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1. what’s in your bedroom? 
there is a bed, a dresser and a closet in my bedroom.
there are two beds, a dresser and a closet in my bedroom.
2. what do you want to do?        i want to go shopping.
3. what do you want to buy?       i want to buy a dress.
4.what does your mother do?      she is a doctor.
5. what are you doing ?           i am riding my bicycle.
6. where are you going?          i am going to the store.
7. where is the picture?           it’s above the bed.
8. where does your father work?   he works in a hospital.
9. where does a waitress work?    a waitress works in a restaurant.
10.may i help you?              yes. i want to buy a pair of shoes.
11.whose hat is this?            it’s jenny’s.
12.whose gloves are these?       they are danny’s.
13.what day is it?               it’s thursday .
14.what is it?                  it’s a telephone.
15.how is the weather?          it’s warm.
16.how many books are there on the desk?  there are twenty.
17.is this your shirt, danny?    no, it’s not mine.
18.i like to play with my doll. (play catch with a ball, play on the computer, …)
wait(等候)  waiter(男服务员)  waitress (女服务员)
ball (球)   doll(玩具娃娃)  blouse(女衬衫)
dress(连衣裙)---- dresses(复数)  dresser(梳妆台)
what(什么)  want (想要)  shirt(男衬衫) skirt(短裙)
doctor(医生) tuesday(星期二)  thursday(星期四)
do one’s homework(做家庭作业)  read a book(读书)  
write a story(写故事)    draw a picture (画画)
watch tv(看电视)      brush my teeth(刷牙)
comb my hair (梳头)   wash my face (洗脸)
wash my hands(洗手)   put on my clothes(穿衣服)
fly a kite(放风筝)      play with a doll(玩洋娃娃) 
play catch with a ball(拿球玩传接球游戏)2页,当前第112
turn right(向右转)  turn left(向左转)  go straight(直走)
drive a car(开车)       ride a bicycle(骑自行车)
take a taxi(坐出租车)    go shopping(去购物)
see a film(看电影)      play on the computer(玩电脑)
listen to the radio(听收音机) talk on the phone(在电话中交谈)
walk home(步行回家)   sing a song(唱歌)  play cards(打牌)2页,当前第212