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牛津小学英语4A Unit 6 Whose gloves?(第二课时 )教学设计


4a unit 6 whose gloves?



本课题教时数:5      本教时为第2教时 



1.能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词:big ,small , long , short

2.能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型:the... is /are too...

3. 能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语:try this one/ pair on. she looks so funny.

4. 初步理解掌握服饰类单词中复数的形式和用法以及动词be和代词用时的关系。


1 综合运用所学语言进行交流,培养学生在实际生活中综合运用语言的能力和对语言的应变能力。

2. 拓宽学生的知识面,提高学生综合素质。




1. 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词:big ,small , long , short

2.能听懂、会说和会读句型:the... is /are too...

3.能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语:try this one/ pair on.


1. 能正确理解和掌握对话内容。



教学过程:    教师活动



step 1:warm up             


t: good morning / afternoon, boys and girls.


t: how are you?


t: i’m fine, too.

2. free talk

t: there are so many clothes. let's look at them. what’s this?


t: do you have beautiful clothes? please show to me.

t: (指着一位同学的围巾问另一个)whose scarf is this?

t: whose gloves are they?

t: now look at the pictures on the screen.

t: now please use these pictures to practice this dialogue.

eg:a: whose...is this/are they?

    b: it's/they're...'s.


step 2: presentation and practice


1.t: today we will go to a party. here are so many beautiful clothes. let's try these clothes on. here is a pretty dress.

t: ok, come here. look at her dress.

oh, it's...(引导学生说)

t: yes. it's too small. the dress is too small.

领读: �small

     ‚ the dress is too small.

t: the dress is too small. we can also say "the dress is so small."

t: the dress is too small. try this one on.

t: ah, it's pretty. now you can wear this dress to the party.

t: now read after me.

�the dress is too/so small.

‚try this one on.

t: ok, this girl, come here. look at her skirt

t: the skirt is too short.

领读: �short

     ‚the skirt is too/so short.

t: the skirt is too short. try this one on.

t: now read after me.5页,当前第112345

�the skirt is too/so short.

‚try this one on.

t: ok. thank you for your help. the skirt is very beautiful.

2. t: this girl, come here. i think you need a pair of jeans.

t: look at his jeans. they're...

t:yes. the jeans are too long.(板书long并领读)

teach: �long

      ‚the jeans are too/so long.

t: miss you has a pair of jeans. look! try this pair on.

t: read after me

� the jeans are too/so long.

‚ try this pair on.

t: miss you has a pair of gloves. they are so lovely. who want to have a try?

t: look at her gloves.

t: they're so big. the gloves are too big.

teach: �big

      ‚the gloves are too/so big.

t: look! miss you got a pair of gloves. try this pair on.

t: ah, it looks so pretty.

t: read after me

� the gloves are too/so big.

‚ try this pair on.

3. t: now i will choose one student here to make a dialogue with me.

t: now it's your turn. please use your own clothes to work in pairs.

eg: a: look at my...

   b: the...is/are too... try this one/pair on.

   a: ok./all right.

4. exercise 1:look, choose and write

(is      are      one      pair)

(1) the skirt           so short.

  try this         on.

(2) the gloves        too small.

  try this        on.

(3) the jacket       too big.

  try this        on.

(4) the shoes       so big.

  try this        on.

4. t: everything is ready for us. but look at su yang and helen.

t: look at su yang. look at her hat.

t: look at her gloves.

t: look at her shoses

t: so she looks so funny.


t: look at helen's skirt.

t: but it's pretty.


t: so do you know "whose gloves are they?whose skirt is this?"



1. t: now let's watch a cartoon and find the answers.


t: so tell me the answers?

answer the questions

(1) whose gloves are they?

(2) whose skirt is this?


(1)they're su yang's father's.

(2)it's yang ling's.

2. read the text

(课件呈现课文句子)t:let’s read after the tape.

t: this time please read after me.

t: please read together

t: there are four characters. they are su yang, su hai, helen and the boy. now this time please work in groups and read it.5页,当前第212345

3. look and say

t: now look at the screen. there are some pictures. let's say it together. (复述对话)

t: now please do exercise 2

exercise 2 look, choose and write

(big    small    short    long    funny    pretty)

   look at su hai's dress. it's too             . and her jeans are too        . su yang's gloves are so             . she looks so              . whose gloves are they?  oh, they're her father's. look at helen's skirt. it's yang ling's. it's           ,but it's too              .


step 3. consolidation

exercise: 按中文要求补全句子


the sweater         too        .

try this         on.


the                too           .

try this          on.


she looks               .


whose          are            ?

           my        .     


whose           is            ?

it's            .


step 4. assign homework

1. copy the text

2. read the text 2 times after class, and try to recite it

3. talk about your clothes with your friends






unit 6 whose gloves?


the...is too...        small

try this one on.      short         


the...are too...      long                             5页,当前第312345

try this pair on.     big 






ss: good morning/ afternoon, miss you.

ss: i'm fine, thank you. and you?




ss: it’s a sweater.


ss: show


s: it's...'s.

s: they're...'s.


ss: work in pairs










ss: it's small.


ss: read after t





ss: read after t





ss: it's too short.


ss: read after t



ss: read after t







ss: they're too long.


ss: read after t



ss: read after t





ss: they're too big.


ss: read after t




ss: read after t




s: make a dialogue


ss: work in pairs





ss: do exercise











ss: it's too big.

ss: they're so big.

ss: they're too big.


ss: read after t

ss: it's too short.


ss: read after t






ss:watch a cartoon



ss: answer the questions





ss :read after the tape

ss: follow










ss: do the exercise









ss: do the exercise










教师注重教学过程的情境创设,通过夸张而准确的肢体语言,有效的实物展示,将呆板的课程文本活化为生动的场景,使学生愿意、乐于、能够参与教学活动,更容易理解新知the...is/are too... try this one/pair on的意思,在真实的情境中理解句子的含义。




































































授后小记:    本节课条理较清晰,目标明确,且利用实物来引起学生兴趣。但还存在许多不足,如:句型教授过于单一且操练过少 ,在课文朗读方面未进行深入的教学,无法很好的教授英语最关键的语音语调,在以后的教学中我会加以改正,不断进步。5页,当前第512345