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2b   unit 1   farm animalsperiod 1 let’s learncontents:  1.word: hen, chick, duck, cow, pig          2.letter: n n nose, o o orangeaim:      1.using nouns to identify common farm animals.           e.g. hen, chick          2.learn the above names and sounds of the letters ‘n n, o o’.          3.knowning about the farm animals and say something about the animals you like.main points: using nouns to identify common farm animals.difficulties: pronounce words properly.aids:      1.t: picture cards, words cards, tape, student’s book and wordbook.            p: picture cards (students prepared beforehand ) procedures: ⅰ.pre-task preparation1. let the students listen to the noise of the farm animals.say out what they can hear.t: listen! what can you hear?s1: i can hear a duck.s2: i can hear a2:put the picture cards on the board according to their answers.ⅱ.while-task procedure1. point to the animals and learn to say their names.2. hold up each picture card for farm animals and ask individual students their names.3. repeat the 2nd procedure with other students but this time show the word cards as well. read the words for students to follow.4. listen to the tape of ‘let’s learn’. make the picture cards in order.(one student does so with t’s cards on the board. the others do so with their own cards.)5. listen to the teacher and do quick response.e.g. t: show me a hen./pick out a hen./raise a hen.     s: (raise the picture card.) hen, hen, hen.6. repeat the something procedure in the group of four.e.g. s1: pick out a hen.     s2.s3.s4: hen, hen, hen.7. look at the picture cards and word cards.listen to the teacher and judge.please clap or repeat.e.g. t: (point to the cow.) cow, cow.     s: (repeat) cow, cow.     t: (point to the pig.) chick, chick.     s: (clap their hands and raise their hands. then correct it.) pig, pig.8. read the words on the board. then guess, what word is missing?9. ask individual students to come up and choose a word card to put next to the appropriate animal on the board. then read it.10.show students the picture cards for ‘nose’ and say “nose begins with the sound ‘n’.” show the word card for ‘nose’ and say “n┄nose’. repeat . show alphabet cards ‘n’ and ‘n’. read and compare the capital letter ‘n’ with the small letter ‘n’. do the same with ‘o o┄orange’. play the tape for students to follow in their books.ⅲ.post-task activities1.     know more about the animals.e.g. t: i like to eat eggs. do you like to eat eggs? s: yes, i like to┄     t: where are the eggs from? s: they’re from hens.     t: where are the chicks? s: they’re from eggs.     t: yes. hens lay eggs. chicks come from eggs. chicks grow and grow. they become hens and cocks.     q: where is milk from? where is wool from? where is meat from?  conclusion: these animals are very useful to us.2.     which animals do you like best? why?ⅳ.consolidation1.     listen to the tape and read the words.2.     workbook page 3: match and write the correct number in the box.3.     workbook page 4: draw lines to help the little animals find their mothers.informal essay after teaching(教后随笔):   身临其境,引人入胜。         色彩鲜艳的卡片易引起低年级学生的学习兴趣,会收到事半功倍之效。                          适当增加一些课外知识,开拓思维。  寓练习于趣味中,增加学生的兴趣。      4页,当前第11234period 2  let’s  talkcontents: what do you see? i see┄  what do you hear? i hear┄aims: 1. asking ‘wh’ questions to find out specific information about a farm.          e.g. what do you see /hear?2.using the simple present tense. e.g. i see/hear a duck.main points: asking and answering the ‘wh’ questions.difficulties: using the models to communicate with other learners.aids: the wallchart for page 3, six picture cards and six word cards ,tape , student’s book and workbookprocedures: ⅰ.pre-task preparation⒈ show six toy farm animals or pictures of them. ask students to name in english.⒉ show six word cards. ask students to read them.⒊ match the words to the pictures on the board.⒋ ask: ① what comes from a hen?/ where does an egg come from?        ② where does milk/a chick /a hen come from?ⅱ. while-task procedure ⒈ while putting your hands on your eyes like a telescope, say ‘what do you see?’  then putting your hand on your ear like listening, say ‘what do you see?’ get thestudents to do the actions like you while repeating the questions after you.     ⒉ put up the wallchart for page 3 tell a story something like this:t: look at the picture of a farm. this boy is sam and this girl is may. they’re brother and sister. this old man is their grandfather. sam and may sometimes go to the country to visit their grandfather. their grandfather is a farmer. sam and may like to go to his farm to see the animals. there are a lot of animals on the farm: a pig, sheep, cows, a duck and even a hen with baby chicks. how many of them do you see in the picture?  s: i see… ⒊ play the sounds of the animals on the recording and answer the questions ‘what do you hear?’ by saying ‘i hear…’  ⒋ listen to the story again. then answer the questions and such as the following: ①    who is the boy/girl/old man?  (sam, may, grandfather)②    what is sam and may’s grandfather?  (he is a farmer.)③    are there many animals on his farm?  (yes, there are.)④    what animals has grandfather got on his farm?  (he has got a pig, sheep, cows, a duck, a hen and chicks.)⑤    what do you see in the picture?  (i see…)⑥    what do you hear on the tape?  (i hear… )⒌  open their books. listen to the let students hear the correct pronunciation of the sentences and repeat. then ask individual students to say ‘what do you see/hear?’ and ‘i see/hear…’⒍practice the language in pairs.ⅲ. post-task activities⒈ ask the students some more questions about the picture:what colour…?  do you like…?⒉ try to talk about the picture as much as possible.⒊ make a dialogue about the picture in pairs.ⅳ. consolidationworkbook page 2: look, listen and answer the questions.      温故而知新,为新授打好基础。        积极调动学生的肢体活动,帮助大脑的记忆。            游戏中不忘听说练习,培养学生良好的学习习惯。               尽量使好生多学点,多用点,层次更高点。    检查反馈,及时了解学生掌握情况。   ⅴ. informal essay after teachingl教后随笔  4页,当前第21234period 3    let’s actcontents: draw the cow on the paper.  draw the duck on the ground.aims: ⒈ using imperatives to give simple instructions. e.g. draw the cow on the paper.⒉ locating specific information in response to simple instructions.⒊ using modeled phrases to communicate with other learners.main points: using imperatives to give simple instructions.difficulties: using modeled phrases to communicate with other learners.aids: plain sheets of paper, toy animals, animal picture cards, tape, workbook, student’s bookprocedures:ⅰ.pre-task preparation1. (show six pictures of farm animals.) t: what animals are they?⒉ (draw an outline of a cow on the board.) t: what am i doing?/ am i drawing? t: what am i doing on the blackboard?⒊ t: can you draw a cow?(give the students a few piece of paper each.)t: today we’ll learn to draw some animals.ⅱ. while-task procedure⒈ t: we are going to draw a cow on the paper. how to draw a cow? please watch me.⒉ t: draw after me. first, draw a head. then draw a body.…⒊ (show toy animals.) t: look at the bird. draw the bird on the paper. draw after me. (draw some animals what they can say.)⒋ show the second picture of page 2 and tell a story like this:one day, ben and may went out to play. when they came to the river, they saw a duck swimming. how beautiful! may asked ben to draw the duck on the ground. ben picked up a stick and began to draw the duck on the ground.⒌ t: what did ben draw?  where did he draw the duck?⒍ t: repeat after me.  draw the duck on the ground.⒎ t: open your book at page 2.  draw the duck on the ground. point to the correct picture.⒏ listen to the tape and repeat after it.⒐ invite individual students to act the scene.ⅲ. post-task activities⒈ t: now work in pairs.  one gives the instruction and other does the action. then change your roles.⒉ t: now ask pairs of students to act the dialogue to the class. please vote for the best pairs. ⅳ.consolidationworkbook page 2: listen and draw.    学中说,说中画,画后想。         以故事的形式,让学生初步感知和理解本课的大意。           反馈所听的内容。       同桌操练,巩固知识。  ⅴ. informal essay after teachingl(教后随笔)  period 4.  let’s play. contents: listen, tick and say: i hear a…aims: ⒈ using the simple present tense to indicate what you hear. e.g. i hear a sheep.2. using nouns to refer to farm animals. e.g. cow  main points: using the simple present tense to indicate what you hear.difficulties: recognizing key words of the animals.aids: student’s book and workbook, tape, word and picture cards4页,当前第31234

procedures: ⅰ. pre-task preparation⒈ imitate some animals sounds and ask students to guess what animals they are. t: listen! what animals are they?⒉ randomly put the picture and word cards on the board. get the students to match the words to the pictures together. t: look at the words and pictures on the board. match them correctly. ⒊ revise the names of the animals by reading the word cards together. t: let’s check . read together.ⅱ. while-task procedure⒈ open the student’s book to page 5. ask them to read out the names of the animals on the right.t: open your books to page 5. read the words on the right together.⒉ ask the students to look at the first picture and listen to the recording. answer the question ‘what do you hear?’ to elicit ‘i hear a sheep.’t: look at the first picture. listen to the tape what you hear.⒊ tell the students to tick the correct answer in the box. t: i hear a sheep. so i tick in the box in front of ‘sheep’.⒋ repeat step 2 and for the rest of the choices.⒌ go around the class to check students’ answers.ⅲ. post-task activities⒈ let the students play a guessing game in pairs. they can take turns to make an animal sound and to guess what the animal is by saying ‘i hear a…  t: now let’s play a guessing game. one makes an animal noise, the other says ‘i hear a…’ then change the role.⒉ play a game called ‘write and guess’ in pairs. one student writes names of an animal by one’s finger on his/her partner’s back. then let his partner guess the animal. s1: what do i write?s2: you write a…they can take turns to do so.⒊ act and say . they can draw and write some animals, also can make animals noises. ask and answer in pairs.s1: what do you hear?    s2: i hear a…s1: what do you draw?    s2: i draw a…s1: what do you see?     s2: i see a…s1: what do you write?   s2: i write a…ⅳ. consolidationworkbook page 4: listen and trace the letters.   听动物的叫声,说出动物的名称。 单词与图片配对练习,加强对单词的 辨认。    先认读单词,再听录音,复述所听的内容,勾出正确的答案。           同桌以游戏的进行说话训练。       以书写和猜的形式进行说话训练。     说话训练,巩固句型。ⅴ. informal essay after teaching:  period 5   let’s  enjoy. contents: story: i’ve got a cow. it goes ‘moo, moo’.aims: ⒈ using formulaic expressions to indicate possessions. e.g. i’ve got a cow.⒉ using formulaic expressions to indicate what noise animals make. e.g. it goes ‘moo, moo’.main points: using formulaic expressions to indicate possessions and what noise animals make.difficulties: pronounce correctly words in connected speech by linking together and using appropriate stress.aids: student’s book, tape, a toy animalprocedures: ⅰ. pre-task preparation⒈ flash the picture cards and word cards for ‘cow’, ‘duck’, ‘pig’, ‘hen’, ‘sheep’, ‘chick’ to check that students remember the words. t: look at the pictures or words. read them as quick as possible.⒉ ask various students to point  to each picture and say ‘i see a…t: what do you see?  please point and say ‘i see a…’⒊ ask students to imitate the sounds and actions the animals make.t: what do the animals make sounds?  can you act them out?:⒋ how up a toy animal (e.g. a duck) and say. t: look! i’ve got a duck. it goes’quack, quack’. today we will learn to tell a story about animals on a farm.ⅱ. while-task procedure⒈ show four pictures or open their student’s book to page 6. ask the students to call out the names and sounds of the animals in the four pictures.t: look  at the first picture. what’s this?   s: it’s a cow.(a pig, a duck,a hen)⒉ read the story slowly to the class. t: i’ve got a cow. it goes ‘moo, moo’.t: i’vegot a pig. it goes ‘oink,oink’.t: i’ve got a duck. it goes ‘quack,quack’.t: i’ve got a hen. it goes ‘cluck,cluck’.look! i’ve got four legs.then ask about the story. t: who has got a cow? what goes ‘moo,moo’? who has got four legs?⒊ read the story again line by line so that students can repeat after you.e.g. t: follow me. i’ve got a cow.   s: i’ve got a cow.⒋ play the cassette for the story. students listen and follow in their books.t: look at your book. listen to the story.⒌ play the cassette again and ask students to listen and repeat. t: listen to the story again and repeat it line by line.⒍ divide the students into groups of four and ask them to act out the story. t: please read the story and prepare to act it out in group of four.t: now let me invite some to act in front of the class. who’ll try?ⅲ. post-task activities⒈ divide  the class into pairs and encourage them to compose another verse by substituting the farm animals in the story with any other animals that they know the sounds of (e.g.) dog, cat, sheep.t: can you tell a story about other animals?for example: a dog goes ‘bow wow, bow wow’. a chick goes ‘cheep, cheep’a cat goes ‘miew, miew’. a sheep goes ‘baa, baa’a horse goes ‘nay, nay’.⒉ invite some students to act out their new story.:   闪烁卡片,以慢到快,加快节奏,增加趣味性。   说话练习。  模仿动物叫声和动作,增加趣味性。  用玩具动物引出新课。  引出本课将要学的有关动物。   介绍本课教学内容,训练学生听力理解力。        在听的基础上学说。   听说后进行认读,并表演故事。    扩展学生的知识。    创新能力的培养。  ⅳ. informal essay after teaching  4页,当前第41234