unit 3 things i like to do浦东教育发展研究院 车建琴 南码头小学 朱 黎第四课时(4th period) 一、主要新授内容(new contents)let’s enjoy --- song 二、学习目标(objectives)1、学习... with me.句型,注意with中th发音的正确性。2、结合新旧动词、短语和句型,改编歌曲,学会向同学发出邀请共同做一件事。3、对于同学的邀请,学生能听懂并学会作出不同的回应。4、通过学习歌曲,培养同学之间互相团结友爱和合作精神。 三、教学建议1、任务前期准备阶段(pre-task preparation section) pre-task preparation是指我们要求学生运用目的语(即所学的语言)之前,呈现给学生的新语言材料。也就是我们常说的:input。在这个环节主要让学生获得对新语言材料的第一次感知。 activity 1 (sing a song)(引入1)1、教学辅助(aids)1) 字母卡片2) 磁带3) 录音机 2.活动过程(process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1sing a songstudents sing the song together with the teacher. 将字母发音以歌曲的形式加以操练。2make a new songencourage students use other letters(aa—ee), sounds and words to make a new song according to the tune. 鼓励学生用已学字母极其发音、单词改编歌曲,让学生活用知识。the tune: <are you sleeping>be my echo (teacher) be my echo(students)e says /e/ (teacher) e says /e/ (students)f f f (teacher) f f f (students)egg and elephant (teacher) egg and elephant (students)/e/ /e/ /e/ (teacher) /e/ /e/ /e/ (students) activity 2 (a miming game)(引入1)1、教学辅助(aids)1) 单词卡片 2.活动过程(process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1a miming gameinvite a student to come to the front and mime. others guess what does he/she like to do?ss: you like to ….根据低年级特点,以互动的游戏使学生尽快进入语言情景中。2work in pairsteacher asks students to play the game in pairs and gives a limited time. at last teacher sees who can hit more right answers. 在规定的时间内的演与猜,加快比赛的节奏,提高了参与的积极性。 activity 3 (simon says)(引入1)1、教学辅助(aids) 2.活动过程(process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1play a gameteacher tells the rules and gives instructions to review. e.g. ___(name), come with me. run fast. read an english book. 对已学指令进行复习,同时对动词短语进行巩固,为改编歌曲做铺垫。 activity 4 (ask more)(引入1)1、教学辅助(aids) 2.活动过程(process)共4页,当前第1页1234stepscontentsmethodspurpose1ask and answerask and answer in pairs:--what do you like to do?-- i like to sing. -- what do you like to sing?-- i like to sing a song. -- where do you like to sing a song?-- i like to sing a song at home. …optional question: what don’t you like to do? 层层逼近的问题,使学生逐步学会将句子说完整、全面。 2、任务中期实施阶段(while-task procedure section) while-task procedure,这是指语言技能的习得过程。其中分为机械性操练和意义性操练两部分。机械性操练可以让学生准确地模仿、复说新授的语言,让他们经过从模仿到识记的过程,使新知识由感知、理解、模仿直到储存。 activity 1 (a chant)(引入1)1、教学辅助(aids) 2.活动过程(process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1say a chantask students to say a chant with the teacher and act. 从职业引出新句型,使学生在熟悉的情境中逐步积累知识。2make the new oneinvite the students to continue saying the chant and all the others follow them. 从听、做的被动参与,到说、做的主动引领,逐步培养学生的自主能力。the chant: with, with, with, come with me. i am a teacher. write with me. i am a dancer. dance with me. … activity 2 (find new friends)(引入1)1、教学辅助(aids) 2.活动过程(process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1introductioninvite students to introduce their preferences.i like to …… with me. 通过新句型的表述,在互相寻找自己志趣相同同学的过程中,逐步学会使用语言。2find new friendsteacher asks students who wants to … with ____(name), raise your hand. activity 3 (sing a song)(引入1)1、教学辅助(aids)1)磁带2)录音机 2.活动过程(process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1sing a songsing the song on page 16. 动动唱唱中,保持学生学习的兴趣。2sing and actencourage students to sing in groups and act activity 4 (make a new song)(引入1)1、教学辅助(aids)1)单词卡片 2.活动过程(process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1make a new songstudents try to use the verbs and phrases to make a new song in groups.以旧带新,不断积累语言。2sing and actinvite each group to sing and act. activity 5 (school time)(引入1)1、教学辅助(aids)(1)电脑(2a-u3-11)(2)屏幕 2.活动过程(process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1free talk what do you do at school? do you like to write/ read/ …?从学歌曲、到任意改编、再到围绕主题进行歌曲改编,在循序渐进的过程中使学生的语言运用能力不断提高。2the songs for the school scheduleshow a school schedule and encourage students to make a song for each time. e.g. reading time, rest time, music time, art time共4页,当前第2页1234 activity 6 (make an invitation)(引入1)1、教学辅助(aids) 2.活动过程(process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1free talk who likes to write? where do you like to write? 在了解学生的爱好后,有目的地向不同的学生发出邀请,使学生学会在生活中根据自己的实际情况做出不同的回应。2invitation(1) teacher says: i like to write.___(name--invite a student who likes to write), write with me, please. encourage the student to answer: ok. i like to write, too. (2) t: ___(name--invite a student who doesn’t like to write), write with me, please.encourage the student to answer: sorry, i don’t like to write. 3practiceask students to invite their friends.---i like to …___(name),… with me, please. -- ok. i like to …/ sorry, i don’t like to … 3、任务后期完成阶段(post-task activity section) post-task activity,这是指经过机械性操练和意义性操练,引导学生运用他们所获得的知识与技能来完成一个交际性的任务“task”,也就是语言的输出:output。学生通过前两个阶段的学习,在知识和能力上已具备综合新旧知识进行交际的能力,教师可以根据学生的实际水平设计或选用提供的活动,使学生在相应的尽可能贴近生活的语境中,正确有效使用习得语言,完成交际性的任务。 activity 1 (play a game)(引入1)1、教学辅助(aids)1) 单词卡片2) 挂牌 2.活动过程(process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1preparationteacher asks a student: what do you like to do? then let the student hold the word card he/she says. 让每个学生都有机会参与,在交流中培养交际能力和同学之间互相团结友爱和合作精神。2find friendsask these students to hold the word cards and go out to ask: i like to … … with me, please. 3the hobby we likesee the result: which hobby do we like best? activity 2(animals)(引入1)1、教学辅助(aids)1) 电脑(2a-u3-12)2) 屏幕3) 头饰 2.活动过程(process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1say and act the animals show some pictures of animals. invite students to act the animals. e.g.--i am miss cat. i like to eat fish. mr dog, eat fish with me. --thank you, miss cat. i don’t like to eat fish. i like to eat meat. 让学生自主选择动物表演,给学生更大空间来创造发挥。 activity 3(family members)(引入1)1、教学辅助(aids)1) 头饰2) 图片 2.活动过程(process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1free talkhow many people are there in you family? do you play with your father? etc. 让学生在不同的情景中,学会根据各种实际情况来回应,使学生在学会知识的基础上,学会使用语言。2say and act let students act the family members. e.g. s-sam g-grandmothers: i like to play football. grandmother, play with me, please.g: sorry, sam. i’m old. i don’t like to play football. 共4页,当前第3页1234activity 4 (make a dialogue)(引入1)1、教学辅助(aids) 2.活动过程(process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1say and actteacher invites a student to act a dialogue. teacher may give students two examples in two situations. 根据生活实际来进行对话操练。2make a dialogueencourage students to make a dialogue in pairs. 学生在有意义的情境中对话。e.g. (1) t: i like to write. write with me, please. s: ok. i like to write, too. t: i like to write ‘egg’ on the blackboard. what do you like to write?s: i like to write on the book. (2) s: i like to sing. sing with me, please. t: sorry, i don’t like to sing. i like to dance. s: ok. dance with me. t: that’s great. 1-2-3. 附件:媒体制作说明·2a-u3-11 出示一个学校的时间安排表(附有图片),点击任何一幅图可放大。·2a-u3-12 出示一些动物图片。
unit 3 things i like to do 第四课时 来自皮皮范文网。 共4页,当前第4页1234
Unit 3 Things I like to do 第四课时