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Unit 3 Is this your skirt? 教案 (4)

b let’s learn let’s chant c good to know let’s sing
1. listen, say and write the main words: jeans, shorts, shoes, socks and pants.
2.       master the sentences: where are my socks? what colour?   white.
3.     master the part of let’s chant.
4.     know good to know.
the analysis of teaching
important points:
listen, say, read the new words in b let’s learn.
difficult points:
1. know the usage of the new words.
2. understand the sentence: where are my shoes?  what colour? white.
knowledge points:
plural nouns
the analysis of the ss
the ss should master the new words. they are very difficult for them to pronounce. pay attention to the usage of the new words.
teaching aids
1.     a tape recorder, a tape
2. the cards of the words: jeans, shorts, shoes, socks, pants.
3. the real things of the words of this lesson.
teaching procedure
step one warm-up
1. review the part of let’s do.
2.     to let the ss act out the dialogue.
3.     the free talk and the daily talk.
what’s this?
it’s a dress.
what colour is it?
it’s green.
is this your dress?
yes, it is.
but where is my dress?
my dress is blue.
is this your dress?
yes, it is. thank you.
(teaching intention: firstly, the students can be interested in english by singing and acting. secondly, review the old knowledge and lay a foundation. )
4. preview
a.       let the ss listen to the contents of the recycle let’s play.
b.       game: read the words quickly.
c.       game: what’s missing?
(teaching intention: lay a foundation for the next learn)
step two presentation
1.       the t shows the picture of shoes and then teaches the word.
t: what’s this?
s: shoes.
t: yes, they are shoes. look at my shoes, they are black. what about you?
ss: …
t: my shoes are old, what about you?
ss: …
(then t teaches: my shoes are old.)
2.       teach socks.
show the socks, they are new.
3.       teach shorts and pants.
the pants are long. the shorts are short. (show the word cards)
4.       game:
what’s missing?
(use the word-cards)
5.       practice the dialogue by using the dialogue :
t: where are my socks?
s: what colour?
t: white.
6.       pay attention to the usage of are.
the ss should know the difference of is and are.2页,当前第112
where is my skirt?
where are my socks?
step three practice
1. listen, read and repeat.
2. let’s chant.
my shirt is red.  my jacket is blue.  
my dress is old.  my sweater is new.
my socks are white.  my shoes are too.
my pants are old.    my shorts are new.
3. game: the matching game
 (teaching intention: the students can study happily, can foster the spirits of cooperation.)
4. good to know
magic time
there are many clothes in the box. let the students guess “what’s in the box?”
know jeans
step four consolidation and extension
1.     let’s sing “my clothes”
2.     game:
four in group. say the clothes, for example:her pants are blue. his jacket is white. his shoes are black.
3.     a little text.
read and match. (连线。)
red jeans          白鞋子
white shoes        蓝袜子
blue socks          红牛仔裤
yellow shorts       紫色长裤
purple pants         黄色短裤
1. listen to the tape for 3 times.
2. to act the story.
on the blackboard
unit 3 is this your skirt?
jeans     pants     shoes    socks     shorts
               where are my socks? 
what colour?  
teacher’s notes:
本课充分发挥学生的主体作用 , 培养学生的自主学习能力, 学生学习兴趣浓厚 , 能够在轻松的语言环境中掌握主要的单词 , 在运用语言上, 在于学生的交流中, 学会主要单词, 形式多样 , 学生感兴趣, 能熟练的运用语言2页,当前第212