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外研版八年级上册Module 9 Unit3 Language in use教学设计

外研版八年级上册Module 9 Unit3 Language in use教学设计

module 9 animals in danger

unit3 language in use一、教学目标语言知识目标词汇danger 、protect 、mad、  kill  、away、 awful 、peace 、nature research 、mainly 、reason、situation、 symbol 、cause   、provide词组句型be excited to do sth    in danger  need to do sth   take away  decide (not) to do sth   on earth  there be/have sth to do  work hard to do  make sure  as well as   try to do sthbe + adj + to do sth    重 、难点 教学重点1句型:it is adj +to do sth2话题:how to protect animals in danger教学难点1动词不定式2掌握it is adj +to do sth句型。3能表达对保护动物的看法。语法动词不定式做主语、宾语 、表语的用法       功能表达如何保护动物的措施话题以了解动物生存现状为基础,讨论如何保护动物  


听听懂有关不同特点的动物和动物的不同特点的对话说熟练运用动词不定式表达如何保护动物读通过阅读了解动物的生存现状, 掌握和巩固动词不定式的用法,掌握阅读技巧和方法。写1. 能用动词不定式的不同句式正确表达观点2. 能写出其他动物的特点、生存现状和保护措施.演能让全班学生收集有关资料并做好学生作品的汇报   二、学习策略  1.通过合作讨论、游戏、竞赛等多种活动形式,学以致用。2.能借助词汇图掌握单词,形成话题联想的习惯,培养学生的阅读能力技巧。三、情感态度与价值观1.培养学生热爱动物、热爱自然界,培养保护环境的意识。同时积极鼓励学生参与社会实践活动。2.引导学生与他人合作,相互帮助,共同完成学习任务,尽情享受学习的乐趣。教学过程step 1 warming-up           teacher's activity:  ask ss: what do you think of the relationship(关系) between human beings and animals should be? be friends or enemies? talk about it in your group.

students' activity: 

work in groups to talk about the relationship between human beings and animals .(设计意图:通过小组讨论进行热身启动,交流对问题的看法,巩固不定式的使用。)step 2  language in use活动一teacher's activity:  ask ss to read the sentences and find out the infinitive structure, thenwrite down them. check them in groups.

students' activity:  read the sentences and find out the infinitive structure, then write down the sentences check answers in groups. 活动二teacher's activity:  play the tape and ask ss to listen and answer the questions. what are they going to do tonight? 1.      when are they going to meet?

students' activity:  listen to the tape and answer the questions. check the answers together.3页,当前第1123

外研版八年级上册Module 9 Unit3 Language in use教学设计

teacher's activity: ask the students to read the conversation again and choose the right answers

students' activity:  read the conversation again and choose the right answersteacher's activity: have ss make up the same conversation in pairs.students' activity:  ss make up the same conversation in pairs.活动三teacher's activity: ask the students to read the questions in activity 8 first and listen to the tape.

students' activity:  read the questions in activity 8 and listen to the tape. then check the answers in groups.   (设计意图:本着先听说后读写的活动原则,多角度促进学生对所学知识点的掌握。)step 3 practice       teacher's activity: ask ss to do activity 4, and 6 alone. then check the answers in groups.   students' activity:   do activity 4, and 6 alone. check answers in group. step 4 game       teacher's activity: ask ss to do activity 7 together. have a competition between groups .   students' activity:   do activity 7 by making sentences orally fast .see which group is the fastest.step 5 reading       teacher's activity: ask ss to read the passage in activity 9. complete the passage with the correct form.students' activity:   read the passage in activity 9and complete the passage with the correct form. check answers in group.teacher's activity: ask ss to read the passage about around the world.students' activity:read the passage about around the world alone.teacher's activity: ask ss to retell the three animals in danger in pairs.students' activity:retell the three animals in danger in pairs.(设计意图:充分利用好课程资源,挖掘学生自身的资源。)step 6 module task teacher's activity: ask ss to write a passage about one kind of animals in danger.students' activity:write a passage about one kind of animals in danger, using the things below.1. where it lives2. what the problem is3. how many there were and how many there are now4. what you or government can do about it(设计意图:由听、说过渡到写,由口头输出过渡到笔头输出,进一步巩固所学知识。)step 7 homework        1. finish ex.x1, 5 after class.2. read and explain your passage to the class. answer the questions they may have . 3 preview module10 .达标题一、词组互译1  制定计划_______              2 最后,终于 _______    3  在危险中 ________            4了解 ________    3页,当前第2123

外研版八年级上册Module 9 Unit3 Language in use教学设计

5  需要干某事 ________          6 照料,照看 ­­­­­­­­­­­________    7  谈论  ________               8 越来越少 _________     9  cut down __________           10 as well as __________  二、动词填空1.      it’s nice           (see) our teachers again.2.      we need _______ (protect) the animals in danger.3.      would you like_______ (go) to the cinema with us this evening?4.      i think it’s hard ________ (work) out these problems.5.      do you want _______ (see) a film tonight?6.      let’s _______ (meet) outside the park gate.7.      the boy decided _______ (help) his mother with the homework.8.      look! who _______ (clean) the street over there? 9.      his brother enjoys _______ (swim) in the pool.10.  we often practice ________ (pronounce ) english every morning.参考答案一、1. make a plan        2. at last ,in the end        3. in danger  4. learn / know about   5. need to do              6. look after  7. talk about         8. less and less      9. 砍倒     10. 也,还有二、1. to see   2. to protect    3. to go   4. to work   5 . to see 6. meet    7. to help      8. is cleaning  9.swimming  10. pronoucing3页,当前第3123