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创设情景 发散思维(PEP Book3 Unit5 Part B 第二课时教学设计)

一、教学目标 与要求:
1、  能听懂、会说:I can use chopsticks.  Let me try.  Help yourself.  Let me show you.  Mm……yummy.  I like Chinese food.  We had a good time.  See you tomorrow.  Good night.
2、  听懂指示语,并按照指令做出相应动作。

重点:能听懂、会说Let’s talk中的对话。
难点:能听懂、会说I can use chopsticks.  Help yourself.


本节课是PEP Primary English中一课,它强调语言运用,注重能力培养,突出兴趣激发,重视双向交流,重视灵活扩展。本课为Book 4 Unit5 Part B第二课时,由于小学生具有好奇、好动、善模仿、爱表现的心理和生理特点。而四年级学生已具备一定的英语听说基础,良好的英语学习习惯,一定的自学能力,较强的接受能力。所以本课运用了情景教学法、愉快教学法、全身反应法、直观教学法等。本课在教学上主要体现在以下几个方面:
1、  唱英语歌,引起学生兴趣(引趣)
2、  游戏激发学生兴趣(激趣)
3、  创设情景,促进学生兴趣(促趣)
4、  改变评价,保护学生兴趣(护趣)
5、  开放性作业 ,延续学生兴趣(续趣)

五、教学过程 :
Step 1  Warming –up
Sing a song .(多媒体播放音乐及一些动画)

Sept 2  Free talk and review the words
T: Good morning
S1: Good morning Miss Tu !
T: What’s you name ?
S1: My name is S1 .
T: How are you ?
S1: Fine thank you !
TWhere are you from ?
S1I’m from Chinese .
TI’m from English .Oh , no !I’m from Chinese ,too !
T: What’s his name ?
S1: He’s S2!
TSee you s1 !
S1See you Miss Tu !
T: Hi ! S2 !
S2: Hi ! Miss Tu !
T: Nice to meet you !
S2: Nice to meet you too !
T: Look ! What’s this ?(教师手中那起spoon的卡片)
S2A spoon.
T Pass me the spoon.(教师手指学生桌上的卡片,并放慢速度读)
Here you are !
TThank you ! See you tomorrow !(教师在读时放慢速度)
S2See you tomorrow !
TGood morning !
S3Good morning!
TPass me the chopsticks !
S3Here you are!
TGood night!(教师用肢体语言表示意思,并放慢速度读)
SGood night !(教师引导学生说)
Use the same way to review the wordsknife fork soup fish beef rice vegetable noodles and so on
教学意图:教师以朋友的语气与学生交流,能消除学生的紧张情绪。师生间会话,不仅复习了已学的旧知识,起到温故而知新的作用,而且为chant中的Pass me the ___句型与Good night!  See you tomorrow! Chinese food ; English food做铺垫。]

Step 3 Chant
1TLook!Now,I have so many thingsfork , chopsticks , noodles , plate , spoon , vegetables , rice .(引导学生和教师一起读单词) Let’s chant with these things .Can you ?Let me show you !(Let me show you .时放慢语速,以便学生听清楚发音,为下面的继续教学做铺垫)
Pass me the fork .
Pass me the knife .(教师说唱两句后,课件播放课文中chant的音乐及动画,教师引导学生一起拍手)
2TLet’s chant together .And do with these cards .(用学生桌上已准备的卡片一起随着chant做动作,使学生不仅嘴动,而且手动)
教学意图:用节奏感强,句型较简单chant的调动学生积极性,引发学生兴趣,让学生初步接触、了解Let me show you ,并为We had a good time .的教学做铺垫。]

Step 4 Let’s do
1TAre you happy ? We had a good time .(We had a good time . 时放慢语速,以便学生听清正确发音,并用肢体语言表示其意)
This meaning is we had a good time . Guess . What’s the meaning ?(教师做课文中Let’s do中的wash the plate 的动作)
SWash the plate.
TI can wash the plate .Can you ?(放慢语速,以便学生听清楚正确发音,让学生初步接触I can ____.的句型。为I can use chopsticks的教学做铺垫。)
SsYes , I can .(课件中同时出现wash the plate)
TWhat’s the meaning ?(教师做use the chopsticks的动作)
SUse the chopsticks .(同时课件出示use the chopsticks
I can use chopsticks . Can you ?(I can use chopsticks.时放慢语速,以便学生听清发音,为进一步的教学做铺垫)
SYes. I can use chopsticks .(教师引导学生)
TWho wants to have a try ?
SMe .
TYou can say let me try !(为整个课堂中学生要求发言时便说Let me try ,更为Let me try的教学做铺垫)
SLet me try .
Tyou can use chopsticks .



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Can use






My friend




















3、课件出示Let’s do 中另外的句子,让学生来表演动作,学生要发言是必须说Let me try

4Let’s do together .(课件播放Let’s do的音乐及一些动画)
教学意图:再次激发学生兴趣,通过Guess 的游戏和Let’s do 过程中使学生在不知不觉中学会了Let me try .初步了解和认知句型I can use chopsticks .

Step 5 Presentation
1TWe had a good time, again .(再次呈现We had a good time
TNow, I’m hurry .Are you hurry ? Let’s have some food .Look ,What’s this ?(教师拿出真实的已做好的鱼)
SFish !
TIt’s very yummy .(yummy时放慢语速,并用肢体语言表示其意,为yummy的教学做铺垫)
TDo you like fish ?
SI like fish .(复习句型 I like____.I like Chinese food .的教学做铺垫)
TThese are Chinese food .(并把标有Chinese food 的牌子放在前面)
TThese are English food .(并把标有 English food 的牌子放在前面)
教学意图:呈现单词yummy 和词组Chinese food English food,为对话的进一步教学和教师的对话示范做铺垫。]
2TOk !Dinner’s ready ! Fork , knife , spoon , chopsticks , I can use chopsticks .
TLet me try .Mm……I like Chinese food .Who wants to have a try?
SsLet me try .
TS1you please !Come here !
TDinner’s ready ! Help yourself !(说Help yourself !时放慢语速以便学生听清楚正确发音,并用肢体语言表示其意)
S1Thank you !
TChopsticks or spoon?
S1I can use chopsticks.(教师引导)
S1Mm……I like Chinese food .
TSee you tomorrow .
S1See you tomorrow .
5Let’s talk
                   TYou like Chinese food .You like English food .What about John and Mike ?Let’s listen the tape and answer to me .(学生不翻开课本,听录音,回答问题)
                   TOpen your books , listen the tape again and point to the sentences . Then , answer to the question : Does John like Chinese food ?(学生不仅翻开课本,而且手指必须点句子,听录音,回答问题)
                   TRead after the tape .
Next sentence , who can ?(让学生跟录音读,在读过程中,录音没读过的句子请学生读,读完后再听录音,以增加听、读效果)
                   TRead after the tape .(再跟磁带读,对重、难点句子请个别学生再次读)

Step 6  Chant
Hello   Hello   Hello
I can use    I can use
I can use chopsticks .
What about you ?
What about you ?
I can use chopsticks , too !
I like like     I like like
I like Chinese food !
What about you ?     What about you ?
I like Chinese food , too !
See you                See you
See you tomorrow !
教学意图:根据小学生的心理和生理特点,创设一段朗朗上口的chant ,既是对新授课句型的意义巩固,同时是为了保持学生的学习热情,保护学生对英语的长久兴趣。

Step 7 Homework
1、  听录音2遍。
2、  Ask your father and mother to this question What would like , Chinese food or English food ?
3、  Find that what can you use .
4、  Read a English story .
教学意图:给予学生定量完成的作业 如(1),同时提供弹性作业 如(2)、(3)、(4),这一开放性作业 的设计,引导学生养成课外自主学习英语的习惯,体现了学生课外学习方式的转变,并是语言学习成为一种技能,使其与生活相“链接”,自然地把教学内容延伸至生活实践,可以用来锻炼学生在生活中运用语言的能力.                                            -------屠琴儿