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(新标准)小学英语第6册Module 9Unit 1 Tomorrow is Friday教案

(新标准)小学英语第6册module 9unit 1 tomorrow is friday教案
what day is after…? it’s …
take, why, after, ball (1-4),picnic (4-7)
运用任务: “…will do ” 与 “… be going to do” 这两种句式之间的转换;掷骰子完成书上的棋子游戏;说童谣;朗读、表演课文;说说自己近一周的打算。
模块分析:在本册的前几个模块已经向学生展示了将来时态,在这一模块中对于这部分的知识又有了一些延伸和提高,具体体现在以下两个方面:第一,引进了 “be going to do”这个同样也可以表示将来的动作的句式;第二,在表示将来要做的事情的句子的后面加上了表示具体时间的词语或短语。这样一来,便使得学生在描述将来要做的事情的语言就更加丰富和具体了!

unit 1 tomorrow is friday.

一、 教学目标与要求:
1、 知识与能力目标
take, why, after, ball (1-4),picnic (4-7)
will you take your kite to the picnic tomorrow?
no, i won’t.
will you take your ball tomorrow? no, i won’t..
4)能够运用will you …? no, i won’t .描述即将要做的事情。
二、 教学重点及难点
take, why, after, ball (1-4),picnic (4-7)
will you take your kite to the picnic tomorrow?
no, i won’t.
will you take your ball tomorrow? no, i won’t..
能够运用will you …? no, i won’t .描述即将要做的事情。
三、 课前准备
课件、卡片、图片、实物(ball, kite,…)
四、 教学过程
step 1 warm up
1.say a chant : module 3 unit 2 activity 3
2.free talk :
t: what are you going to do this weekend , children ?
  will you …?
引导学生谈论他们周末的安排, 借机引出will you …?的问答。
step 2 presentation and practice
1. t: good job. today sam and amy’s father tell them a piece of news. let’s see what news it is. watch and anwer:
dad: we’re going to have a picnic on saturday.
learn : picnic 郊游
      have a picnic 去郊游
2. t: are sam and amy happy?
ss: yes.
t: please guess, what will they take on saturday?
learn : take 带着,拿着
s: take …
t: o.k. watch tv , please . answer:
1) will amy take her kite tomorrow?
2) will amy take her ball tomorrow?
learn: tomorrow  to-mo-rrow
watch and answer:2页,当前第112
1) amy: no , i won’t .
2) amy: no , i won’t .
3.t: why not ?
learn : why =y(tell the ss why=y’s pronunciation)
clear its meaning.
watch and answer:
tomorrow is friday.
t: so they’re going to go on saturday.
4.repeat asking individual students to repeat the utterances.
5.listen to the tape and repeat. activity 1
6. repeat activity 2.
step 3 consolidation and extension
1. match and say.
ask the children to look at pictures of the children and to draw a line to match them to the athletics event that they are going to do.
完成活动手册活动 p35 2
2. now look and write.
now ask the class to complete the sentences about what each child is going to do.
完成活动手册活动 p34 1
3. play a guessing game:
show some verb phrases have the ss to read and considerate one of them to do on saturday.
guess in groups of 4
a,b,c: will you …on saturday?
d: yes, i will. / no , i won’t.
step 4 summary
t: what did we learn today?
s: 谈论将来的计划。
step 5 homework
1. read after the tape and read the text fluently.
2. make a plan for this weekend.
step 6 blackboard design
module 9 unit 1
will you take your kite to the picnic tomorrow?   
no, i won’t.
will you take your ball tomorrow?   
no, i won’t.
