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Unit 1 When is your birthday?

unit 1 when is your birthday?
unit 1 when is your birthday?  (section b)
(二)语法知识: 1. possessive ‘s名词所有格
                 2. prep. 介词表示时间的用法
(三)语言运用:write a schedule 写日程表
1. speech n.  speak v.
give /make a speech
speech contest  opening speech
2. game: 强调游戏或娱乐性质的比赛,多与球类比赛连用。
basketball/ volleyball game
contest: 强调有多个选手参加的比赛,通过选手的实力和评委评定而出。
an english speech contest
  3. party
english party   evening party
4. trip
when is your school trip?
  5. do you have a school day at your school?
school day
6. festival
do you have an art festival?
happy spring festival!
where are you going for your holidays?
  7. chinese
a. 中国人  复chinese
we are all chinese.
b. 中文,汉语
chinese contest
she is an english girl, but she speaks chinese well.
c. 中国的,中国人的
mr. smith likes chinese food very much.
  8. music festival
9. year
there are twelve months in a year.
last year  this year  next year
i’m fifteen years old.
  10. calendar
 a school calendar
1. possessive ‘s名词所有格
  when is your mother’s birthday?
  when is vera’s birthday?
  mother’s day   teachers’ day   women’s day   children’s day
2. 时间前介词prep.的使用:
a. 在具体某一天或某天的上、下午前用on
i play at home on sunday.
he was born on february 2nd, 1991.
i met him on the afternoon of may 5th.
b. 在某年某月前用in,在不确定的早上、下午或晚上用in 。
his birthday is in november.
he was born in 1997.
i like watching tv in the evening.
c. 在具体的钟点前用at
i get up at six in the morning.
d. 固定短语
在白天 in the day   在夜里 at night
(三)语言运用:write a schedule 写日程表
(    )1. when is the art festival? ____________.
  a. it’s august tenth      b. it’s august ten     c. it’s august the ten
(    )2. how old ________ your friend?
a. are    b. is    c. has
(    )3. the baby is only  ________.
  a. ten months old     b. ten monthes old   c. ten month old      d. ten old months3页,当前第1123
(    )4. -______ is your party?          -it’s july 10th.
    a. where  b. when  c. how  d. what
(    )5. -is julia’s birthday may 1st?  -yes, _______.
    a. she  b. it is  c. he is   d. she is
(    )6. i have a basketball game _________ september.
    a. at  b. on  c. in  d. of
(    )7. __¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬_________ a music festival at your school?
a. do you have  b. does you have      c. are you have  d. do you has
(    )8. the girl is ________. today is her _________ birthday.
a. twelfth, twelfth  b. twelve, twelfth     c. twelfth, twelve   d. twelve, twelve
1. it’s december 1rd._______________________________________________.
2. when are the party? ________________________________________________.
3. how old is your friends?__________________________________________.
4. robert birthday is march 19th. ________________________________________.
5. i’m fifteen year old. ____________________________________________.
1.________________________________________?  she’s thirteen years old.
2.________________________________________?  his birthday is november eleventh.
3.________________________________________?  she is fine.
4.________________________________________?  your soccer is under the bed.
5.________________________________________?  it’s $ 20.
mr. green: now tell me your birthdays. leila, when is your birthday?
leila: it’s september 5th, mr. green.
mr. green: oh, ok. and how about you, nick?   
nick: july 4th.
mr. green: and robert?          
robert: my birthday is january 17th.
mr. green: january 17th. ok. and jane, when is your birthday?    
jane: august 22nd.
student month date
(    )5. when is leila’s birthday?       
a. september 5th.   b. july 4th.   c. august 22nd.
(    )6. when is nick’s birthday?       3页,当前第2123
a. july 4th.    b. august 22nd.        c. january 17th.
(    )7. who wants to know the children’s birthdays?       
a. nick.     b. mr. green.     c. jane.
feb. 13 monday
feb. 14 tuesday
feb. 15 wednesday
feb. 16 thursday
feb. 17 friday
feb. 18 saturday
feb. 19
  soccer game my birthday music
contest school
trip pop concert amy’s
1. when _________________________________?  it’s feb. 14th.
2. _______________________________ february 18th.
3. _____________________________ on wednesday.
4. bruce’s birthday _________________________________.
5. amy’s party ________________________________________.
  1~5 a b a b b   6~8 c a b
1. 1rd →1st   2. are → is      3. friends →friend     4. robert →robert’s     
5. year →years
  1. how old is she?    2. when is his birthday?
3. how is she?     4. where is my soccer?   5. how much is it?
  student month date
1. robert january  17th
2. nick july  4th
3. jane august  22nd
4. leila september 5th
   5. a   6. a   7. b
  1. is the soccer game       2. the pop concert is on     3. the music contest
4. is february 15th      5. is february 19th
