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三年级英语Lesson4 Horses and Rabbits教学设计

三年级英语lesson4 horses and rabbits教学设计

lesson4 horses and rabbits
一、       知识与技能目标:
1. 能听懂、会说、认读和书写单词:horse, animals, yes, no.
2. 能认读、理解并使用下列句式进行对话或情景表演:
what animals can ____?
____ can ____.
can a____ ____?
yes, it can. / no, it can’t.
二、       情感态度目标:
三、       学习策略目标:
1 渗透字母组合的发音,让学生掌握一定的发音规则,有利于单词的识记。
2 通过pair work等活动使学生积极运用语言,学会与他人交流合作。
3. 课堂中的评价语言集中在对学习内容的掌握、学生付出的努力以及期望他们发展的方向上。
1要求学生能够听懂、会说、认读和书写horse, animals, yes, no.
2 能够运用句型进行对话或情景表演:what animals can ____?  ____ can ____.
can a____ ____?
yes, it can. / no, it can’t.
step1:greeting and review
t: good morning, boys and girls. so glad to see you today. now let’s sing the song old macdonald had a farm. (播放歌曲视频,教师和学生边唱歌边做动作。)
step 2:presentation
(1)t: very well, thank you. sit down please. what can you see on a farm?
s1/s2/s3: i can see dogs/cows/pigs…
t: now can you guess? what’s this?(投影呈现课本no 2的内容,同时呈现is this a ____? 句型,引导学生用本句型猜动物。)
s1: is this a ____?
t: maybe.
s2: is this a _____?
t: perhaps.
s3: is this a _____?
t: i’m not sure. let’s see. oh, it’s a pig(师生齐说). the next one...(教师继续播放图片,学生继续猜)
设计意图:复习学过的动物单词和句型is this a ____?
step 2 presentation
t: good job. here’s a new one. (用书遮挡马图片的一部分,让学生继续猜) what’s this?
s1/s2: cow/sheep/horse…
t: let’s see. it’s a horse. (在马的简笔画旁板书horse),“or”says /ɔ:/. follow me, horse, horse, this is a horse.
t(面向s1/s2):can you say it?
s1: horse.
t: it’s a horse.
s2: it’s a horse.
s3: it’s a horse.
t: (指向一匹马) this is a white horse, and (找同学来接)
s: this is a brown horse.
t:(出示群马图)these are ...
ss: these are horses.
t: follow me, horses.
ss: horses.
t: let’s see a horse has …(教师用手指着图片中马的腿,提示学生来对马进行描述)
s1/s2/s3: a horse has four legs/two years/a tail…
t: not bad. another one. what’s this? (采用同样的方法呈现兔子)
s: 兔子。
t: rabbit. (板书rabbit) “a”says /æ/. follow me, rabbit, rabbit, it is a rabbit.(同理教学rabbit)3页,当前第1123
   a horse is an animal. (板书animal) a rabbit is an animal. horses and rabbits are animals.
t: we have learnt so many animals. can you tell me what animals can run? (板书what animals can ___?)
s: dogs.
t: good. dogs can run.(板书___ can ___.)
t: what else animals can run?
s1/s2/s3/s4:___ can run.
t: what animals can …?(做出游泳的动作,示意学生来提问)
s: what animals can swim?
s1/s2/s3: fish/dogs/ducks can swim.
s: what animals can jump?
s1/s2/s3: rabbits/… can jump.
s: what animals can fly?
s1/s2/s3: birds/… can fly.
t: can a chicken fly? (板书can a ___ ___?)
ss: yes.
t: yes, it can. (板书此句) can a chicken swim?
ss: no.
t: no, it can’t. (板书此句) can a ...?(举手示意学生来提问)
s: can a ___ ___?
t: answer.
s: ___ can ___.
step 3 listen and imitate
(1)t: now li ming, danny, and jenny are talking about animals. listen and fill in the blanks.(投影呈现问题,播放课文录音)
--can a ____ run?   ( a. horse      b. rabbit )   
--____, it can.     ( a. yes     b. no )
--can a horse fly?
--no, it ____.       ( a. can     b. can’t)
—what ________ can fly? (a. arms   b. animals)
—_______ can fly. (a. chickens   b. birds )
(2) listen and imitate.(跟读录音,培养正确的语音、语调、语感)
step4 practice
(1) t: take out your pictures and make a dialogue with your partner like this. (找一位学生和老师对话,为学生做出示范)
t:can a chicken run?
s: yes, it can.
t: can a fish fly?
s: no, it can’t.
t: what animals can fly?
s: birds can fly.
t: now do it with your partner. (three minutes later) who wants to show your dialogue? let’s see, who is better?
 (2)t: let’s play another game, guess an animal. (教师示范:拿一张图片放在头顶,问学生can it ...? is it a ...? 根据学生的回答来猜出图片上的动物是什么。) now play the game with your partner.
  ok, now who wants to try? no more than five questions, or you can not get the point. this girl, please. (此学生把图片顶在头顶,通过问答来猜测动物。男女生分组,顺利猜出者可为本组挣得一分。)
t: let’s sing a song. 投影呈现内容如下:
can a rabbit jump? can a rabbit jump?
yes, it can. yes, it can.
rabbits can jump. rabbits can jump.3页,当前第2123
can you jump? can you jump?
can a horse run? can a horse run?
yes, it can. yes, it can.
horses can run. horses can run.
can you run? can you run?
step5:class closing.
t: today we have learnt three new words and these sentences(师手指向板书,学生读出新单词和新句型). according these, i prepare a riddle for you. can you guess?
(投影呈现谜语:it is an animal.
it lives in water.(它生活在水里)
it can swim.
it has no legs(没有腿).
what is it?
t:(学生猜出后)so great. in this class, which team wins at last? … wins the game. congratulations! let’s clap your hands for them.
today’s homework: 选一种你喜欢的小动物,用上我们今天学习的内容,编一条谜语,比一比谁编制的谜语最有趣,最高明!time’s up. goodbye, class.
