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8B Unit2导学案及教案2

8B Unit2导学案及教案2

8b unit2 导学案

                        vocabulary                         【自学探究】一、translation .


二、can you guess these underlined words?1.helen is a careful student. but henry is a careless one. 2. some people think that leaning english is useless. that’s wrong. it’s useful. (use)3..i like watching zhou xingchi’s films with delight. they really make me delightful.  4.. nobody will be cheerful____ on such a cheerless__ rainy day.    5.there is endless  homework to do before the exam.【教案】


8b unit 2vocabulary



教学      教学目标1. to develop an understanding of suffixes. 2.  to use appropriate adjectives in context, using the correct suffix to indicate positive or negative meanings.

教学     教学重难点1. to develop an understanding of suffixes. 2. to use appropriate adjectives in context, using the correct suffix to indicate positive or negative meanings.






个性化补充step 1.revisionfirst, let ss try to retell the lesson they have learned in the last period. and then show them some important phases. after that, ask them some questions:1).what did kitty and her parents see in disneyland?2).what did they do there?3).what do you think of disneyland? is itwonderful? can you say something about it?step 2.presentation1.according to ss’ description, show some new words like wonderful, colorful, meaningful and so on. on the screen. 2. let ss find out the rule: n. + -suffix ‘ful’→adj remind ss that they learned about prefixes in book 8a, unit 5. tell them that a suffix serves a similar purpose, but it goes at the end of a word. tell them that the suffix ‘-ful’ means ‘full of’ or ‘having the quality of’. then show them some more examples and ask them to complete some sentences using the positive adjectives listed. 3. show ss some words like ‘meaningless’&  ‘endless. let them find out the rule: n. + -suffix ‘less’→adj then tell them suffix ‘-less’ means ‘without’, e.g. ‘meaningless’ after that, show them some more examples as well and ask them to complete some sentences using the negative adjectives listed 4. let ss read out the examples in the table at the top of page 30. ask students think of some more sentences using the positive and negative adjectives listed. step3.practice3页,当前第1123

8B Unit2导学案及教案2

tell students that some nouns can take either suffix, some can only take ‘-ful’ some can only take ‘-less’ and some can take neither. then ask them to complete part a. tell them to use a dictionary for words they are not sure of. 2.let ss close their books, show them the nouns in part a. on the screen. ask ss to speak out the positive and negative adjectives. check students’ understanding of each word.. 3. some other ways to form the positive and negative adjectives .e.g. prefixes : ‘-in’, -‘ir’, ‘-in’, ‘-un’, ‘-dis’ .suffixes: ‘-ed’, ‘-ing’, ‘-ly’,‘-y’ and so on.4.ask ss to complete part b on their own. tell them that all the words they need can be found in the box. after that, ask a volunteer to read out it. ask another student to write the words with suffixes on the blackboard. .5. let ss do some more exercises. 1)write the correct form of the given word in the sentences.2).用后缀-ful. -less填空 check the answers with them. step 4. activitiesshow ss a short passage. let them speak out the opposites of the underlined adjectives.step5. gamesdivide the students into groups of four. take turns to make a story using the positive and negative adjectives. the one who does the best is the winner. step 6.mainly conclusion 1.suffixes :‘ful’&  ‘less’2.suffixes :‘-ing’, ‘-ly’, ‘-y’ , ‘ed’3.prefixes : ‘-in’, ‘-ir’, ‘-in’, ‘-un’, ‘-dis’根据学生的回答引导出本课的生词。注意名词向形容词转变的其它形式学生互相讨论复述课文并回答问题,。自己寻找关键词。展示良好的预习工作。学生积极说出。学生必须要有极快速熟练地反映。学生合作完成。学生小组合作竞赛。


try to remember the adjectives and make ten sentences with them.


                     8bunit 6 vocabularymeaningful delightful              n. + -suffix ‘ful’→adj successful endless meaningless            n. + -suffix ‘less’→adj harmless3页,当前第2123

8B Unit2导学案及教案2


【当堂巩固】一、write the correct form of the given word in the sentences.1. lee is a _______ student. he always______   others in his class.  (help)2. all the people cried: “_______   ” when they saw one of the seven ______ in the world in egypt.  ( wonder )3. they waited for a long time because they ______ to visit inside. but it seemed to be______   now.  ( hope )4. the road seems to be _____   for us to reach the _____ of it.  (end)5. your new book is very ________   and brings readers a lot of________. ( delight )6. it’s   ________ for your health to smoke. but exercise is  ________ for your health. (harm) 7. this tv dropped to the ground and couldn’t be mended. it’s ________ (use) now.8. mr. smith is a very ________ (forget) person. he often forgets something.9. everything in the hello kitty house was so __________ that i wanted to live in it. (beauty)10. amy saw so many ________dresses in the shop that she couldn’t stop buying one after another. (color)11. i heard the ________ of the crowd, and i knew that our team was winning. all the players were very ________. but for the other team, today was a ________ day.( cheer)12. i’m _______ to you for your help. (thank)13. the _______mother was so excited that she couldn’t say a word. (grate)14. miss zhou gave him a   _______ look in class and he understood her _______ quickly. ( meaning)15. he is a _______ mountaineer(登山者). he is my hero. (fear)二、 用后缀-ful. -less填空 one day the traffic was heavy on the city roads. the cars were end_____. it seemed to be hope____ to walk across the street. it was use_____ for us to wait and see. so we decided to walk over the footbridge. my daughter was cheer____ in her colour____ dress. she always thought that life was meaning_____ and wonder______ . but to her surprise, she found that a 3-year-old boy was begging on the footbridge. he looked so help______ . ‘why doesn’t he go back home?’ she asked. i didn’t know how to answer it.3页,当前第3123