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4B Unit 2 At a party教案集体备课

  小学英语  课程教案

周    次




授课课题unit 2 at a party


内容 b. look read and learn  c. ask and answer.教学目的和要求1.       能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, brother, sister. 2.       能正确运用nose, mouth, head, ear等词汇,描述人的外貌特征, 培养学生实际运用英语进行交流的能力和乐于与人交流、合作的个性。 3.       能结合已学词汇,正确地听、说、读、写和运用句型 he’s/she’s my… 4.  能正确地听、说和读日常交际用语who’s the…with…?教学重点及难点1.       能正确地听、说、读、写单词grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, brother, sister. 2.       能正确地听、说、读、写句型 he’s/she’s my… 3.  能正确地听、说和读日常交际用语who’s the…with…?教学方法及手段通过图片,让学生初步了解五官的说法学法指导指导学生了解五官的说法。



预习 b部分单词

计step one: warming-upt: boys and girls, are you ready for english class? first let’s sing a song. ps: sing the song “who’s that girl?” 课件:此处配一动画闪动着的不同的男孩和女孩的照片。歌曲结束,出现有明显特征的男孩和女孩的背影照片。 step tw presentation1.       教授生词:mouth, nose, head, ear及句型who’s the … with…? he’s/she’s…复习已学单词:hair, eyet: boys and girls, look! that’s a girl. she has long hair. this is a boy. 引导学生说:he has short hair. 师对比教单词hair及词组long hair, short hair. t: who’s the boy? who’s the girl? let’s guess. here’s some information for you. the girl has a small mouth and a big nose. 课件:显示一张嘴巴和一个鼻子。师教授单词mouth和nose,并要求学生拼读这两个单词。师做手势教短语:big mouth, small mouth, big nose, small nose. t: ok. the girl has a small mouth and a big nose. who’s she? 课件:显示几位具有不同特征的女孩照片,人物下方配有姓名。 p1: she is ann. t: yes, ann’s mouth is small. but who’s the girl with big mouth? p2: she’s yang ling. t: yes, you’re right. (师指着男孩的背影)who’s the boy? oh, he has a big head and two small ears. 课件:显示一个头和一只耳朵。师教授单词head和ear,并要求学生拼读。师做手势教短语:big head, small head, big ear, small ear, two big ears, two small ears. t: who’s the boy? guess, please. 课件:显示几位具有不同特征的男孩照片,人物下方配有姓名。 p3: he is tom. t: yes, he’s tom. look, there are five boys here. they’re tom, david,… 师带领学生熟悉课件上的人物和名字,然后人物下方的名字消失。 t:who’s the boy with small eyes?(出示该句型,划线部分用不同颜色) p4: he’s david. p5: he’s ben. t: who’s right? let’s have a look. oh, he’s ben. 师教授句型:who’s the ... with …? he’s/ she’s … 并将with重点教,用学生做模特,作一些替换练习,如:the boy with big eyes, the girl with long hair, … 课件:将一些有明显特征的明星的照片展示给学生,操练句型:who’s the ... with …? he’s/ she’s … t: now, look at these photos. who’s the woman with big eyes? p6: she’s zhao wei. t: who can ask me? p7: who’s the man with small eyes? t: he’s feng gong. now you ask and answer in pairs with these photos. 教师要求学生利用课件提供的照片,用所学句型两两讨论,然后一到两组学生展示。 2. 复习巩固以前学过的家庭称谓类的单词:grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, brother, sister. 并进一步运用句型:who’s the ... with …? he’s/ she’s …9页,当前第1123456789t:ok. the lovely girl is ann. the lovely boy is tom. they’re brother and sister. 课件:出现brother和sister这两个单词,师要求学生拼读这两个单词。 t:tom and ann have a big family. this is their family photo. let’s have a look. 课件:出现一张全家福照片。 t: the girl with small mouth is ann. the boy with big head is tom. but who’s the woman with long hair?  perhaps she’s ann’s mother. (师操作课件,人物旁边出现单词mother) i’m right. who’s the man with small ears? ps: perhaps he’s ann’s father. (师操作课件,人物旁边出现单词father) t: yes, you’re right. 用同样的方式呈现单词grandfather and grandmother, 要求学生说出家庭称谓名称,并拼读单词。 step three: practice 1、 listen to the tape.t: you know these words, now open your books and turn to page 16. please read after the tape. 课件:出示书p16页上的图和单词,学生跟读。 2、talk about the teacher’s family photo.t: ann has a big family. and i have a big family, too. 课件:出示教师自己的全家福照片。 t: look, who’s the girl with long hair? it’s me. who are they? do you know? ask me, please. p8: who’s the boy with a small head? t: he’s my brother. 学生自由问,老师作答。也可学生间一问一答。 step four: consolidation1. talk about some family photos.t: boys and girls, you have many family photos. (指名)show us your family photo please.  (将一学生的全家福照片放在实物投影下给大家看) t: who’s the girl/boy with long/short hair? wang tong: she/he’s my sister/brother. t: children, you may ask her/him something about her/his family. p9: who’s the boy with big ears?(he’s my brother.) … t: please take out your family photos. talk about your family in groups.  (学生四人组成一个小组,互相询问照片上的人物。然后请一小组学生到前面展示照片,回答大家的问题) p10: who’s the woman with red mouth? p11: she’s my mother. … 2. do the exercise of part c.t: ok, we talked about our family photos just now. but what are helen and her friend talking about? let’s look at picture 1. 课件:出现c部分第一幅图并配有对话,请两个学生扮演角色,朗读一遍。然后出现第二、三、四幅图。要求学生看图完成下面的对话。 2. who’s the _______ with _______ _______?      3. _____ the _______ with _______ _______?   she’s my _________.                          ______ my ________.  4. ______ _____ ______ ______ ________ _______?   ______ _______ ________. 请学生两两对话,检查答案。9页,当前第2123456789

作    业 1. listen to part b three times.2. copy and recite the words of part b three times.


unit 2   at a party  who’s the … with …?      grandfather                          grandmother

                   father  motherhe’s/she’s my…         brother   sister



  小学英语  课程教案

周    次




授课课题unit 2 at a party


内容 a. read and say.  d. look and say.教学目的和要求1. 能听、说、读、写单词: friend, white. 2. 能正确地听、说、读和写句型is that …your …? the one in the… 3. 能正确理解、掌握对话内容,能用正确的语音、语调朗读并表演对话。 4. 能正确地听、说和读日常交际用语:nice to meet you. which one?5. 能运用所学句型编演对话,通过合作表演培养团结协作的精神,增进师生间的情感交流。教学重点及难点1. 能听、说、读、写单词: friend, white. 2. 能正确地听、说、读和写句型is that …your …? the one in the…; 3. 能正确理解、掌握对话内容,能用正确的语音、语调朗读并表演对话教学方法及手段通过图片,让学生初步了解五官的说法,要求会读会拼。学法指导指导学生了解五官的说法,并会读会拼。




计step one: free talkt: hello, i’m miss … p1: hello, i’m… t: nice to meet you. p1: nice to meet you, too. t: who’s that boy with big eyes? p1: he’s… t: now you ask and answer in pairs. ps: ask and answer freely. step tw presentation t: oh, he’s … (师指着屏幕) who’s that boy with yellow hair? 课件:呈现人物ben的图片。 ps: he’s ben. t: yes, he’s my friend. (出示friend单词卡) follow me, please. “friend f-r-i-e-n-d friend”.(请一小组学生拼读单词friend) t: ben is my good friend. (预先设置好,这时手机铃响) t: hello, this is miss …(课件:出现ben在打电话) ben: hello, miss … t: oh, you’re ben! ben: there’s a party at home. would you like to come here? t: great! i’ll be there. bye-bye. (老师挂掉手机) t: boys and girls, there’s a party. (课件:出现party的热闹场面)would you like to go with me? ps: great! t: let’s go. but how? ps: by bus. t: good idea! let’s go there by bus. 课件:flash歌曲: the wheels on the bus.  歌曲停,出现party的热闹场面。 t: we are at a party now.(教授短语at a party,并贴上板书) there are so many people here. look! who’s the boy with big eyes? (老师用教棒指着所说的男孩) 课件:呈现书中对话的第二幅图。 t: who’s the boy with big eyes? i don’t know. let’s ask ben.(老师引导学生一起问:ben, who’s the boy with big eyes? ) 指名问:ben, who’s the boy with big eyes? t: let’s listen. 课件: he’s my brother. t: oh, he’s ben’s brother. three beautiful girls are over there. what are they wearing? 课件:呈现书中对话的第三幅图。师引导学生说:green dress,blue skirt,white skirt, 并拼读单词white和skirt. t: who’s ben’s sister? perhaps she’s the one in the white skirt. (出示句型并板书,请一组学生朗读,并引导他们做替换练习。the one in the green dress. the one in the pink shirt. …) t: who’s ben’s sister? t: which one is ben’s sister? let’s listen. 课件录音: is that girl your sister? which one?          the one in the white skirt. yes, she is. t: who’s ben’s sister? ps: the one in the white skirt. t: yes? let’s ask ben. ben, is that girl your sister?(师教授该句型,请一些学生问该句型并板书) 课件:which one? p2: the one in the white skirt. 课件:yes, she is. t: i see, she’s ben’s sister. read after me, please. (师领学生读刚才对话中的句型,然后小组分角色读。) t: this time you work in pairs, one acts as ben, one acts as ben’s friend, ok? ps: ok.(学生两两练习这段对话后,师请一至两组学生表演) t:i see. the girl in the white skirt is ben’s sister. but who’s nancy’s father? let’s have a look. 课件:显示d部分的第一幅图,图片下配有如下句型: 1. a: is that man your father? b: which one? a: the one in the purple shirt. b: yes, he is. t: which man is nancy’s father? ps: the one in the purple shirt. t: there are three pictures here. what are they talking about? please look at the pictures and fill in the blanks. (要求学生小组内讨论,做出下列对话的答案,最后一起核对正确答案) 2. a: is that ______ your ______? b: which one? a: the one in the _____ _____. b: _____ , she isn’t. 3. a: is that ______ _____ ______? b: ______ one? a: the ____ in the _____ _____. b: _____ , ____ is. 4. a: ____ that ______ _____ ______? b: ______ _____? a: the ____ ____ the _____ _____. b: _____ , ____ _____ . step three: practice.9页,当前第31234567891. listen to the tape.t:you know that old woman isn’t helen’s grandmother. helen’s grandmother is at the party. helen’s brother, mike is at the party too. he’s talking with ben. let’s listen. ps: listen to the tape. 课件:依次出现书中a部分对话图,并配有录音。 t: now open your books and turn to page14. unit 2 a. read and say. follow the tape, please. the pupils read after the tape. 2. read in roles.t: now let’s read in roles.(师引导学生参与不同角色朗读,使学生更加熟悉课文的句型) step four: consolidation.1. perform the dialogue. t: boys and girls, look! this is ben’s family. i’m ben’s friend, mike. hello ben! p3: hello! mike. t: who’s the boy with small eyes? p3: he’s my brother. t: is that your sister? p3: which one? t: the one in the red jacket. p3: yes! she is. mum, this is my friend, mike. p4: nice to meet you, mike. t: nice to meet you, too. (教师要求学生发挥创造力,扮演ben一家来表演对话。表现棒的小组可以每人得一个名星的人物面具。) 2. have a party.t: boys and girls, we will have a party here. your family members and some famous stars are here, too. 课件:显示周杰伦的照片 t: look, who’s the man with small eyes? ps: he’s zhou jielun. t: do you like him? ps: yes. t: now, i’m zhou jielun. (师戴上周杰伦的头饰,指着第一组学生) 师和第一组学生做如下示范: t: hello! i’m zhou jielun. what’s your name? p5: my name’s wang bing. nice to meet you. t: nice to meet you, too. who’s the girl with big eyes? p5: she’s my sister, wang fang. she likes your songs. t: thank you. who’s the woman in the red dress? p5: she’s my aunt. she likes dancing. do you like dancing? t: yes, i do. 课件:显示一些大家熟悉的明星照片,给学生自由选择。 t:now you may choose the star you like best. please work in groups. ready? go. 学生以小组为单位,综合运用已学知识进行一次情景对话。最后,师请一至两组学生表演他们的对话。

作    业1. listen, read and perform the dialogue of part a. 2. copy and recite the words: friend and white.3. copy and use the sentences: is that… your…? the one in the…

板书设计unit 2    at a party is that … your …?            friend which one?                 white the one in …                skirt yes, he/she is.                       9页,当前第4123456789



小学英语  课程教案

周    次




授课课题unit 2 at a party



 e. read and act.  f. listen and repeat.教学目的和要求1)    复习本单元所学习的家庭成员和身体部位单词及相关句型。 2)    能听得懂、会说和会读日常交际用语:we’re late for the party.  let’s hurry! 3)    了解辅音字母组合ck的发音教学重点及难点1)  能听得懂、会说和会读日常交际用语:we’re late for the party.  let’s hurry!2)    了解辅音字母组合ck的发音。教学方法及手段听录音,了解辅音字母组合ck的发音。学法指导交际法,情景教育法。



预习g . fun house

计t: boys and girls, let’s listen and do, ok? ps: ok. t: touch your nose, touch your mouth, touch your eyes, touch your ears, touch your hair… ps: do the actions. step tw play games.game 1: guessing gamet: let’s play a guessing game. i’ll choose six pupils here, and then i’ll cover one pupil’s eyes. we’ll ask him “who’s the boy with big eyes?” or “who’s in the red coat?” he’ll guess who he/she is. (师选六名学生到讲台前,用布蒙起一位学生的眼睛,让他根据其他五个同学的特征,猜猜说的是谁?) ps: who’s the girl with long hair? p2: she’s nancy. ps: yes, she is. p3: who’s the boy in the blue jacket? p2: he’s ben. ps: no, he isn’t. … game 2: look and sayt:now please take out your photos. (出示一些学生的家庭生活照片。) excuse me, who’s the woman with short hair? p3: she’s my aunt. t: where’s your aunt?(师指着照片) p3: she’s a teacher. she’s at school. t: is that woman your mother? p3: which one? t: the one in the blue skirt. p3: yes, she is. t: where’s she? p3: she’s at home.t: now you talk about your photos with your friends. 师给学生三到四分钟讨论他们的照片, 展示一至两组。 step three: presentation and practice.课件:出示教师自己父亲的照片。 t:look, this man is my father. he’s a teacher. where’s he now? guess, please. p4: he’s at school. t: no, he isn’t. p5: he’s at home. t: no, he’s at the party. 课件:出示父亲在聚会上的图片。 t:we will go to the party, too. what’s the time now? p6: it’s eight thirty-four. t: oh, we’re late for the party. let’s hurry. 师教授这两个句子,请学生两两站起来朗读,可用低、中、高音练习,增加趣味性。同时,引导他们做替换练习: we’re late for school. let’s hurry./we’re late for class. let’s hurry.等。 t: my father is at the party. but where’s your friend, david? let’s have a look. 课件:出示david在汽车里的图。 ps: he’s in the car. t: where is he going? oh, he’s going to the party with his mother and sister. 课件:出示书中e部分对话的图。 t: what time is it? let’s listen! 课件:播放书中e部分对话,出示书中的对话。 t: what time is it? p6: it’s six o’clock. t: they’re late for the party. now open your books, let’s listen and repeat. ps: read the dialogue after the tape. step four: consolidation9页,当前第51234567891. work in pairs. ps: read and act the dialogue in roles. 2. work in groups.t: (指两名学生)what time do you go to school every day? p7: seven fifteen. t: suppose it’s seven thirty now. you’re late for school. can you make a new dialogue? (师在学生能较流利地朗读对话的基础上,以“上学要迟到”为内容,小组讨论,自编对话。)两名学生做示范如下: p1: hello, … p2: hello, … p1: excuse me, what’s the time? p2(看表): it’s seven thirty. p1: oh, we’re late for school. p2: yes, let’s hurry. 师给学生一定的练习时间,然后进行对话表演比赛。在课件上出示聚会用的彩色气球以示对表演好的学生的奖励。 step five: listen and repeat.课件:出示彩色气球,上面配有书上f部分的四个单词。 t: boys and girls, the colourful balloons are so nice. there are some words on them. can you read? try, please. ps: black, clock, jacket, sock. 新课标第一网 t: can you find the same among them? p9: they all have “ ck ”. t: yes. we pronounce it [k]. here’s a sentence for you. let’s listen and repeat. 课件:出示用气球和单词排在一起的句型,并播放该句录音。 tape: his socks, jacket and clock are black. ps: repeat the sentence. 为增加趣味性,师要求学生用不同的声调和语气来朗读该句子。

作    业 1. listen to the tape of part e and part f. 2. write a short passage about your family.

板书设计unit 2  at a party we’re late for the party. let’s hurry! black  clock  jacket  sock his socks, jacket and clock are black.



  小学英语  课程教案

周    次




授课课题unit 2 at a party


内容g . fun house教学目的和要求1、    复习本单元所学的家庭称谓和人体部位的单词。 2、    进一步掌握句型 who’s he/she? he’s/she’s my… is this/that…your…?  yes, he/she is. no, he/she isn’t. 3、    学习a rhyme.教学重点及难点1、  复习本单元所学的家庭称谓和人体部位的单词。 2、  较熟练地运用句型who’s he/she? he’s/she’s my… is this/that…your…? yes, he/she is. no, he/she isn’t. 3、  能熟练地在情景中运用本单元所学的句型和日常交际用语,并能围绕“认人”这一主题编演对话。 教学方法及手段通过听写,让学生了解五官的写法和用法学法指导指导学生会拼写职业。




计step one: free talk.t: hello!what’s your name? p1: my name is … t: who’s the boy with a big nose? p1: he’s … t: …,nice to meet you! p1: nice to meet you too! step tw revision.t: i have some word cards here. you choose one from them, then you’ll read and recite the word, ok? p1: ok! t: wang tong, you choose one please! wang tong: grandfather, g-r-a-n-d-f-a-t-h-e-r, grandfather. t: you are right! here is a card for you. wang tong: thank you.  同样的方法将本单元的生词复习一遍。 t: good! now let’s play a game: what’s missing?(师每次呈现五张词卡,从中抽出一张,请学生拼写被抽去的这张词卡的单词。) p3: ear e-a-r ear. t: yes, you ’re right. here’s a card for you. p3: thank you. (用同样的游戏复习其他的单词) step three: look, read and answer.9页,当前第6123456789t: boys and girls, you’ve done a good job. now let’s listen and answer. there are four questions for you. please listen carefully. you’ll answer the questions one by one. questions: 1. your father’s father. who’s he?    2. your father’s mother. who’s she?          3. your father’s brother. who’s he?   4. your father’s sister. who’s she? 师要求学生听问题。回答正确时,师引导全体学生说:yes, you’re right. 回答错误时,师引导全体学生说:sorry, you’re wrong. 利用这样的问题,一可以增加学生的学习兴趣, 又可以将本课单词再复习一遍。问题结束后,要求学生听、读part g第2部分的对话。根据此内容,学生两两对话。如: a: he’s li ping’s father’s brother. who’s he? b: he’s wu yan. a: sorry, you’re wrong. b: he’s wu fan. a: yes, you’re right. step four: say a rhyme课件:出示第21页say a rhyme的图片。 t: children, look! this is john’s brother, joe. where’s joe? ps: he’s sitting on the chair. t: a rhyme for you. the first time, you just listen. the second time, you may read after it. 课件:播放rhyme的录音。学生跟读结束后,显示john的阿姨在书房读书图,旁边并配有如下文字: my aunt



who’s that woman over there,                                    reading in the study?                                            she’s my aunt, ann.                                               let’s go and say “hello”!                                          师引导学生朗读变换后的rhyme 课件:变换几个不同的场景,让学生在图片提示下能够替换其中的单词,从而变成一首新儿歌. step five: look and readt: excellent. let’s watch a funny video. 课件:出示书第20页的内容,同时播放上面的对话录音。 t:first you just watch and listen. then you should read after it. 课件:学生跟读结束后,屏幕上句型中的一些单词消失如下。要求学生根据图示内容将其补充完整。 a:who’s ______? b:she’s my ________. a:is this ______ ______? b:_____, _____ is. a:_____ _____ your _____ ? b:no, _____ ______. a:_____ he? b:______ my ________. 学生将所缺的单词填好后,再一起朗读一遍。给学生一定的时间练习表演该对话。对话表演时,学生可根据自己的想法创新。 9页,当前第7123456789

作    业1.          listen to the tape of part g. 2.         practice the sentences and the dialogue of part g. 3.         say a new rhyme according to the rhyme: my brother.

板书设计   unit 2 at a party  my brother                                     who’s that boy over there,                          sitting on the chair?                               he is my brother, joe.                              let’s go and say “hello”!      



  小学英语  课程教案

周    次




授课课题unit 2 at a party




和要求1、            能按四会和三会要求掌握所学单词。2、          能运用日常交际用语,活用四会句型,进行简单的交流,并做到大胆开口,发音正确。


及难点1、句型的听、说、读、写。2、能按四会和三会要求掌握所学单词。3、  能运用日常交际用语,活用四会句型,进行简单的交流,并做到大胆开口,发音正确。







计1、           复习本单元四会单词,听写,订正。2、           复习本单元重要句型:(1)who’s the … with …? he’s/she’s my…         (2) is that … your …?            which one?               the one in …                 yes, he/she is 3、           做练习册听力部分并讲解。9页,当前第81234567894、            订正练习册笔试部分。

作    业订正练习册

板书设计unit 2 at a party(1)who’s the … with …? he’s/she’s my…         (2) is that … your …?            which one?               the one in …                 yes, he/she is


