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Unit 5 At the market

教学内容:part b
(2)能听懂what are these?尝试用they  are …作出回答。
(3)初步学习歌曲at the market
(2)能听懂what are these?尝试用they  are …作出回答。
step 1  warm up
2、free talk
t: who’s he/she ?
t: what’s he/she ?
t: clean the desk , please .
3、sing a song
<<clean the chair>>
step 2  presentation
t: look at the picture .this is a market .today we’ll learn unit 5 at the market . please look at the blackboard and read after me .
t: now , boys and girls , let’s go to the market .look , there are so many vegetables .
t: what’s this ?
ss: it’s a carrot .(在教师的帮助下)
t: yes , it’s a carrot . please read after me .  carrot
ss: carrot
s1: carrot
s2: carrot …
t: c-a-r-r-o-t carrot
ss: c-a-r-r-o-t carrot
s1: c-a-r-r-o-t carrot
s2: c-a-r-r-o-t carrot  …
t:what’s this ?
ss:it’s a carrot .
t:what’s that ?
ss:it’s a carrot .
(2)the same way to teach “a bean” “a tomato” “a potato”
(3)read after the teacher
(4)play games
a can you guess
b look and say
t: what are these ?
ss: they are carrots.(教师帮助)
t:yes . they are carrots . please read after me , carrots .
ss: carrots
s1: carrots
s2: carrots  …
t: what are these ?
ss: they are carrots .
(2) the same way to teach “beans” “tomatoes” “potatoes”
4、play a game
step 3  consolidation
1、 look at the book and read after the tape
2、 read after the t
3、 practice
a  listen and number
4、read together
step 4  sing a song
1、listen to a song “at the market”
step 5  homework
1 read part b 5 times
unit 5 at the market
图1                 图2
a carrot, carrotsa bean,beans
图3                 图4
a tomato,tomatoes a potato  potatoes