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1. 知识目标
在真实的语境中,通过各种活动,使学生能够听、说、认读字母kk,ll及单词kangaroo,lion,并能在交际中灵活运用;引导学生在观察、探索的过程中,逐步领悟并习得本课语言知识,能用what’s this ? a…./it’s a….等句式进行交流;在此基础上,适当进行拓展,为今后的学习奠定基础。
2. 能力目标
3. 情感态度目标
灵活运用what’s this ? a…./it’s a….等句式进行语言交流 ,拓展所学知识。
tape  paper  ppt  cards
step 1.  warming-up 
1. greeting.
(用打招呼的方式,复习旧知,引入animals,感知act like….句型,使学生快速进入英语学习状态,为学生放松、减压)
2. sing and act.
(通过视频,唱演old macdonald,烘托课堂气氛,为下一个环节猜动物进行铺垫,渗透情感教育anamals are our friends.)
step 2.  presentation
1.play a guessing game.
2. teach the new letter and the new word.
3. sing a chant.
kk,kk,kangaroo,act like a kangaroo.
4. say some words have the letter k.
5. listen and do.
(用前面的字母奖励卡片,操练show me….句型,复习巩固前面所学字母,导入新字母ll)
6. say some words have the letter l.
7. teach the new word.
(根据教师的手指数量操练生词,一根手指lion,两根手指a lion,三根手指it’s a lion.)
8. make and sing a chant with ll and lion.
9. let’s chant.  what’s this? it’s a lion. big,big,big.
(套用教师给出的chant格式,唱诵自己身边的动物,烘托课堂气氛,缓解学生的精神,使学生的注意力第二次集中,并导入句型what’s this? it’s a….的问答,以动物卡片作为奖励)
10. play a chain game.
(操练句型what’s this? it’s a….并穿插do you like…? what about you? it’s nice.等句型,为下面的环节做铺垫)
11. teach the new dialogue.
step 3. practice
1. make a new dialogue and show.
2. let’s do.
1.you like                     s. (o,o,a,a,k,n,g,r)
   i like                        s. (o,n,l,i)
2.hello!what’s this?           a kangaroo.   a.it’s  b.this is
3.do you like kangaroos?        .    a.yes,i do.  b.yes,i like.
4.i like          .     a.lion     b.lions
5.what,you,about(?)                                         ?
6.big,it,is(.)                                    .       排序:
step 4. homework
1.listen to the tape and read after it .
2.collect some words have the letter ll or kk .
3.can you talk about the animals with your classmates , friends or parents ?
lesson 25
图片kk  kangaroo    ll  lion图片
what’s this ? it’s a ….2页,当前第212