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8B Unit 5 Welcome to the unit导学案

8B Unit 5 Welcome to the unit导学案

8b  unit 5  international charities

welcome to the unit

班级______________ 姓名______________ 学号______________


1. 了解世界上的几大慈善组织。

2. 探讨如何才能更好地帮助贫困地区的人们。

3. 培养对单词后缀的理解。

4. 学习用后缀-ment,-ness,-ion来构成名词。



词汇:international adj.    pocket n.     further adv.     agreement n.

      invention n.        punish v.      ugly adj.

词组:pocket money      be used to     health care

句型:i’m not used to going out before lunch.

      hobo, you used to be very kind to me.

      i’m so weak that i can’t walk any further.







1. she __________ (take) to the hospital already.

2. the pictures should __________ (stick) on the back wall of our classroom.

3. i am very happy __________ (invite) to the party.

4. this kind of cloth __________ (wash) very well.

5. a sports meeting __________ (hold) tomorrow.

6. look! this window is __________ (break). it__________ (break) by jack.


1. 食品价格仍在上涨。

food prices ________ ________ ________.

2. 我们想要感谢我们老师的帮助和支持。

we want to ________ ________ our________ help and ________.

3. 两节课后我们有10分钟的休息。

after two classes we have ________ ________ ________.

4. 那位科学家作了一篇关于污染的演讲。

the scientist ________ ________ ________ ________ ________.

5. 他来伦敦的目的是为了看望你的家人吗?

did he come to london ________ the ________ ________ ________ your family?

6. 他们是那些帮助使这次义演成功而捐献时间和实物的人们。

they are the people who have ________ time and ________ to help ________

this show ________.




orbis_______________   world vision_______________   unicef_______________

oxfam_______________   world wide fund for nature____________________________



1. have some pocket money left_________   2. be used to going out before lunch__________

3. used to be very kind to me___________   4. international charities____________________


5. i’m so weak that i can’t walk any further._________________________________________5页,当前第112345

8B Unit 5 Welcome to the unit导学案


6. need health care most_______________   7. treat many patients______________________

8. most cases of blindness______________   9. do not have to pay for the treatment________

10. can be cured or prevented___________   11. operate on the patient__________________

12. perform an operation_______________   13. be able to receive education_____________

14. be treated with kindness____________   15. make the world a better place for children___


16. an organization that works to improve the lives of children___________________________




1. arrange ____________

2. excite _____________

3. agree _____________

4. develop ___________

5. improve___________

6. advertise __________

7. punish ____________

8. treat ______________

9. operate _____________

10. donate ____________

11. educate____________

12. celebrate___________

13. collect _____________

14. invent _____________

15. organize ___________

16. invite _____________

17. ill _______________

18. blind _____________

19. rich ______________

20. kind _____________

21. ugly _____________

22. sick ______________

23. happy ____________

24. busy______________



1. you have some pocket money left. 你还剩下一些零花钱。

1) left原形为leave,意为“留下”,“落下”。

leave sb. sth. = leave sth. for sb. “把…留给某人”     leave sth. sp. “把…落在某地”

e.g. 有人给你留了张条子。   someone ______ ______ this note.

                           = someone ______ this note______ ______.

    我把我的作业落在家了。 i ______ my homework ______ ______.

2) 此处left是过去分词,做定语修饰sth.。相当于一个形容词。

e.g. 我饿了,你剩下吃的东西了吗?  i’m hungry. do you ______ anything to eat ______?

快点,我们几乎没有时间剩下了。hurry up, there is little time ______.

2. be used to   意为“习惯于…”,后接名词或动名词。即:be used to sth. / doing sth.。

e.g. 1) 我习惯于早起。            i ______ ______ ______ ______ up early.

2) 他己经习惯于这儿的生活了。he______ ______ ______ ______ the life here.

used to do sth.   意思是____________。相当于often did sth. in the past。

e.g. 1) 她过去是一名数学老师。    she ______ ______ ______ a math teacher.

2) 她过去常在课堂上讲话。    she______ ______ ______ in class.5页,当前第212345

8B Unit 5 Welcome to the unit导学案

3. i’m so weak that i can’t walk any further.


1) 两者均可用以表示距离更远。

e.g. 我扔得比你远的多。              i throw ______ ______ ______ you.

    我们要是不休息就再也走不动了。 we can’t ______ ______ ______ without resting.

2) further还可用以表示“更加”,“更进一步”。

e.g. 他明年将出国深造。         he will go abroad for ________ ________.

    让我们再进一步讨论一下。   let’s have a ________ ________.


step 1. lead-in

revise different charities in china. lead in international charities.

step 2. presentation

1. show the logos of the international charities.

teach their names and discuss how they work.

2. talk about what people in poor countries need most.

step3. comic strip

listen, read and answer. act out the dialogue.

step 4. vocabulary

teach the suffixes -ment, -ness and -ion. finish the exercises on page 82.



orbis     oxfam     unicef     world vision     world wide fund for nature

1. ____________ works to help people with eye problems around the world.

2. ____________ works to stop poverty(贫困) and injustice(不公平) in many countries.

3. ____________ works for children to make sure that they are healthy and can get education.

4. ____________ works to protect the environment and wild animals around the world.

5. ____________ works to help people in poor areas. it provides funds for development

projects in poor areas around the world.


1. english is an __________ (国际的) language. people speak english in many countries.

2. why do you spend so much p__________ money on computer games?

3. if you want to know f__________ information about it, you can search the internet.

4. i think h__________ care is the first important thing for us.

5. the young woman looks __________ (丑陋的), but she is very friendly and helpful.

6. you will have to get your parents’ __________ (同意) if you want to go on the trip.

7. my parents __________ (惩罚) me because i made a big mistake.

8. the computer was one of the greatest __________ (发明) in the history.

9. for parents, it’s important to __________ (教育) the children in a proper way.

10. the old man is __________ (瞎的) in both eyes.


8B Unit 5 Welcome to the unit导学案

1. i’m sorry. there’s no milk __________ (leave) in the fridge.

2. she used to ________ (run) in the morning, but now she is used to __________ (get) up late.

3. there is need for __________ (improve) in your handwriting.

4. her parents are worried about her __________ (ill).

5. she was __________ (invite) to the party but she refused(拒绝) the __________ (invite).

6. many people can be cured because of the __________ (develop) of science and technology.

7. i often share my __________ (happy) and sadness with my friends.

8. many children take an active part in sending __________ (donate) to unicef.

9. unicef believes that all children should be able to get __________ (educate).

10. the blind need good __________ (treat) but they are too poor to pay for it.

11. every year, he performs over 200 __________ (operate) on blind people.

12. many people are blind. most cases of __________ (blind) can be cured or prevented.


(   ) 1. the old man should be treated with ______.


       a. kind

     b. kindness

   c. kindly

d. kinder


(   ) 2. she is uesd to ______ on a plane and isn’t afraid of ______ any more.


       a. work; flying

     b. working; flying

   c. work; fly

d. working; fly


(   ) 3. which charity is helping blind people?


       a. oxfam

     b. unicef

   c. orbis

d. the red cross


(   ) 4. the old man is ______ old ______ he can’t look after himself.


       a. too; to

     b. so; that

   c. very; that

d. a & b


(   ) 5. ---is your father a teacher? ---well, he ______.


       a. used to

     b. was used to

   c. used to be

d. is used to be


(   ) 6. it’s ______ lovely day that i’d like ______ swimming.


       a. such; going

     b. so; to go

   c. such a; to go

d. so a; going


(   ) 7. in the end, i ______ the hard work.


       a. used to do

     b. was used to do

   c. is used to do

d. was used to doing


(   ) 8. the trousers are ______ small ______ my son to wear.


       a. too; to5页,当前第412345

8B Unit 5 Welcome to the unit导学案

     b. too; for

   c. to; to

d. to; for



1. we are used to doing a lot of homeowrk every day. (改为一般疑问句)

  ________ you ________ ________ ________ a lot of homework every day?

2. he often watched tv in the evening in the past. (改为同义句)

  he ________ ________ ________ tv in the evening.

3. i’m so weak that i can’t walk any further. (改为同义句)

i’m ________ ________ ________ ________ any further.

4. the restaurant is beside that shop. (改为同义句)

  the restaurant is ________ ________ that shop.

5. many patients are too poor to have the money to go to hospital. (改为同义句)

many patients are ______ ______ ______ they ______ have the money to go to hospital.

6. you used to be very kind to me. (改为否定句)

  you ________ ________ ________ be very kind to me.

  you ________ ________ be very kind to me.
