what is water? who knows?  7  up?”

there was silence (沉默) for a few seconds,and miss richards felt saddened(难过),but then one boy  8  his hand.

“yes,dick?”said miss richards encouragingly(鼓励地). he was not one of the brightest children in the class,so she was  9  that he could answer.

“water is a liquid which has no  10  until you wash your hands in it,miss. then it turns black,”the boy replied with great confidence(信心).

1. a.teaches    b.teaching     c.taught         d.teach

2. a.schooling   b.school      c.schools         d.home

3. a.learned    b.learning     c.had been learned    d.were learned

4. a.slow      b.being slow    c.slowly          d.slowest

5. a.repeated   b.repeating    c.do            d.repeat

6. a.years     b.minutes      c.weeks          d.seconds

7. a.put      b.hands       c.get            d.look

8. a.lows      b.ride       c.raised          d.put

9. a.sad      b.glad       c.angry           d.hungry

10. a.colour    b.colourful    c.colourless        d.with colour

四. 阅读理解

we spent a day in the country and picked a lot of flowers. our car was full of flowers inside! on the way home we had to stop at traffic lights,and there my wife saw the bookshelf.

it stood outside a furniture(家具)shop.“buy it,”she said at once.“we’ll carry it home on the roof-rack(车顶架). i’ve always wanted one like that.”

what could i do? ten minutes later i was twenty dollars poorer,and the bookshelf was tied on to the roof rack. it was tall and narrow,quite heavy too.

as it was getting darker,i drove slowly. other drivers seemed more polite than usual that evening. the police even stopped traffic to let us through. carrying furniture was a good idea.

after a time my wife said,“there’s a long line of cars behind. why don’t they overtake(超车)?”

just at that time a police car did overtake. the two officers(警官)inside looked at us seriously when they went past. but then, with a kind smile they asked us to follow their car through the busy traffic. the police car stopped at our village church(教堂). one of the officers came to me.

“right,sir,”he said.“do you need any more help now?”

i didn’t quite understand.“thanks,officer,”i said.“you’ve been very kind. i live just down the road.”

he was looking at our things: first at the flowers,then at the bookshelf.“well,well,” he said and laughed. “it’s a bookshelf you’ve got there! we thought it was——er,something else.”

my wife began to laugh. suddenly i understood why the police drove here. i smiled at the officer. “yes, it’s a bookshelf,but thanks again.” i drove home as fast as i could.

1.from the story we know that ________.

a.the writer was poor and didn’t buy the bookshelf for his wife

b.the writer’s wife didn’t like the bookshelf at all

c.the writer was always glad to buy something for his wife

d.the writer was not very glad to buy the bookshelf for his wife

2.what made the writer think that carrying furniture was “a good idea”?

a.he could drive slowly and it was safe.

b.other drivers would let him go first.

c.his wife could use a new bookshelf.

d.he could save a lot of money and time.

3.why were the police and other drivers so kind to the writer?

a.because they thought the writer liked studying very much and needed a bookshelf.

b.because they didn’t think it was polite to overtake a car with a bookshelf on it.

c.because they thought somebody in the writer’s family had died and he needed help.

d.because they thought it was dangerous to carry a bookshelf on a car.

4.why did the writer’s wife begin to laugh?

a.because now she knew what mistake the police had made.

b.because at last her husband understood why the police had driven to the church.

c.because the officer was always looking at the flowers and the bookshelf.

d.because the police had helped them a lot.

5.when did the officers begin to realize(意识到)they had made a mistake?

a.before they arrived at the church.

b.before they overtook(overtake的过去式)the writer’s car.

c.after one of them looked at the flowers and the bookshelf carefully at the church.

d.after the writer’s family left the church.

五. 完成句子,每空一词

1. 不要在床上看书, 这对你的眼睛有害。

don't read in bed. ______ bad ______ your eyes.

2. 胡先生每天花半小时吃午饭。

it ______ mr hu half an hour ______ have lunch every day.

3. 如果你努力一些, 你就会赶上你的同学们。

if you works harder, you'll ______ with your classmates.

4. 我正想睡觉,你能把音乐声关小吗?

i'm _______to sleep,________ you _________ the music,please?

5. 交通局想要车主付一大笔罚款。

the ministry of communications wanted the car’s owner to _____ _____ _____ _____.



1. a

2. 根据句意可知此题考查动词不定式的否定形式,即tell sb.not to do sth.故此题应选c。

3. a 

4. 本题要考虑do you think在特殊疑问句中的用法。在含有do you think的特殊疑问句中,do you think常位于疑问词之后,形成“疑问词(做主语或修饰主语)+do you think+谓语……?”或“疑问词(不做主语或不修饰主语)+do you think+主语+谓语……?”的结构,也可以用“do you know+疑问词+谓语……?”或“do you know+疑问词+主语+谓语……?”分别表示上述两个结构的意思,本题可改为:do you know when he left here? 本题选b。

5. a   turn on 打开电视、收音机之类带旋钮的设备。

6. 本题考查的是交际用语。乍一看,应选a、b、d,但是且看下文it's for mr. brown.就不难判断,正确答案为c,意为:你最好不要坐在这。

7. c

8. c   mary是一个人,故用yourself。

9. c

10. b   well修饰play。

11. a


1. put out

2. behaved

3. annoyed

4. not at all

5. put on


1—5 cbaad  6—10 cbcba


1、d  2、b  3、c  4、a  5、c


1. it's,for  

2. takes,to 

3. catch up 

4. trying,could,turn,down 

5. pay,a,big,fine

Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music ? 篇3

unit 7 would you mind turning down the music ?

analysis of unit 7

teaching goals:

1.      学习would you mind doing sth ?这一句型,学会恳请对方对于某事如何表达歉意。

2.      本单元围绕“歉意、恳请”这一话题展开教学,以此培养学生的交际能力。

important  points :

a: would you mind doing sth ?

b: i’m sorry .i’ll do it right away .

a: would you mind not doing sth ?

b: sorry. we’ll go and play in the park .

difficult points :

比较:   would you mind (not) doing sth ?

could you please do sth ?

please do sth .

you have to do sth .


would you mind cleaning your room ?

i’m sorry .i’ll do it right away .

would you mind moving your bike ?

no, not at all .i’ll do it right away .

key words: mind, yard, dish, poster, take, annoy, wait in line, cut in line, turn down, right away, in a minute, not at all

period  1

teaching procedures:

step 1  assign the task

write the following requests on the bb :

can you cut the apples ?

please cut the apples.

would you mind cutting the apples?

explain that the last example is a very polite way of making a request .

step 2  warm up section a(1a-1c)

sb page 52 ,1a .

would you mind cleaning the yard?

would you mind not playing baseball here?

would you mind moving your bike?

would you mind turning down the music?

1.      point to the four requests above .say each phrase to the class and ask the ss to repeat it .

2.      point to the picture .ask ss to write the letter of each request in the correct place in the picture .

3.      correct the answers .

sb page 52 ,1b .

1.      point to the list of requests in activity 1a.play the recording the first time .ss only listen .

2.      play the recording a second time .correct the answers .

sb page 52 ,1c.

1.      ask two students to read the words in the sample dialogue in activity 1c. say, you’ll work with your partner .make requests .

2.      ask two pairs to say their conversations to the class .

step 3  pre-task   section a (2a-2c)

sb page 53 ,2a .

1.      read the instructions with the students .play the recording the first time .ss only listen .

2.      play the recording a second time .ask ss to write the number of each conversation .

3.      correct the answers.

sb page 53 , 2b .

1.      point out the five responses in activity 2b .ask different ss to read each one to the class .

2.      play the recording .this time ask ss to fill in the letters of the pictures in front of the responses .

3.      correct the answers .

sb page 53 , 2c .

ask two ss to read the words in the sample dialogue .say, make conversations like this about the information above .

step 4  grammar focus

1.      review the grammar box .ask students to say the statements and responses .

2.      ask students to talk about the differences among the different sentences .

exercise: 汉译英:

a)                 你介意把门关上吗?好的,我马上就办。

b)                 你介意把收音机关小点儿声吗?不,一点也不。

c)                 请不要在教室里大声说话好吗?对不起。


1.i ______(ran out of/run out of) money. what should i do?

答案:ran out of

2.would you mind ______(close/closing) the door?


3.could you______(turning down/turn down) the music, please?

答案:turn down 

4.his hobby is collecting old______(coins/cousins).


5.how long have you been______(watching/listening to) music videos?

答案:listening to

6.the more leo learns about chinese, the ______(more/most) he enjoys himself in china.


7.—would you mind keeping your voice down?

—______.(ok,i’ ll do/sorry)


8.would you mind______(not very close to me/not standing very close to me)?

答案:not standing very close to me

9.it’ s so cold. could you ______(closing/close) the door?


10.i______(asked/ordered) a humburgar for my friend. but the clerk gave me french fries.


period  2

teaching procedures :

step 1  pre-task

sb page 54 , 3a .

1.      read the instructions .point to the pictures .ask ss to explain what is happening in each picture .

2.      point to the note .ask ss to read the note and fill in answers .

3.      check the answers .

sb page 54 , 3b .

1.      read the instructions .point out the list of requests and commands in the box .

2.      ask ss to make conversation like the sample dialogue .

3.      ask several pairs to say one of their conversations to the class .

sb page 54 , part 4.

1.      ask ss to complete the work in groups .

2.      ask a few students to share the sample conversation .


a:             mind       up ?  you       to help me in the kitchen .

b: ok .i’ll get up right       . do i have to       the dishes .

a: yes , and you have to help me       dinner .

b: ok . when i finish       , you help me      my homework ?

a: sure .


1.would you mind ______ ______ ______ ______(把音响声音关小点)?

答案:turning down the stereo

2.if you ______ ______(来这里),i’ ll ______ you a ______(给你个惊喜).

答案:come here, give, surprise

3.while i was ______ ______(种蔬菜)in the garden, one of my old friends______ to______ me(来访).

答案:growing vegetables, came, visit   

4.the reporter said we ______ ______ ______ ______(将赢得这场比赛).

答案:would win the match 

5.would you mind ______ ______ ______ ______(不要对我讲话)?

答案:not talking to me

period  3

teaching procedures :

step 1  assign task

teach the new words .

sb page 55 , 1a .

1.      read the instruction and ask ss to read each situation and think about the two questions .

2.      ask some students to share their answers with the class .ask other students whether they agree with the opinions or not .

sb page 55 , 1b .

1.      help the students understand that something that is unpleasant or something that bothers you is annoying .

2.      then ask the students to number the ideas from most annoying to least annoying .

3.      ask the class to vote on the most annoying item on the list .

sb page 55 , 2a .

1.      read the instructions .play the r4ecording .this time ss only listen .answer any questions they have about the recording .

2.      play the recording again and ask the students to write the number 1, 2 and 3 in front of the correct pictures .

3.      correct the answers .

sb page 55 , 2b .

1.      say , listen to the three conversations again .this time write the situations ,problems and solutions in the chart .

2.      point out the sample answers .play the recording again .ask ss to fill in the answers on their own .you may need to pause the tape from time to time to allow students to write answers in their books.

3.      check the answers .

sb page 55 , 2c .

1.      read the instructions .point out the problems in activity 2b  .

2.      ask one or two students to say the conversations to the class .

step 2  while-task

sb page 56 , 3a.

1.      read the article to the class .ask ss which words they don’t understand. write these words on the board .

2.      ask students to underline the things that are annoying .then have the students circle what people do when something annoying happen.

3.      correct the answers with the class .

sb page 56 , 3b .

1.      look at each picture with the class .ask different students to tell what is happening in each picture .

2.      read the instructions and ask students to complete the activity on their own .

3.      check the answers .

sb page 56 , part 4 .

1.      this activity provides speaking ,listening and writing practice using the target language .

2.      ask students to complete the work in groups .


1.i ______(ran out of/run out of) money.what should i do?

答案:ran out of

2.would you mind ______(close/closing) the door?


3.could you______(turning down/turn down) the music,please?

答案:turn down 

4.his hobby is collecting old______(coins/cousins).


5.how long have you been______(watching/listening to) music videos?

答案:listening to

6.the more leo learns about chinese,the ______(more/most) he enjoys himself in china.


7.—would you mind keeping your voice down?

—______.(ok,i’ ll do/sorry)


8.would you mind______(not very close to me/not standing very close to me)?

答案:not standing very close to me

9.it’ s so cold.could you ______(closing/close) the door?


10.i______(asked/ordered) a humburgar for my friend.but the clerk gave me french fries.



1.would you mind ______ ______ ______ ______(把音响声音关小点)?

答案:turning down the stereo

2.if you ______ ______(来这里),i’ ll ______ you a ______(给你个惊喜).

答案:come here,give,surprise

3.while i was ______ ______(种蔬菜)in the garden,one of my old friends______to______me(来访).

答案:growing vegetables,came,visit     

4.the reporter said we ______ ______ ______ ______(将赢得这场比赛).

答案:would win the match 

5.would you mind ______ ______ ______ ______(不要对我讲话)?

答案:not talking to me

period  4

teaching procedures:

step 1  self check

sb page 57, part 1 .

1.      ask ss to fill in the blanks on their own .check the answers.

2.      ask ss to make their own sentences with the words ,preferably sentences that are meaningful .

sb page 57, part 2 .

1.      ask the students what might be annoying in the picture .

2.      ask the students to write the letter on their own .

3.      ask a few students to share their letters .

step 2  while-reading

sb page 58 , section 1 .

1.      read the title .ask the students to predict what they think the article is about based on the article .

2.      look at the picture .ask students to describe what is happening in the picture .

sb page 58 , section 2 .

1.      encourage ss to use the reading strategy of scanning for specific information .

2.      ask ss to read the article carefully once time .then ask ss to raise their hands and say which words and sentences they don’t understand .encourage ss to read in contest ,guessing the meaning of words and phrases from the other words around them.

3.      ask the ss to read the article again for comprehension .

sb page 58 , section 3 .

1.      complete the task .ss can work individually or in pairs .

2.      check the answers .

3.      practice students’ speaking and listening skills .

homework: 词组翻译

1.      控制你的声音      2. 熄灭        3. 例如

4.      在公共场所        5. 捡起垃圾    6. 实际上

7.      排队              8. 变得气恼


1.the girl was born ______ the morning of june 18th,1991.

a.at             b.on              c.in               d.during


2.i am full now.but thank you______.

a.at the same    b.the all time        c.same to you     d.all the same


3.he will be back ______ he is free.

a.while          b.because       c.after           d.if


4.______you get up late,you’ ll be______for school.

a.when;late          b.because;early     c.if;late                 d.so;early


5.it’ s nice______to you.

a.to talk         b.talk             c.talked                d.is talking


6.i don’ t mind his ______ at me.

a.shout                b.shouted        c.shouting         d.shouts


7.please bring me some food.i’ m______hungry now.

a.much          b.more          c.most                d.very


8.what day______ tomorrow?

a.it will      b.will it              c.it will be        d.will it be


9.it’ s very cold today.please keep the door______.

a.closed        b.close                   c.open                  d.opened


10.this pair of jeans is different______ that one.

a.to                b.with               c.on               d.from


11.i can buy ______ because i have no money.

a.anything           b.nothing               c.something     d.any thing


12.—is jim coming later?

—he ______ if he can.

a.comes        b.came           c.coming              d.will come


13.if it ______ tomorrow,we’ ll have a sports meeting.

a.isn’ t rain           b.doesn’ t rain      c.rains             d.not rain


14.don’ t laugh______ your classmates when they______ mistakes.

a.at;make        b.at;made       c.to;make            d.with;have


15.thank you for ______ us.we really enjoyed ______.

a.join;ours           b.joining;ourselves  c.join;ourselves      d.joining;us


Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music ? 篇4

period  3

teaching of new lesson

step 1  assign task

sb page 71,  1a.

1. read the instructions.

2. read each sentence to the class.

3. read the instruction again and say, put 1after the most important reason that you learn english ,put 2 after the second most important reason and continue the same way.

4. do a quick check to see which reasons ss think are most important.

sb page 71, 1b.

1. point to the example in the sample dialogue .ask two students to read it to the class.

2. ss work in groups.

3. ask several groups to say their conversations.

sb page 71, 2a.

1. read the instructions and point out the sample answer.

2. play the recording .ask ss to circle their answers.

3. check the answers.

sb page 71, 2b.

1. read the instructions and point out the questionnaire .ask a student to read the headings at the left.

2. play the recording .ask ss to fill in the answers.

3. check the answers. ask ss to write the answers on the board.

sb page 71, 2c.

1. point to the example in the sample dialogue .ask two students to read it to the class.

2. ask ss to work in small groups.

3. ask several pairs to say their conversations to the class.

step 2  while-task

sb page 72, 3a.

1. ask different students to read each of the paragraphs to the class .answer any questions students may have.

2. then say, now read the paragraphs again and answer the questions .correct the answers.

sb page 72, 3b.

1. ask ss to review the information in activity 3a.

2. ss write articles about themselves .as they work, move around the room offering language support as needed.

sb page 72, part 4.

1. read the instructions to the class.

2. point out the example in the speech bubbles and have two students read it to the class.

3. discuss the answers with the class.

period  4

teaching of new lesson

step 1  self check

sb page 73, part 1.

1. ask ss to fill in the blanks on their own.

2. check the answers.

3. ask ss to make their own sentences with the words.

4. write a number of students’ answers for each word on the board

sb page 73, part 2.

1. read the instructions with the students.

2. ask ss to complete the task by interviewing other students.

3. ask ss to share their results with the class.

sb page 73, part 3.

1. read the instructions and sample answer with the students.

2. ask ss to complete the task.

3. ask ss to share their short report with the class. make sure ss include details.

step 2  while-reading

have you ever been to singapore?

sb page 74, section 1.

1. ask ss if they have ever thought about traveling to a favorite foreign destination .elicit ideas as a class.

2. ask the groups to choose one of the capital cities in the box and write four things the group knows about it.

3. discuss answer as a class.

sb page 74, section 2.

ask ss to read slowly and thoughtfully .they should be aware of the words they are reading as they read.

sb page 75, section 3.

1. ask ss to scan the reading to find more words for the different categories.

2. ask the class for any unusual words that they have found.

3. 3c. tell ss to first read the false information given in the exercise .then ask them to scan the reading to find the correct details to write a true sentence.

4. ss complete the task.

5. check the answers.

exercise designing for period 4:单项选择

(   )1. he     to canada ,so you can not see him recently .

a. went   b. has been  c. has gone  d. have been gone

(   )2. —    have you been there since you became a teacher


a. how often       b. how soon 

c. how long        d. hoe many times

(   )3. london has ever hosted the modern olympics     paris .

a. so does          b. so has  

c. nor does         d. neither has

(   )4. — i haven’t been to the space museum .

—       .

a. so do i          b. me too   

c. me neither       d. so have i

(   )5. there are many stores      you can buy souvenirs from my hometown .

a . which    b. where      c. when       d. there

Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music ? 篇5

unit 7  would you mind turning down the music?

i.               教学目标


2. 能使用目标语言表示歉意

3. 能写一张留言条。


5. 能比较熟练的使用目标语言写一封complaint letter


sample 1: show us




1.       组织学生们一起思考描述这些情景所需要的语言。 如一组学生表演吸烟的情景,教师

可以提供一个范例:would you mind not smoking? not at all. i’ll stop right now.

2.    学生们开始在课堂上展示他们设计的情景教师引导其它学生用目标语言来描述这些情景。

3.       引导学生归纳目标语言。


would you mind not smoking?

not at all. i’ll stop right now.

would you mind turning down the music?

ok. i’ll do it right away.

sample 2: opposites



1.    把全班同学分成两个大组(team a &team b)。

2.    教师与两个组的四位同学做一个示范:

teacher: well, we are going to present an example. make sure that you know how to do it.

student a1: would you mind coming to class early?

student b1: would you mind not coming to class late?

student b 2: would you mind talking softly?

student a 2: would you mind not talking loudly?

(when a student from team a makes a statement, a student from team b says a sentence that means almost the same thing, but uses opposite language. a team gets a point each time a

team member says a correct opposite sentence.)

3. 确认全班同学都明确游戏规则后,开始活动。教师可以自己做记分员, 也可请一位同学承担。



would you mind not smoking here?

would you mind turning down the music?

sample 3: finish the note on page 54




1.    请一位同学读指示语。确认每位同学都已清楚任务要求。

2.    把下面三个结构写在黑板上:would you mind……? could you……? have to…..

3.    简单说明这几种结构都可以用来提出要求与请求。

4.    指导学生共同来观察五幅图中描述的情景。

5.    小组活动开始。

6.    请同学读本组的作品。教师和其他同学可一起点评。


feed the dog

cooking dinner

go to the library/ return the book to the library

do your homework

sample 4: write a polite letter complaining about three things to your new neighbour

这是在self check中的一个活动。这个任务基本上把本单元的目标语言都包含在内。培养学



1.       请一个学生读指示语。

2.       组织同学观察图片并讨论图片中让人气恼的事情。

3.       学生们开始自己的写作。

4.       邀请一些同学宣读自己的作品。

5.       师生点评。



sample 5: write a portfolio page with the title i can stand it!




1.  布置任务。

2.  学生在课下创作。

3.  课上开展四人小组活动,互相交流作品。

4.  各组推荐一份作品与全班共享。

5.  师生点评。



iii. 注释

culture notes:

1. pronunciation note

the way you say the words when making a request or apologizing makes a big difference. if you say, would you mind not sitting there? (saying the word mind very loudly )the request does not sound polite. it sounds angry. in the same way, if you say, i’m sorry. i’ll do it right away( saying the word sorry very loudly), the apology does not sound real. it sounds like you are not sorry at all.

2. do you have a collection? many people begin collecting something when they are young and keep it up for their entire lives. stamps are a common thing to collect and a good collection of stamps can be both educational an valuable. but people who keep things because they think they will some day be valuable are often disappointed. almost anything is fun to collect because a collection shows variations on an idea. most collectors are interested in the differences between their objects. a collector of chopsticks in shanghai now has his own museum. other people collect more unusual things . for example, prince charles of england collects old toilets.

3. people in some cultures feel it is impolite to complain openly about a problem. instead, these people try to solve the problem quietly for themselves, or they speak softly and politely to the other person. people in some other cultures feel it is normal to complain when there is a problem and they try to solve it quickly and directly. ask students which type of culture they think theirs is. if their culture uses the quieter approach, contrast this with the direct approach that is common in the united states. what are the advantages of each approach?