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module5 unit2 he is painting flowers.
to learn the sentences:
daming is painting a picture for his mother.
he is painting flowers and birds.
to learn the words: play the flute, draw, make a cake ,party
二、 教学重点及难点
to learn the words: 运用现在进行时态讲述正在发生的事情
三、课前准备:tapes,  cards 挂历
step 1 warm up
step 2 presentation and practice
老师给学生们看一张挂历,指着10月1日,说:it is our national day. it is a special day. 同时出示special 的单词卡片。老师用中文讲述母亲节的由来。然后老师再指着今年的母亲节那天,it is mother’s day .it is a special day, too. do you give a card to your mum on this special day? will you write some message for your mum? 同时出示message 的单词卡,然后引导学生自由发言。最后老师说:you are all good children. do you know what daming is doing for his mum? let’s look at unit 2 and find out.
step 3 consolidation and extension
listen to the tape and find “ing”
listen to the tape and read the text
step 4 summary
step 5 homework
do exercises.
copy the words and sentences
listen to the tape and repeat the text
step 6 blackboard design
unit2  he is painting flowers.
daming is painting a picture for his mother.
he is painting flowers and birds.

module 6
一、 教学目标与要求
① 知识与能力目标:
to learn the words: fantastic, play football, fly our kites, watch tv, idea, report, stick
to learn the sentences:
i’ll write the reports.  i’ll draw the pictures.
what will you do, sam?   i will cut the paper.
 help the students consolidating future tense and the usage of “let’s”.
二、 教学重点及难点
main point: master the future tense and the usage of “let’s”.
difficult point: ss can read the dialog fluently.
三、 课前准备: a tape recorder, some cards.

module6 unit 1 i’ll draw the pictures.
一、 教学目标与要求
① 知识与能力目标:
to learn the words:
fantastic, play football, fly our kites, watch tv, idea, report, stick
to learn the sentences:
i’ll write the reports.  i’ll draw the pictures.
what will you do, sam?  i will cut the paper.
 help the students consolidating future tense and the usage of “let’s”. 能够正确运用一般将来时态,制定计划。培养学生有计划做事情的能力。14页,当前第11234567891011121314
二、 教学重点及难点
main point: master the future tense and the usage of “let’s”.
difficult point: ss can read the dialog fluently.
三、课前准备: a tape recorder, some cards.
step 1 warm up
师生互相问好后,老师带领学生读module 5中学过的小诗,创造英语学习的气氛。
step 2 presentation and practice
老师拿出一张英语报给学生们看,并问“what’s this?”引导学生问答:“it’s an english newspaper.”老师再问:“is it beautiful?”学生回答:“yes.” 老师接着说:“yes, the newspaper is fantastic! do you want to make an english newspaper like this?” 在得到学生的肯定回答后,老师继续说:“do you know how to make an english newspaper? our friends will make an english newspaper. let’s learn from them.
step 3 consolidation and extension
●老师把本课挂图挂在黑板上,说:“look, sam, amy, lingling and daming look excited. why? let’s listen to the tape and find out.”
●老师提问,学生看课文回答问题,如:“what will the children do? what’s the english newspaper about? what will daming do? what will amy do? what will sam do? what will lingling do? how is their newspaper?”
●sb unit1 活动3。学生两人一组,一问一答,然后互换。
●ab unit1 练习1。老师请学生先读一遍课文,然后自己完成作答,再与同桌互对答案,最后老师给出正确答案。
step4. summery:让学生自己总结本课重点
step5.homework designing:
listen to the dialog and repeat it.
copy the words and sentences.
step 6. blackboard designing:
module 6 unit 1
i’ll draw the pictures.
i’ll write the reports.

module6 unit 2 let’s have a class party this saturday!
一 、教学目标与要求
① 知识与能力目标:
to learn the words:
fantastic, play football, fly our kites, watch tv, idea, report, stick
to learn the sentences:
i’ll write the reports.  i’ll draw the pictures.
what will you do, sam?   i will cut the paper.
help the students consolidating future tense and the usage of “let’s”. 能够正确运用一般将来时态,制定计划。培养学生有计划做事情的能力。
二 、教学重点及难点
main point: master the future tense and the usage of “let’s”.
difficult point: ss can read the dialog fluently.
三、课前准备: a tape recorder, some cards.
step 1 warm up
●师生互相问好后,一起玩“simon says” 的游戏。老师可用一些上一节课学过的动词词组,如:“write the reports, draw the pictures, cut the paper, stick the paper together…”
●请四位学生分别扮演lingling, sam, amy和daming, 给他们分别带上头饰,表演上一节课的课文。14页,当前第21234567891011121314
step 2 presentation and practice
●老师指着一张英语报问:“is the newspaper fantastic?” 学生会回答:“yes.” 老师接着拿出一张.海报说:“look at this. it’s not a newspaper. it’s a poster. students can make posters, too. linging, amy, sam and daming make one. let’s see what it’s about.”
step 3 consolidation and extension
●老师提问,学生看课文回答问题,如:“what will the students do ? when will they have a class party? where will they meet? what will they do in the park? when will they meet? who wrote this poster?
●老师请学生用铅笔勾出本课所有带“let’s” 的句子,然后老师重点教授这些句子,可以提问学生这些句子的意思,也可以让学生用这个句型造句。
●老师将以下两组词:“fly, listen to, watch, go to, play, have” 和“tv, the park, kites, a picnic, football, music”分别写在卡片上,发给两组学生。当拿着一张动词卡片的学生面向全班举起卡片时,另一个手中有与此动词相配的名词卡片的学生迅速跑上前站在他/她的左边,然后全班一起读出这个动词短语。如学生a手举“fly”的卡片,手中有 “kites”的学生b迅速跑上前去站在学生a的左边,全班一起读:“fly kites”. 如此类推,直到六组短语都配好。
step 5. homework designing:   make up english newspaper.
step 6. blackboard designing :  
 module 6 unit 2
let’s have a class party this saturday!

module 7
题目 module  7    planets
题材(主要)内容 miss smart 在给学生上课的过程中讲到太空中的各大行星与太阳之间的位置。
目标 功能 描述太阳与各行星的位置及各行星由于离太阳距离的远近而产生不同的冷热程度。                                                                                                                                                                                               14页,当前第31234567891011121314
 语法(结构、句子) 描述各行星与太阳的距离。the … is near to the …  .    the … is far from the …  .


词汇 听 说
读 能在听的过程中从语句中辨别出并能够正确认读如下单词: space, ring, night, banana, at all , not at all , look like, small
   写 能背诵并默写以下单词:planet, sun, moon, hot, cold, near, far from , long, short, fat , thin, round
 语句 听
读 能够听懂并认读:
this is space . this planet is beautiful. it’s got three beautiful rings . the…is (hot, cold, fat, thin, long, short…). it’s … and … . it’s the … .
能够读懂unit 2 listen and repeat 诗歌。
  说 能够用the … is near to the …  .    the … is far from the …  . 描述各行星与太阳的距离。能够用the…is (hot, cold, fat, thin, long, short…).  it’s … and …  .  it’s the …  . 新 课 标第 一网
it looks like a … … .
  写 能够正确默写以下句型:this planet is near to the sun .   it’s very hot .   this planet is far from the sun .   it’s very cold .
学习策略 能简单介绍太阳与各行星的距离,并总结各行星的冷热程度,体现学生善于观察的能力。
文化意识 简单了解太阳系中各行星与太阳的位置关系,并简单介绍各行星的主要特征。
情感态度 培养学生对自然科学的热爱,教会学生善于观察,乐于发现,体现学生勇于开拓创新的精神。
任务 学习任务:根据太阳系各行星位置图描述行星基本特征。

module7 unit 1 it’s very hot .
1. 知识与能力目标
a . knowledge  target:
words:  planet , sun , hot , cold , near  to,  far from , long , short , fat , thin ,  space,  ring
sentences :  this planet is near to the sun .      it’s very hot .  
this planet is far from the sun .     it’s very cold .
this  is  space .      this  planet  is  beautiful .
it’s got three beautiful rings .
the snake is short .
b. ability  target :  学生能够运用the … is near to the …  .    the … is far from the …  . 描述各行星与太阳的距离。能够用the … is (hot, cold, fat, thin, long, short…) .等句型描述描述事物、人物、动物的具体特征。
2. 情感态度目标
二. 教学重点及难点
a. main points :  planet , sun , moon , hot , cold , near  to,  far from ,                                   long , short , fat , thin14页,当前第41234567891011121314
b. difficult points:  cold , thin , planet , near to , far from
                  this planet is near to the sun .      it’s very hot .  
this planet is far from the sun .    it’s very cold .
三. 课前准备
a  tape  recorder ,  some pictures .
四. 教学过程       (t: teacher  ;  s: student;  ss: students)
step 1 warm up
say and do .
long, long , long ,
short, short, short ,
fat, fat, fat,
…  …
let ss to chant with actions like this .
step 2 presentation and practice
t: look at the picture , this snake is long . can you say more ?
s1: this snake is green and yellow .
s2: this snake is beautiful .     
…  …
let ss to make a match between two groups . which group can say more ?
(通过竞赛活动,充分调动学生参与课堂活动的积极性,同时很好地复习了以下形容词: hot , cold , long , short , fat , thin ,并适当拓展了学生学过的其他形容词,如:big, small 等。达到知识的循环滚动,有利于巩固知识。)
t: this bear is fat . his head is round . i know another thing . it is round , too . look at the blackboard carefully, i’ll draw it on the blackboard. can you guess what is it ?
ss: is it a …  …  ?
t: yes, you’re right . it is a sun . can you describe this sun ?
ss: this sun is round . this sun is hot .     …  …
t draws another planet on the blackboard.
t: this is a planet .        t teaches the new word : planet
read the new word in high voice and low voice .
(操练单词时通过高低声音的变化改变原本枯燥乏味的重复朗读,提高学生学习英语的兴趣。) 新课标第一网
t: this planet is near to the sun .  t teaches the new phase : near to
ss: this planet is near to the sun .
t: this planet is near to the sun .  is it cold there ?
ss: no, it’s very hot there .                
t draws another planet far from the sun on the blackboard .
t: this is a planet . is it near to the sun ?
ss: no .             t: this planet is far from the sun .
t teaches the new phase : far from .
ss: this planet is far from the sun .
t: this planet is far from the sun .  is it very hot there ?
ss: no, it’s very cold there .
t draws three rings on the planet .
t: how about this planet now ?14页,当前第51234567891011121314
ss: oh, this planet is beautiful .
t: how many rings does it have ?
ss: it’s got three beautiful rings .
t: now there’s a space on the blackboard .
  this is space .   t teaches the new word: space .
step 3 consolidation and extension
listen to the tape , listen and repeat . let ss to imitate the pronunciation .
t: now you can draw some planets on the blackboard , too . then you can describe these planets with your partner . for example : this planet is far from the sun . it’s very cold there . it’s blue . there’s no water on it .
…  … 
step 4 summary
let some ss to sum up words and sentences they have learnt .
t: 今天我们学习了如何描述太阳与其他行星的距离,并描述这些行星的基本特征。
(let ss to read the main knowledge together.)
step 5 homework
1. listen to the tape, listen and repeat 4 times .
2. copy the main word and sentences 2 times , then try to remember them. .
3. describe  your  favorite  planet .
step 6 blackboard design
module 7  unit 1     it’s very hot .
this planet is near to the sun .      it’s very hot .
this planet is far from the sun .    it’s very cold .

module7 unit2 it’s big and round .
1. 知识与能力目标
a. knowledge target:
words:  round, night, at all, not at all, look like, small, moon
sentences:  it’s big and round.  it’s the moon.
           it looks like a banana.
           there’s no moon at all.
b. ability target:  学生能够运用 it’s … and … .  it’s the … .    it looks like a … …  .等句型描述事物、人物、动物的具体特征。
2. 情感态度目标
二. 教学重点及难点
a. main points:  round, night, at all, look like, small, moon
               it’s big and round.  it’s the moon.
               it looks like a banana.
b. difficult points:  not at all
               there’s no moon at all.14页,当前第61234567891011121314
a  tape  recorder , some pictures ,  some  toys  or  objects .
四. 教学过程       (t: teacher  ;  s: student;  ss: students)
step 1 warm up
sing a song with actions on page 29 <twinkle twinkle  little  star>.
say a chant together.
long, long, the snake is long.
fat, fat, the bear is fat.
…  … 
step 2 presentation and practice
t says the chant at last .
t: round , round , the sun is round .   (t says and do actions)
t teaches the new word : round .
t: do you know what is round in your daily life ?
ss: the apple is round . the ball is round .   …  … 
t: i think some nights , the moon is round .
t: some nights , what shape is the moon ?
ss: 月牙。
t: oh, yes . what does it look like ?
t teaches the new phase : look like .       ss: banana .
t: some nights , it looks like a banana .
brain storm (头脑风暴) : the … looks like a …  .
t: can you see the moon every night?
ss: no .
t: some nights , there’s  no  moon  at  all .
listen to the tape, listen and repeat .
guessing game : one student says : it’s (yellow , green , round, hot, long … ) . one student guesses : is it a / the …  ?
(猜谜游戏是学生喜欢的游戏之一,通过猜谜游戏,学生会获得一些信息差,从而猜到同学描述的物品,通过猜谜游戏不但可以巩固学生学过的知识,而且极大的促进了学生学习英语的积极性。) 新 课标 第 一 网x kb 1.c om
after this game, ss can use the sentences : it’s … and …  . it’s …  … .
it’s  a  …  …  .  it looks like a …  . to describe the things .
step 3 consolidation and extension
t: my sister’s birthday is coming . i want to buy some presents for her . now there’s a shop in our classroom. you’re  salespeople. you can your things to me . let me see which one is the best one ?
step 4 summary
let some ss to sum up words and sentences they have learnt .
t: 今天我们学习了如何描述事物、动物、人物的基本特征。
(let ss to read the main knowledge together.)
step 5 homework
1. listen and repeat the dialogue for half an hour.
2. copy the main word and sentences 3 times , then try to remember them. .14页,当前第71234567891011121314
3. 描述一件你收到过的最喜欢的礼物。
step 6 blackboard design
module 7  unit 2    it’s  big  and  round .
it’s  …  and …  .
it  looks  like  a …  .
it’s  a / the  …  .

module  8
题目 module  8     positions
内容 daming 向sam说起自己住在美国的表兄,两人在交谈的同时谈到了美国不同城市的地理位置。
目标 功能 描述某一大范围内的某一地点的位置。                                                                                                                                                                                              

 语法(结构、句子) 描述某一地点或某人居住的具体位置。where’s … ?  … is in the … of … . he(she) lives in the … of …  .


词汇 听 说
读 能在听的过程中从语句中辨别出并能够正确认读如下单词: country, america, cousin, maybe, canada, mexico, los angeles, new york , washington,d.c.
capital, speak, library
  写 能背诵并默写以下单词:east, west, north, south, where
 语句 听
读 能够听懂并认读:
this country is american .   does he live in (los angeles, new york ) ?  i want to go to american one day .   maybe you can visit your cousin . the capital of america is washington, d.c.   canada is to the north of  america .
能够读懂unit 2 listen and repeat 短文。
  说 能够用where’s … ?  … is in the … of … . he(she) lives in the … of … .   … is to the … of … .介绍某一地点或某人在某一大范围内的具体位置。14页,当前第81234567891011121314

  写 能够正确默写以下句型: he lives in the east of america .   los angeles is in the west of america .   where’s  qingdao ? 
it’s in the east of china .
学习策略 积极与他人交流,能介绍简单的地理位置,体现热爱祖国。
文化意识 简单了解美国各大主要大城市在美国的地理位置。
情感态度 培养学生热爱自己的祖国,并与其他英美国家建立良好的邦交关系,待人友善。
任务 学习任务:根据美国、中国地图简单介绍各城市地理位置。

module8 unit 1 new york is in the east.
1. 知识与能力目标
a . knowledge  target:
words:  east ,  west,  north,  south,  where , country, america, cousin,  maybe,  canada,  los angeles,  new york
sentences :  he lives in the east of america .
           los angeles is in the west of america .
           where’s  qingdao ?       it’s in the east of china .
           this country is american .  
does he live in (los angeles, new york ) ? 
i want to go to american one day .  
maybe you can visit your cousin .
b. ability  target :  学生能够运用      … is in the … of … .
he(she) lives in the … of …  . 等句型描述某一地点或某人居住的具体位置。
2. 情感态度目标
四.  教学重点及难点
a. main points :  east ,  west,  north,  south,  where
               he lives in the east of america .
               los angeles is in the west of america .
               where’s  qingdao ?       it’s in the east of china .
b. difficult points:  los angeles ,  country ,  lives  in
              he lives in the east of america . (the 在east前的发音)
五. 课前准备   新课 标第 一网xk
a  tape  recorder ,   a map of america ,  a map of china , a  globe,
a  compass ,  some pictures  and  photos . 14页,当前第91234567891011121314
四. 教学过程       (t: teacher  ;  s: student;  ss: students)
step 1 warm up
brain storm(头脑风暴):which country do you know?
t: today there is a competition between two groups.
look, this is a globe. who can find china from this globe?
ss:  …  …  .
t: good!this is china. china is a country. “country” what’s meaning?
ss:  …  …  .
t: which country do you know?
group1: china is a country, country, country.
group2: canada is a country, country, country… …
step 2 presentation and practice
t: my name’s …  .i live in qingdao. where do you live?
s1: i live in qingdao, too.
t: where does you father live?
s2:he lives in qingdao.      (板书 he  lives  in  …  …  .)
t: where is qingdao?         ss: it’s in china.
t: china is our country, look, which country is it?   (t出示美国地图)
ss:  …  …  .
t: what do you know about america? ( t draws a map of america on the blackboard)
ss:迪士尼、洛杉矶、纽约… … .
t: yes, los angeles and new york. where is los angeles? it’s in the west of america. where is new york? it’s in the east of america.(t teaches the words and stick the word cards on the blackboard)
(利用黑板上画的美国地图向学生发问:where is los angeles?
where is new york?并渗透it’s in the … of america.句型。本环节利用学生对美国的了解和感官来渗透新的知识点,为后面方位词的学习奠定基础。)
t: maybe i want to go to new york one day,i think i need a compass.
look, this is a compass, what’s the meaning of “w” “e” “n” “s”?
ss:西   东    北    南
t: west  east  north  south (teach the words with different ways)
  practice the new words: i say, you do; i do, you say; i say the letters, you say the words.
t: where is los angeles?
ss: it’s in the west of america.
t: where is new york?
ss: it’s in the east of america.
( 本环节利用指南针上的“e s w n” 四个字母来帮学生形象直观的理解“东南西北”四个方位词,并在单词的操练中运用“上下左右”拍手分别来表示“北南西东”四个方位,还利用说开头一个字母来让学生辨别是哪个方位词,通过多种操练使学生掌握四个方位词,并利用黑板上的美国地图,通过问: where is los angeles/new york?将句型it’s in the …of america.直观地展示给学生,并帮助学生理解抽象的地理位置。值得注意的是:it’s in the east of america.一句中“the”的发音老师可用一个提示性的手势来帮助学生记忆。)
t: maybe i want to go to america one day, because my cousin xiaoyong14页,当前第101234567891011121314
lives there, which city does he live? i will give you a hint, you can guess.(t出示disney land \hollywood\big bear lake的图片)
ss: los angeles                  t: where does my cousin live?
ss: he lives in los angeles.     t: so he lives in the west of america.
my cousin simon has got three good friends, let’s play a guessing game:
where do they live? (lingling\tom\amy)
ss: he\she lives in the…of america.
t: ok, let’s chant together!
 where does amy live?   where does amy live?
 north, north;  south, south;  west, west;  east, east.
 she lives in the north.
(此环节通过小组竞猜my cousin 的三个朋友住在美国的什么位置来操练句型he\she lives in the…of america.问题设计不但有信息差而且通过小组竞赛奖励的方式能够激发学生的学习热情和想说的欲望,帮助学生掌握重点句型。并且运用tpr活动借助脍炙人口的chant 帮助学生更好地掌握四个方位词。)
t: my cousin has got another friend, he’s simon .please listen to the tape, and  find “where does he live?”
ss: he lives in the east of america.
t: second time, listen and repeat, you should imitate the pronunciation, then find “east, west”.
t: this time, listen to me, then judge:
1.my cousin lives in america.                        √
2.los angeles is in the east of america.                ×
3.new york is in the west of america.                 ×
4.daming wants to go to america one day.             √
step 3 consolidation and extension
t:i have got another map. look, is it in america?
ss: no, it’s in china.    (t出示中国地图)
t points to some places and ask: where is …?  (板书)
ss: it’s in the…of china.  (板书)
t: work in groups, ask and answer: where is…? it’s in the...of china.
t: let’a play an interesting game: let’s image: maybe you come from a place of china, you can say a piece of dialect in this place, we can guess: where do you live?
for example:扎西德勒.where does miss li live?
ss: miss li lives in sitsang./miss li lives in the west of china.