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A Phone Friend教案

A phone Friend教案

a phone friend教案

lesson 41  a phone friend

i’ll prepare to say the lesson from four parts.

part 1. analysis of the teaching materials.

1. the status and function

this lesson is an important lesson in unit 6. from this lesson we can learn about how to deal with the language difficulties in communication. it tells the students how to speak english on the phone, such a topic is related to daily life, so it is helpful to raise learning interests of the students and it will be also helpf ul to improve their spoken english. these are my analysis of the status and function.

2.analysis of the students

as we all know, students are the most important part in the class. so we must make our teaching atmosphere relaxing and happy to make the students as hosts in the class. they are young beginners in english learning, their english is still poor, but they are activ e. so i must try my best to improve their abilities of listening, speaking reading and writing. these are my analysis of the students.

      according to the above analysis, i’ll say teaching aims and demands from the following three parts.

3.teaching aims and demands.

(1).knowledge objects:

enable ss to master some important words: encourage , follow, repeat, idea, understand

enable ss to master some important phrases: speak e nglish with,   have an idea,      tell sb. a lot about

(2).ability objects:

   i want to develop the students’ abilities of speaking english on the phone and improve the students’ communicate ability.

(3).moral objects:

after learning this lesson, i hope my students will be interested in communicating in english.

4.teaching key and difficult points.

according to all the  above, i think key points of this lesson are how  to speak english on the phone, and the difficult points of this lesson are how to let the students summarize phone language.

5.teaching aids.

i’ll use the tape recorder and a phone to help me finish this lesson.

part 2.the teaching m ethod

according to the students’ abilities, i’ll use the following teaching methods: student-centered teaching method, task-based teaching method and activity-based teaching method.

part 3. studying ways.

      as we all know, ss have learn t english for about two years, and they can speak simple english, so i’ll ask the students to have a full preparation before the class, find out how to speak english on the phone and lead the students to take part in all the activities to communicate, express and think in english.3页,当前第1123

A phone Friend教案

part 4. teaching procedures

      i’ll finish this lesson in seven steps. first, i’ll divide the stu dents into four groups, and bring  a competition into the class . at last, let’s see which gro up is the winner.

step 1: warm-up

  to improve the spoken english of my students , first, i’ll greet the class as usual, and let the students sing the song “ no matter what” of lesson 36. i think singing a wonderful song can heat the classroom’ atmosphere. next, i’ll ask them to make dialogues as many as possible within one minute group by group without repetition. find out which group will make the most dialogues.

step2: free talk (task 1)

  i hope students can communicate with each other and practice speaking and listening in this activity. so  i’ll ask the students to talk about why they learn english in small groups. then i will let some volunteers share their opinions with the whole class. maybe they will give me many different opinions: we must have tests. people all over the world are learning english…

step 3: lead in

in order to raise students’ interests, before the class read the text, i’ll show them a map of the world and ask some of the students to pretend to make phone calls from different contries to each other in english.

step 4: listening

  to improve th eir listening abilities and skills, i’ll play the audiotape,  ask the students to close their books and listen carefully with some simple questions, i’ll play the tape twice. find out which group will answer the questions correctly.

(1) does wang mei understand jenny?

(2) what does jenny say when she doesn’t understand?

(3) have jenny heard of wang mei before?

step 5: acting (task 2)

to improve the students’ expression ability ,i’ll give the students some time to practise the dialoge in groups. then ask the four groups to act out the dialoge again. find out which group will be the best.

step 6: let’s do it (task 3)

to improve the students’ writing and communication abilities ,i’ll let them make up a dialogue with a partner. act out a phone call between two friends. one is in china, the other is in the u.s. try to use the expression they have learnt in this lesson.

    step 7: class closing

(1) summarize (key words and sentences)

(2) i think homework is so important that the students should do some extensive exercises after class to consolidate the knowledge they learnt. so i’ll let them do the following homework:3页,当前第2123

A phone Friend教案

a. write a dialogue according to the text.

b. learn the new words and expression by heart.

c. preview the next text

    blackboard design


lesson  41  a phone friend

language notes important sentences

1. speak english with …… may i speak to ……?

2. have an idea this is …… speaking.

3. tell sb. a lot about …… who is it/ this/ that?

 is that/ this ……?

this is my blackboard design. it is clear and ss can know the key and difficult points easily.
