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2A Unit 5

lesson planschool: north chong qin road primary school, huang pu districtname:   liu zhenbook: oxford english (shanghai edition) 2a  unit 5 topic: crossing the roadaims:  1. vocabulary:   light, stop, wait, go  2. function:      using imperatives to give simple instructionslanguage focus:       using imperatives to give simple instructions.aids:       pictures, computers,word cards procedures contentsmethodspurpose i. pre-task            preparation:1.warming-up:rhyme 2.guessing gamewhat is it?what color is it?ps: recite  (computer)t: ask pupils to guess what it is and what color it is. 1.通过复习已学儿歌,吸引学生注意力。 2.帮助学生复习与本节课相关的单词,激发学生的学习兴趣。 ii. while-task procedures:                     content 1: light1. introduction:  2. imitation:light      3. quick response:    content 2: go, stop, wait1. introduction:     2. imitation:       3.activitychange the position               4. gamedancing machine (computer)t: introduce the light to the pupils. 1) t: ask pupils to follow.t-ps2) t: ask pupils to change their voices to say the word.pn (computer)t: ask pupils to say  the color on the screen .  1.从猜谜的游戏中引出本课的新单词。  2.学生通过机械性的模仿,正确掌握单词的读音。       3.借助多媒体课件模拟交通灯,帮助学生熟悉新单词的运用。  1.通过观看录像引出新单词,并使学生对基本的交通规则有所了解。     2.学生经过机械性模仿正确掌握单词的读音。                            将休闲活动与操练结合起来,增加学生学习兴趣。(vcd)t: tell the pupils when they cross the road they should go/stop/wait if they see the green/red/yellow light. 1) t: ask pupils to follow.t-ps2) t: ask pupils to clap and say the words.  t: invite three pupils come in front of the blackboard. give everyone a word card. ask them stand in a line and keep changing their position in the line  according to what they hear. ask more capable pupil to say the word. who can’t find his/her position correctly will lose the game. (computer)ask individual pupil to step on the word cards according to what he/she hears. the rest of the pupils could watch the screen and say the word. change the pupil when he/she makes a wrong step.2页,当前第112iii. post-task activity1. make a rhyme       2. make the traffic rules.   3.traffic rule propagandistgroup workt: ask pupils to make a rhyme with the words we have learned today.ps: discuss and try to make a rhyme. pa:( free talk)t: arrive at a conclusion on the traffic-light rules. group workt: ask pupils make several traffic-light rule posters.pg: act as a traffic rule propagandist and introduce the traffic-light rules for class.让学生运用已学单词自主编儿歌。       教师指导学生归纳出交通灯规则。    以小组形式制作交通规则宣传标语,并为学生尝试使用所学语言进行表达提供舞台。iv. assignmentintroduce traffic-light rules to family members. 以口语表达方式巩固课堂学习内容。教案设计说明:
   本课内容选自2a unit5 let’s act, 由于它的主要内容与交通灯有关,因此在教学设计时首先从单词light入手。为了激发学生的学习兴趣,在引出新单词light后,运用多媒体课件创设出交通灯变幻闪烁的情景,使学生在真实直观的情景中以相应单词快速应答。学生在强烈的感官刺激下注意力高度集中,在不知不觉中正确掌握单词的读音,并且较好地巩固与本课相关的颜色类单词。随后,通过观看行人过马路的录像自然引出go,stop,wait 三个动词并使学生对红灯停绿灯行这一交通规则具有初步的印象。在操练阶段,将学生感兴趣的休闲活动——跳舞机和单词的操练结合起来。伴随着节奏轻快的音乐,学生根据听到的指令脚踩不同的单词卡片,轻松愉快的游戏气氛,来让学生完全忘却学习的紧张,在强烈的兴趣驱动下牢固掌握新授单词同时也使学生更熟悉了解红灯停,绿灯行这一交通规则。接着,让学生以小组形式自编儿歌,这样不仅为了充分调动学生学习的主动性和积极性而且也为了加强学生对所学知识的理解和运用能力。最后,在学生概括出交通规则的基础上,创设交通宣传员这一角色让他们体验宣传。从宣传标语的制作到扮演宣传员,学生亲手制作,亲身体验,通力合作,最终在学会运用本课语言的同时也为他们自己遵守交通规则上了生动的一课。
2a unit 5 来自皮皮范文网。 2页,当前第212