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六年级英语下册Unit3 B Let's talk and let's learn教案

                 unit 3b let’s learn and let’s talk
teaching aims:
 be able to read and write this phrases:
went to a park/ went swimming/read a book/went fishing/went hiking
be able to use: did you read books? yes,i did../no,i didn’t.

the important points:
be able to remember this phrases
be able to use this sentences

the difficult points
be able to use this words : went /read
the pronunciation of read

teaching steps:
let’s chant                                          did you go to a park
revision this phrases : watched tv /washed the clothes /cleaned the room/played football/visited grandparents
free talk:
what do you do on the weekend?
                                                  i usually visit my grandparents
what did you do last weekend?
                                                  i visited my grandparents
t---ss, t---s1---s2
work in pairs                                         act

i often go to a park on the weekend.
i went to a park yesterday
went to a park
i went to a park yesterday.
read after me
read together
read by yourself
                                           went to a park4页,当前第11234
                                          i went to a park yesterday

点出went 是go 的过去式
what did you do yesterday?
                                         i went to a park .
work in pairs
                                        make a dialogue
did you go to a park?
read after me
read together
read by yourself
                                            did you go to a park?
ask me
                                           did you go to a park?
yes ,i did.
work in pairs
make a dialogue
let’s read this phrases:
                                           go swimming    went swimming
                                           go hiking        went hiking
                                           go fishing       went fishing4页,当前第21234
read together
who can make a sentence?
i went (        ) yesterday.
did you go swimming ?
yes, i did.
did you go hiking?
no ,i didn’t
work in pairs                       
make a dialogue
look at the picture
what did she do yesterday?
she read a book yesterday .  
read a book
read after me
read together
read one by one
                                          read a book
she read a book yesterday
点出read 的过去式形式不变而发音改变了
did you read a book?
yes, i did.
did you read a book?
no i didn’t
work in pairs
make a dialogue
listen to the tape                           just listen
                                        listen and repeat
                                       read by yourself                                           
listen and circle
what did john do yesterday?
did he go swimming?
which one is right?
listen and finish this questions
what did mike do yesterday?
did he read book s?                     4页,当前第31234
                                         read together
                                         read by yourself
make a survey
modela: did you go swimming on the weekend ?
b:yes , i did
 went swimming read a book went fishing went hiking went to a park played football ……
me no       
my partner yes       
do exs
go –went  read—read , pay attention to the pronunciation of read,音变而形不变.
did you ------?
yes, i did
no ,i didn’t
2 home work
read and write this phrases five times
make a dialogue with your friend.
write a short passage about you family last weekend.
