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4A Unit6 Whose gloves?

教学内容:glove, sock, shoe, big, small, jacket, sweater, a pair of
教学目标:1、能听懂、会读、会说、会写big, small, glove, sock, shoe, a pair of;能听懂、会说jacket, sweater
教学重点:能拼写 big, small, glove, sock, shoe, a pair of
教学准备:a pair of gloves/socks/shoes, a jacket, a sweater
一、 free talk
1、what day is it today? what’s the date today? what’s the weather like today?
2、do you like sunny days? do you like english? now let’s speak english.
二、 new teaching
 1、take out two bags. one is big, the other one is small.
    read after the teacher. big  small (配合动作)
    ss say these two words.
2、 what’s in the big bag? guess.(教师让学生看包中物品的颜色)
    it’s a jacket. ( read after the teacher)
    it’s a small jacket. ( read after the teacher)
    it’s a blue jacket. ( read after the teacher)
    it’s a blue small jacket. ( read after the teacher)
   4、what else in the big bag?
it’s a sweater. ( read after the teacher)
ss learn to say the sentence. ( it’s a small sweater. it’s a white sweater…)
5、what’s in the small bag? (guess)
look, it’s a glove. ( read after the teacher)
(take out another glove)t: gloves ( read after the teacher)
    a pair of gloves( read after the teacher)
 it’s a pair of gloves( read after the teacher)
6、teach sock shoe in the same way.
what’s in the glove/shoes?
三、 practice
1、 show me your clothes.
t: show me …
ss: … (同时把相应的物品拿出来) 
2、 who is the big eye?
t: what’s this? (边说边把遮住的图片一点点往下移)
s: it’s a …
1、 copy shoe, sock, glove, big, small, a pair of
2、 read the new words.
bb writing:
 unit 6 whose gloves?
  big        it’s a pair of gloves.
  small       socks