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上海牛津版三年级英语下册Module 1 Using my five senses教学设计

module 1   using my five sensesgrammar: 1.     modal verbs ‘can/can’t: i can/can’t ---2.     wh-questions: what can you see /hear? what colour is it? what is it?3.     yes/no question: is this your --- /is it--- yes, it is./ no, it isn’t.4.     possessive adjectives: your, my, her5.     imperatives: listen to--- touch --- taste ---/smell---/ close ---6.     verb ‘to be’: it’s --- /it’s a/anvocabulary: mirror, can, hair, brown, eye, mouth, can’t, grey, listen to, street, roof, her, cage, aeroplane, bus, car, boat, drill, telephone, hear, soft, hard, rough, smooth, touch, how, does, feel, toy, pineapple, hat, cold, lemon, sweet, sour, taste, strawberry, lime, smell, nice, fish, prawnsounds:  a  ( jane, make, aeroplane)         a  (fat, man, jam)         e  (she, see, these, tree, street)         e  (eddie, ten, red, peg)daily expressions: hello, this is --- (on the phone) how are you? i’m fine, thank you. how does it feel?       can i help you?unit 1 looking and seeinglanguage functions: talking about abilityidentifying and describing objects in terms of colourasking and answering questions about possessionssaying the sound ‘a’ in its open syllable formlanguage skills:use modeled phrases and sentences to communicate with teachers and other learner.pronounce correctly a series of words in a sentence with the vowel sound ‘a’ in its open syllable formmain points: can use the sentences: what can you see?/what colour is it?difficult points: yes/no questions: is this your ---?teaching beach: using the old words and sentences to learn the new words and sentences.using the things and pictures to learn the words.teaching times:  five periodsthe first periodlanguage focus: using nouns to identify different parts of the bodyusing modal verb ‘can/can’t’ to talk about abilitylanguage skills:use modeled phrases and sentences to communicate with teacher and other learners.open an interaction by asking questionsmain points: can use the sentence “what can you see? i can see---.”difficult points: can spell the words and using the sentence.materials: a mirror , a mask , a tape, book 3bprocedurecontentsmethodspurposewarming–up:sing an english song.sing together.歌曲引入,使学生轻松进入英语学习氛围。15页,当前第1123456789101112131415revision:daily talk:how are you?how old are you?what’s this?what are they?what colour is it?--t~ pp~ t通过问答复习,为新授作铺垫。presentation consolidationhairmirrorwhat can you see?i can see ---say a poem.1.     revise the words: ear, head, hand, leg---2.     teacher point and introduce the hair.elicit: hair3.     read and spell the word.4.     make the phrases.eg. the black hair5.     say something about your body.eg. i have two ears.   i have a mouth.---1.     t show a mirror and learn the word.mirror2.     show the mirror and try to say.eg. the mirror is a circle.1.     t: look in the mirror. i can see black hair. i can see two brown eyes.---2.     guess the meaning and try to introduce.3.     t: what can you see? p: i can see---.   pair work.4.     p: what can you see?t. i can’t see. guess and practise.1.      listen to the tape and answer teacher’s questions.2.      repeat the poem.3.      practise the poem.4.      act out the poem.5.      do grammar practice book p1.在复习相关人体器官的基础上新授,降低新知难度。assignment1.copy the words and sentences.2.listen and read poem.3.     make a mask.4.     do workbook p1.feedback:学生已经习惯了look at对于look in 还是比较陌生的,所以在读音上我就加强训练,培养他们良好的听得习惯。同时,hair的不可数,以及其它的可数名词进行比较。加深印象。the second period language focus: using nouns to identify thingsusing predicative adjectives of colour to describe thingsusing modal verb ‘can’ to talk about abilitylanguage skills: using modeled phrases and sentences to communicate with teacher and other learnersmaintain an interaction by replying to questionsmain points: can spell the words and using the sentences.difficult points: can recite the words and write the sentences.materials: some colour pencils, rulers, rubbers ---the colour paper, the cassette and the tape.procedurecontentsmethodspurposewarming-upsay the poem.look at the mirror and say the poem. revisionthe words.what can you see? i can see---.1.t point and p spell the words.2. try to introduce: i have ---.1.t asks p answer.2.p~ p (use the things)15页,当前第2123456789101112131415用旧句型复习操练,通过问答自然而然引入新课句型。presentationin the classroomgrey, brown1.t.in the classroom, we can see---elicit: blackboard, ruler, chair, rubber, desk---2.spell the words.3.t. what can you see?  p. i can see ---.5.     pair work.1.t show a thing and ask:what colour is it?elicit: red, orange, white, black, yellow, blue, green, pink2.show the things and do pair work.what colour is it? it’s ---.3. shoe the brown thing and elicit: brown say some brown things.6.     ask and answer:7.     what colour is it? it’s brown.7. the same teaching: grey/gray8.     t~p  p~p what can you see? what colour is it?


句型的教学中,不单纯的教书上的句型,通过在使用中使学生学会问答,培养学生会话能力.consolidation1.     listen to the cassette and repeat several times.2.     read in role.3.     look at the picture and write the words in the boxes.4.     do pair work.5.     do workbook p2assignment1.     read and spell the words.2.     copy the words and sentences.3.     do grammar practice book p2feedback: 这课的内容还是比较简单的,大部分的单词我们在上学期都有接触,同时,学生掌握的情况也是比较好的,所以,我在课上没用比较多的时间,而是渗透了一些课外的单词、词组,以扩充他们的词汇量。the third period language focus: asking ‘wh-‘ questions to find out various colours students see.using modal verb ‘can’ to talk about abilitylanguage skills: identify a series of words in a sentence with the vowel sound ‘a’ in its open syllable formusing modeled phrases and sentences to communicate with teacher and other learners.main points: can say the sentences. pronounce correctly a series of words in a sentence with the vowel sound ‘a’ in its open syllable form.difficult point: can use the sentences.materials: paper, toothpick, crayons and so on.procedurecontentsmethodspurposewarming-upsay a poem1.act and say together.2.invite some pupils to act.revisionwhat can you see?what colour is it?1.     t ~p2.     p~p (t show the things)3.     pair work.presentationwhat colour can you see?i can see---make and playlearn the sounda  jane can make paper aeroplanes.1.      t show the things and say: i can see yellow.15页,当前第31234567891011121314152.      repeat and guess.3.      practise.4.      t. what colour can you see?p. i can see --- guess and repeat.5. t~p   p~p1.     t acts and learn:draw, cut, colour, toothpick, spin, spinner2.     read the words and the sentences. know the meaning.3.     make and play.4.     ask and answer.1.     t read the sentence and the pupil say the pronunciation.2.     read after the teacher. 3.     say some words.eg. name, cake,---巩固掌握,  寓学于乐,让学生轻松、快乐、高效地学习,是我们的追求。在元音字母a的发音教学中,注重学生的体会和单词的举例.在平时教学中,注重体会.consolidation1.     open the book and read.2.     practise: what colour can you see? i can see---.assignment1.     copy the words.2.     read, copy and play.feedback:the fourth period language focus: using possessive adjectives to show possession.language skills: use modeled phrases and sentences to communicate with teacher and other learners.close an interaction by using appropriate formulaic.main points: can use possessive adjectives to show possession.can ask and answer the sentences.difficult points: can contract my/your.  can copy the sentences.materials: cassette 3b and a cassette player  workbook 3b p3procedurecontentsmethodspurposewarming-upquick responseeg. wave your hand.close your eyes.---t~pp1~previsioncolours1.     spell the words and make phrases.2.     ask and answer. what colour can you see? i can see ---3.t.look.this is my book. this is your book.elicit: my, your presentationmy , your is this your ---?yes, it is .no, it isn’t.1.     read the words.2.     make some phrases.3.     try to say: this is my/ your ---.1.       t give the things back to the pupils and ask: is this your ---?elicit: yes, it is./no, it isn’t. it’s my ---.2.t asks and p answer.3.guess the meaning: is this your ruler, p1? repeat several times.4.     p ask and t answers.5.     pair work.通过演示使学生学会用英语思维方式思考,在学习中培养自主学习的能力.15页,当前第4123456789101112131415consolidationlook and say1.     play the cassette and answer the questions.2.     repeat the dialogue.3.     ask and answer.4.     make a new dialogue.5.     do workbook p3assignment1.     copy the words and sentences.2.     listen and read the dialogues ten times.3.     do grammar practice bookp3feedback:看似简单的课文,其实句型的难度还是很大的,学生对于人名放在最后不影响还是分不清楚。而且对于this, that用it回答还是不能理解,改句型的时候也总是出现错误。对于所有格的运用也总是遗漏字母。the fifth period  (exercises) language focus: asking and answering questions about possessionstalking about ability.language skills: use modeled phrases and sentences to communicate with teachers and other learners.pronounce correctly a series of words in a sentence with the vowel sound ‘a’ in its open syllable form.procedurecontentsmethodspurposewarming-upsay a poemlook at the mirror.---act and say.revision.1.daily talk.what can you  see?what colour is it?what colour can you see?is this your ---?2.words.1.     t (show the pictures and ask) p answer.2.     p~p1.         read the words together.2.         try to spell the words.3.contrast: i--- myyou---your exercises一.     翻译词组。            二.辩音。黑头发      两只大眼睛         jane     paper (    ) 一个小鼻子  一块灰色的橡皮    aeroplane  make (   )  两根长的牙签     三个圆形      can     apple (    )我的书包        你的短铅笔     make    can  (    )三.看图,完成句子。s1: what can you see?        ( 一把椅子)s2: i can see ___ ____.s1: is this your chair?s2: yes, ___ ____.   it’s ____ ____.s1: what colour is it?s2: it’s ____.

unit 2 listening and hearinglanguage functions: identifying objects by their soundsresponding to simple instructionsusing telephone formulaesaying the sound ‘a’ in its closes syllable form.15页,当前第5123456789101112131415language skills: open an interaction by eliciting a responsemaintain an interaction by using phrases to replymain points: can use imperatives to give instructions and directions.can use the sentences to ask and answer.difficult points: can say and write the phrases .teaching times: five periodsthe first periodlanguage focus: using imperatives to give instructions and directionsusing nouns to identify things.language skills: identify key words in an utterance by recognizing stress.main point: can spell and read the words.can use imperatives to give instructions and directions.difficult point: can use the phrases .materials:procedurecontentsmethodspurposewarming-upsay the rhyme.say and act together.revision1.     daily talk.2.    2.2.the animals y  you known.t~p       p~p1.     say the names of the animals.2.     talk about the different sounds animals make and invite some pupils to make the sounds.以动物的叫声引入新课,激发学生学习兴趣。presentationlearn the rhyme. an aeroplanea busa car1.     look at the pictures and answer: what are they?where are they?eg. tree street roof  cage2.     read the words and the phrases. in the tree/ in the street/on the roof/ in her cage/listen to3.     listen to the tape and read after it.4.     say the rhyme together.5.     act and read .1.     show the pictures and learn the words.2.     contrast: a/an3.     make the sounds.4.     where can you see them?5.     try to make a rhyme.为新单词拓展词组,增加词汇量。consolidation1.           listen to the cassette and read  the rhyme.2.           read and act.3.           spell and read the words.4.           group work. try to make a rhyme and act.assignment1.       listen and read the rhyme and words.2.       copy the words and phrases.feedback:其实本课的重点还是在于人名前面不添加,但我发现班级的同学在朗读的时候就有明显的错误,学生由于语法上毕竟薄弱,所以我在旁边反复提出,也看到了一定成效。语法还真是让人晕。15页,当前第6123456789101112131415the second periodlanguage focus: using imperatives to give instructions and directionsusing nouns to identify things.language skills: identify key words in an utterance by recognizing stress.main point: can make a new rhyme. can say and recite the words.difficult point: can make a new phyme.materials:procedurecontentsmethodspurposewarming-upsing a song.1.     listen and learn the words.2.     sing after the tape.3.     sing and act.用歌曲激发学生学习英语的兴趣。revisionwords.rhyme.1.      show the words and spell.2.      make the phrases.3.      say the sounds.1.     read the rhyme.2.     read in role.3.     act and read. 以组词的方式拓展学生知识的积累。presentationa drilla boata telephone1.       show the pictures and learn the word.2.       make the phrases.3.       contrast:a/an4.try to say: listen to the ---. it’s ---.1.the same teaching.2.pay attention the pronunciation.3.contrast: telephone/elephant4.ask and answer:what can you see?i can see ---.比较listen to the 和 listen to 加人名的用法。consolidationlook and learn.1.     listen and repeat.2.     spell the words.3.     group work.(try to make a rhyme.)4.     p~ pwhat can you see ?i can see ---.5. do workbook p4在创作小诗的过程中操练新句型。assignment1.       listen and read ten times.2.       copy the words and recite the words.

the third periodlanguage focus: using modal verb ‘can’ to talk about abilities.asking ‘wh-‘ questions to find out various kinds of specific information about a person.language skills: open an interaction by asking a question.pronounce correctly a series of words in a sentence with the vowel sound ‘a’ in its closed syllable form.main point: can use modal verb ‘can’ to talk about abilities.difficult point: can ask ‘wh-’ questions to find out various kinds of specific information about a person.materials: cassette 3b ,workbook p5,  wallpictures 3bprocedurecontentsmethodspurposewarming-upsay the rhyme.1.     say and act.2.     invite some pupils to act and say.revisionwords.1.      show the words and spell.15页,当前第71234567891011121314152.      recite the words.3.      contrast: a/an4.      translate the phrases to english. 5.      ask and answer: what can you see ? i can see---.presentationear    hearwhat can you hear?i can hear ---.1.      invite a pupil to make a sound like a bird. t: i can hear a bird.guess and read the word.2.      read the words: pear/ near/ bear1.read the sentence. i can hear ---.2.guess the meaning.3.      make the sound and try to say.4.      t asks and p answer.5.      read the question.6.      t~p  p~p用ear 和hear 的变化来记忆单词,既有意义上的关联,又容易记住。consolidationlisten and saya the fat man likes jam.1.           listen to the cassette and repeat.2.           ask and answer.3.           learn the sounds.1.     read in groups.2.     try to read.3.     known the vowel.4.     grammar practice book p4,5assignment1.         listen and read sentences.2.         do workbook p5feedback:the fourth period language focus: using formulaic expressions to start a telephone conversation.using formulaic expressions to greet people and respond to greetings.using imperatives to give instructionslanguage skills:using modeled phrases or sentences to communicate with other learnersmaintain an interaction by replying to a question.main point: can use imperatives to give instructions.difficult point: use imperatives to give instructions.materials: cassette 3b and a cassette playerpreparation: ask students to bring paper cups and pieces of string.procedurecontentsmethodspurposewarming-upsing a song.act and sing.revisiondaily talk:what can you see?what can you hear?is this your ---?t~ pp~ tpresentationpaper cupsdot   hole join stringlook and say1.     show the paper cup and learn the words.2.     read the sentences.3.     make and say together.1.     t acts and introduce the sentence: hello, this is kitty.contract: i’m kitty.15页,当前第8123456789101112131415this is kitty.2.     read the dialogue.3.     act and say.4.     make a new dialogue.在telephone的制作中,学生兴趣浓厚,边说边做,饶有趣味。在玩打电话的过程中,教学电话中对话,注意this is …的用法。consolidation1.     play the cassette. listen and read.2.     invite individual students to say the dialogue with you using the telephone.3.     work in groups.4.     copy the words.assignment1.     listen and read.2.     recite the words.feedback:制作电话对于学生来说还是比较简单的,考虑到课堂效果等,我在屏幕上进行了演示,其它的就让同学在家完成。针对他们的实际情况,我就下面的电话用语进行了扩充,这个将来五年级还是要遇到的。the fifth period language focus:using modal verb ‘can’ to talk about abilities.asking ‘yes/no’ questions using modal verb ‘can’ .language skills:use modeled phrases or sentences to communicate with other learners.open an interaction by asking a question.main point: can use the sentences to ask and answer.difficult point: asking questions using modal verb ‘can’.materials:cassette 3b   workbook 3b p5   photocopiable p5procedurecontentsmethodspurposewarming-upsay a rhyme.say and act.revision1.             make a phone call.2.             what can you hear?3.             i can hear---.1.     t~ p2.     p~ p 1.     t asks and p answer.2.     p ~ ppresentation1.     what can ming hear?ming can hear---.2.     can ming hear ---? yes, he can.yes, he can hear ---.no, he can’t.no, he can’t hear ---.1.      t. what can you hear? elicit:  what can sb. hear?elicit: sb. can hear ---.2.      read the sentences.3.      t ~ p4.      show the question.read and practise:5.      t~ pp ~ p6.      act the dialogue.1.     listen and t asks.elicit: yes, he can.no, he can’t.---2.     practise the sentences.3.     show the questions.4.     work in pairs.15页,当前第91234567891011121314155.     do ask and answer.    用身边的同学作为新句型教授的利用对象,学生说的更欢快。consolidation1.     listen and read.2.     work in pairs.3.     ask and answer.assignment1.     listen and read.2.     do ‘ now listen!’3.     copy the sentences.feedback:now listen的内容相对还是太简单,对学生的听力还是帮助不大,但从实际来看,平时也没有时间对学生的听力进行指导,要想听力成绩提高快,还是有很大难度。unit 3 touching and feelinglanguage functions:identifying objects by touchasking questions about and describing the way things feelidentifying letters of the alphabet shapesresponding to simple instructionssaying the sound ‘e’ in its open syllable formlanguage skills:use modeled sentences to communicate with other learnersopen an interaction by eliciting a responseproduce simple sentences involving listspronounce correctly a series of words in a sentence with the vowel sounds ‘e’ in its open syllable formteaching times: five periodsthe first periodlanguage focus:using adjectives to describe things.using imperatives to give instructionsasking ‘how’ questions to find out the texture of a thing.asking ‘wh-’ questions to find out a specific thing.language skills:maintain an interaction by replying to a question.locate specific information in response to simple questions.procedurecontentsmethodspurposewarming-upsay a song.say the song together.revisionwhat can you see/hear?i can see/ hear---.can you/he, she, see/hear-- -?ask and answer one by one.复习旧知,让学生进入轻松的英语学习氛围。presentationsoft   hardrough smoothtouch this. how does it feel? it’s ---.1.     show the things and tough and feel.2.     elicit:  soft 3.     read the word .4.     try to say.e.g. the hair is soft. the same teaching(hard  rough  smooth)1.     t acts and show the word: touch2.     read the word.3.     try to say: touch the ---. it’s ---.4.     t asks and show the question.5.     repeat the question.6.     do quick response.7.     practice the dialogue.在触觉的感受中先体验,加深学生对单词的意义记忆。consolidation1.     listen and read the words and the dialogue.15页,当前第101234567891011121314152.     practice the dialogue.3.     act out the dialogue.4.     play a game. touch the things and guess: what is it?5. grammar practice book p9.玩一玩,猜一猜,让他们边感受边操练新单词和句型。assignment1.     listen and read ten times.2.     copy the words and sentences.3.     do workbook p6.feedback:这是一个反义词巩固的好机会,我索性来了个大练兵,想不到学生的积极性很高,说了许多,有些同学更是带到了课外知识,大家羡慕不已,于是鼓励他们多进行课外扩充。the second periodlanguage focus:using adjectives to describe thingsusing imperatives to give instructionsasking ‘how’ questions to find out the texture of a thinglanguage skills:locate specific information in response to simple questionsopen an interaction by asking a questionmaintain an interaction by replying to a questionmain point:can use the question to find out the texture of a thingdifficult point:can use two adjectives to describe thingsmaterials:a soft toy, a bag, a balloon, an apple and a pineapplecassette 3b, photocopiable p6,7procedurecontentsmethodspurposewarming-upsay a rhyme.say and act.revisionwords.touch this. ( the ---) how does it feel? it’s ---.1.     show the words and spell together.2.     show the things and say: it’s ---.3.     recite the words.1. read the text.2.t asks and p answer.3.work in pairs.presentationit’s ___ and ___.1.     show the desk and ask: how does it feel?elicit: it’s smooth and hard.2.     read the phrases and try to say.3.     practice: s1: touch the desk.  how does it feel?s2: it’s ___ and ___.练习句型, 并将感触的单词用and合并形容。consolidationasks and answerplay a game1.     read the sentences.2.     look and tick the correct boxes.3.     ask and answer.1.     t show the letters , blind and guess: it’s --.2.     use photocoible p6,7.make letters and do group work.assignment1.     read the sentences.2.     copy the phrases.the third periodlanguage focus:asking ‘how’ questions to find out the texture of a thingasking ‘yes/no’ questions to obtain simple responseslanguage skills:locate specific information in response to simple questionsopen an interaction by asking a question15页,当前第11123456789101112131415