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2019小学英语3A Unit7教案(新译林版)

unit 7 would you like a pie?教学目标1. the students can listen, say and read :nice to meet you. would you like…? no, thank you. what about…? yes, please.2.  the students can listen, say and read :pie, ice cream, sweet, hot dog.3.the students can chant: for you and me.教学重点1. 句型:would you like…? yes, please. no, thank you. what about…?2. 词汇:ice cream, sweet, cake, pie, hot dog.教学难点1. 句型:would you like…? yes, please. no, thank you. what about…?2. 词汇:ice cream, sweet, cake, pie, hot dog.教具准备课件、道具、服装、图片教学时间4课时第一课时课时目标1. to grasp the new words: a pie, a cake, a hot dog, a sweet,an ice cream, an egg.2. to be able to use ‘would you like…? / what about…? to offer people food and know how to answer.3. enable the students to share with each other.教学重点1. 句型:would you like…? yes, please. no, thank you. what about…?2. 词汇:ice cream, sweet, cake, pie, hot dog.教学难点1.学生能正确地理解并朗读对话,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试表演对话。2.学生能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常交际用语谈论颜色。      教学过程



个性化修改free talkpresentation and practicea chantstory time consolidationgood morning,classa. show the food pictures. t: look at the picture. can you guess?teach and practice “a cake”t: look, this is a cake. cake.t: would you like a cake?guide students to say :no, thank you..the same way with an ice cream, an egg, a sweet, a pie, a hot dog1. listen and repeat:a cake ,a piei can see.a cake ,a piefor you and me.2. make a chant.你能用今天学的词句,编新儿歌吗?和同桌合作,试试看吧!3.listen and repeata cake ,a piei can see.a cake ,a piefor you and me.an egg ,an ice creami can see.an egg , an ice creamfor you and me1. show the picture of story  t: (出示mike头像)look, who’s this?t: look, who’s this?t: who’s she ?(出示helen头像)t :helen is my new friend. 和helen打个招呼吧learning tip:nice to meet you.用于第一次见面时说的话,一般的场合都可以,比较正式。回答是:nice to meet you, too. t: nice to meet you.2.watch and tick.观看卡通片,想想helen想要哪种食物?3.watch and say.认真观看卡通片,同桌讨论:苏海和杨林是如何与helen分享食物的?理解would you like a pie? no, thank you. what about a cake? yes, please.4.read and choose.(1).你想邀请helen吃馅饼,你会说(      )a.would you like a pie,helen?b.nice to meet you,helen.(2).helen说她不想吃馅饼,接下来你会怎么说:(      )a .would you like an ice cream?4页,当前第11234b. what about a cake?5.read loudly in pair.  播放动画,学生跟读,要求模仿语音、语调。show time.sam饿了。演一演sam和帮助者吧!ss:good morning/ afternoon, miss xuss: cake.ss: yes, please.跟读ss: no, thank you跟读其余单词,个别读齐读歌谣同桌合作改编歌谣跟读歌谣ss: this is mike.ss: this is su hai.ss: she’s helen. she’s mike’s sister. ss:hello, helen./hi, helen./ nice to meet you, helen.ss: nice to meet you, too.看卡通片,想一想同桌讨论跟读,同桌对话完成选择跟读课文同桌表演对话a:hello./hi/good morning.b:hello,i’m sam. a:nice to meet you.would  you like a/an…?b:no, thank you.a:what about a/an…?b:yes, please.板书设计

unit7 would you like a pie? (story time)a cake 一块蛋糕    a hot dog 一块热狗an egg 一个鸡蛋    an ice cream 一块冰淇淋,  a pie 一个派        a sweet 一块糖a: nice to meet you. b: nice to meet you, too. a: would you like a pie? b: yes, please,/ no. thank you.what about a cake ? 来块蛋糕怎么样作业设计听读并背诵story time教学后记第二课时教学目标1. revise:ice cream, egg, cake, sweet, pie, hot dog.2.revise:would you like…? yes, please. no, thank you. what about…?3. revise the rhyme: for you and me教学重点1.        能正确地听说读单词ice cream, egg, cake, sweet, pie, hot dog.2.        能正确地运用句型would you like…? yes, please. no, thank you. what about…?3.        能比较熟练地朗诵歌谣:for you and me教学难点1.能正确地听说读单词ice cream, egg, cake, sweet, pie, hot dog.2.能正确地运用句型would you like…? yes, please. no, thank you. what about…?能比较熟练地朗诵歌谣:for you and me教具准备课件、道具、服装、图片、彩色笔




个性化修改revision rhymefun timesong timeconsolidationsummary.1. show the food pictures,students say out the words.2. show the food words , students read them out.3. show the sentences of story time, students read them out.4. show the pictures of story time, students imitate mike, su hai, yang ling and helen.5. play a game耳语传话 学生分成四组,每组上来一个学生,然后给他们每人一张纸条,上面分别写:would you like a hot dog?  yes, please.would you like an ice cream? yes, please.what about an egg? no, thank you.what about a cake? yes, please.拿到纸条的学生在规定的时间内记住纸条上的句子,然后向本组后一个同学耳语传话,只能说一遍,第二个同学向第三个同学传话,以此类推。传到最后同学后,该同学到讲台上来,全班一起检查到讲台上来的四位同学所说的内容,比一比哪组说得又快又对。4页,当前第212341. 多媒体播放歌谣for you and me, 2.让学生替换单词改编歌谣。1.学生拿出各种食物图片,运用would you like…? yes, please./ no, thank you. what about…?分组游戏,3人一组仿照课本fun time的内容游戏。2.  师生游戏t:(教师做饥饿状) i’m hungry. i want this.(拿出一张食品图片藏于身后)       t: no, thank you.    t: no, thank you.       … …  让猜中的学生接着游戏教师进行场景提示:1)你和同学们在公园野餐,这时遇到了你朋友。2)su yang邀请朋友们去家做客。3)你生病了,卧床休息,妈妈问你想吃什么。学生分组自选一项,用食物图片编排对话表演,教师巡视指导t: 我们这节课复习巩固了哪些招呼吃东西用语?t: 大家都掌握了这些句型的用法了吗?t: 我们这节课复习了哪首歌谣?t: 大家都会唱了吗?说出食物名字快速说出食物单词读课文分角色表演课文对话做游戏跟读歌谣改编歌谣做游戏 s1:(猜测老师手中的图片)would you like a cake?s2: what about…?would you like a hot dog?what about an ice cream?yes, please.no,thank you.ss: would you like…/ what about…?ss: 掌握了。ss: for you and mess:会了。板书设计unit7  would you like a pie? (fun time)would you like…?what about…?作业设计1.读fun time 的句子。2.练读歌谣,并创编新歌谣。教学后记第三课时教学目标1.revise:ice cream, egg, cake, sweet, pie, hot dog.2.revise:would you like…? yes, please. no, thank you. what about…?3. the students can understand and ask and answer “what’s this?it’s…”教学重点1.revise:ice cream, egg, cake, sweet, pie, hot dog.2.revise:would you like…? yes, please. no, thank you. what about…?3. the students can understand and ask and answer “what’s this?it’s…”教学难点the students can understand and ask and answer “what’s this?it’s…”教具准备投影,黑板,挂图,卡片,ppt




个性化修改lead inrevisionwarm upcartoon timerhyme timesummary1.greetinga.全班打招呼t: good morning/afternoon, class.1. t:你能跟新朋友helen打招呼吗?revise “nice to meet you. nice to meet you, too.”2. play the tape of story for students to listen and repeat.3. retell the story in groups of four.4. let’s learn:t: what’s this?(guide students to understand “what’s this?”)revise: a pie, an ice cream, a sweet, a hot dog.5. let’s chant: for you and me.6.let’s help:sam饿了。演一演sam和帮助者吧!t: who’s this?t: who’s this?t: look, this is mr. dog.(领读,帮助学生理解dog的意思)2学生自己阅读故事,理解语篇意思。3.   检测学生的理解情况1)bobby would like an egg?2)dog would like a hot dog?4.  play the cartoon, ss listen and repeat. 4页,当前第31234让学生仔细观察最后一幅图,想一想,dog听说a hot dog是什么表情?它心里是怎么想的?帮助学生体会故事的幽默。learing tip:热狗的由来德国人将香肠改良成用手就可以吃的方式,就是把香肠夹入面包中,这样既卫生又方便,所以很受欢迎。当时有一位漫画家,觉得面包中露出的香肠很像小狗的舌头。于是hot dog由此得名。5.read in roles.6.act it out.对本课所学进行总结ss:good morning/afternoon, miss xu.同桌间对话跟读课文跟读句子ss: it’s an egg.齐读歌谣a: sam, sam, would you like a/an…?b: no, thank you.a: what about a/an…?b: yes, please.s1: this is sam.s2: this is bobby.自读故事yesno跟读动脑筋想一想分角色朗读表演对话板书设计unit7  would you like a pie? what’s this? 这是什么?                              it’s …   这是……作业设计1.read the rhyme after class2.finish the exercises教学后记第四课时教学目标1.revise:ice cream, egg, cake, sweet, pie, hot dog.2.revise:would you like…? yes, please. no, thank you. what about…?3.listen,say.read and write: uu, vv, ww教学重点listen,say.read and write: uu, vv, ww教学难点listen,say.read and write: uu, vv, ww教具准备多媒体、挂图、生词卡片、字母卡片,食物图片,小狗像的头饰




个性化修改greetings revisionletter time.look and sayticking timeclass work.1.sing a song——good morning/ afternoont: good morning/ afternoon, class.2.say a rhyme—— for you and me.教师头戴小狗的头饰, 出示食物图片和生词卡片,与学生对话t: hello, i’m your new friend, dog. nice to meet you. t: (出示食物图片)what’s this?t: yes. t: good. would you like a sweet?t: would you like a sweet?1.  认读字母出示字母卡片uu, vv, ww. 让学生在教材插图中找出这三个字母。教师示范读音,学生注意观察老师的口型。2.  学习书写1)教师在黑板上示范书写字母uu,vv, ww. 学生观察字母在四线三格中的位置。2) 师生“书空”练习字母的书写笔顺。3)学生在书上描写字母。4) 复习字母aa-ww.   教师把食品类图片贴在黑板上,请两名学生上台。一名学生根据老师指的图片用would you like…?提问,另一名根据老师做摇头或点头作出回答。2.   学生分组,小组内根据图片编对话,教师巡视。请几组上台表演,看哪一组的对话长而好。指导学生进行自我评价《补充习题》p31-34ss: good morning/ afternoon, miss xu.  齐说歌谣s: yes, i am.ss: nice to meet you, too.ss: it’s a sweet.s1: no, thank you.s2: yes, please.跟读字母写笔顺描写字母齐背字母would you like…? 学生分组,小组内根据图片编对话自我评价完成练习板书设计unit 7 would you like a pie?uu, vv, ww作业设计1.finish the exercises2.copy the letters教学后记 4页,当前第41234