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4B Unit 7 At a snack bar教案表格式

小学英语  课程教案

  年级 四年级  年  5  月6日

周    次




授课课题unit  7  at  a  snack  bar.

教    学

基本内容part a  c


和要求1、四会单词:chocolate tea coffee juice milk
2、四会学习句子: how much is it / are they ? it's ../they're …
3、三会学习句子:something to drink ?


及难点1、四会单词:chocolate tea coffee juice milk
2、四会学习句子: how much is it / are they ? it's ../they're …
3、三会学习句子:something to drink ?







计step one: revision:(师生复习表演上一节课的情景会话。) t: good morning , class . today i have some food . do you like them ?
s: yes .
t: hello , . what would you like ?
s: i'd like a hamburger .
t: how about you , ?
s: i'd like a hot dog .
t: anything else ?
s: some chips , please .
step tw presentation 1、游戏猜谜引出新单词 chocolate
t: first , let's play a game . what's in my bag ?
s1: it's a hamburger , i think .
s2: it's a hot dog , i think.
s3: it's an apple pie , i think .
t: no , it's a bar of chocolate .it’s brown.2、             t: now say after me , chocolate , chocolate , a bar of chocolate .
  s: chocolate , chocolate , a bar of chocolate .
  t: do you like it?
  s: yes , i do .
  t: if you are good in this game , this bar of chocolate will be for you .3、创设情景引出饮料的单词
t: oh , dear . today is very hot . i' m very thirsty . i want something to drink . do you want something to drink ?
s:yes , i do .
t: what's in my bag ?
s: some milk , i think.
t: yes , you are right . here's some milk . do you want some milk ?
s: great !
t: don't worry . i have some drink . guess ! what's in my bag ?
s: some orange juice .
t: yes , you are right .it's a bottle of orange juice . anything else ?
s: some apple juice .
t: no , you are wrong .
(教师用同样的方法,逐个出示其他饮料单词,教授新词:tea、 coffee、 milk )
t: good . now let's have a match . ok ? here are some pictures . please guess what's this in the pictures ? 教师拿出饮料图片,遮去一部分,只露出图片的一个角。
s1: some milk ?
s2: some orange juice ?
s3: some coffee ?
s: some tea ?4、 t: yes, please. / no, thanks.5、            t: great . now , class , let's have a rest . shall we go to the supermarket and buy something to drink ? ok ?4页,当前第11234
s: great !
6、情景对话, 引出新句something to drink ?
t: hello , . what would you like ?
s: i'd like a hamburger.
t: something to drink ?
s: some orange juice .
t: all right . here you are .
s: thank you .
t: hello , . how about you ? some orange juice ?
s: yes .
t: here you are .
板书:something to drink ?
t: oh , i'm very hungry and thirsty . i want something to drink . who want to be a salesmen ?
s: hello , miss zhang. what would you like ?
t: i'd like a hot dog .
s: something to drink ?
t: yes . some tea , please .
s: here you are .
work in pairs
8、创设情景,引出 me , too .
t: hi , . what would you like ?
s1: i'd like a sandwich .
t: me , too . something to drink ?
s: some apple juice , please .
t: me , too .板书: me , too .
(then let the students practice in pairs)9、            情景引出新句 how much is it / are they ?
t: i'm very thirsty , i want something to drink . what's that on your desk ?
may i have one ?
s1: sure , here you are .
t: how much is it ?
s1: two yuan .
t: i'd like some milk . how much is it ?
s1: three yuan .
t: how much are they ?
板书: how much is it / are they ?
work in pairs .use the patterns :something to drink ? how much is it / are they ? to practice in pairs.

作    业copy the  words.

板书设计unit 7 at a snack bar something to drink ?how much is it / are they ?it's / they're ….



小学英语  课程教案

  年级 四年级  年  5  月 6 日

周    次




授课课题unit  7  at  a  snack  bar.

教    学

基本内容part d and part g


和要求1.巩固前两课所学的食物类单词,能用"what would you like ?"询问他人,并会用"i'd like …"进行回答。
2. 能用"what can you see in the picture ?how many ?"正确询问并回答。


及难点1.巩固前两课所学的食物类单词,能用"what would you like ?"询问他人,并会用"i'd like …"进行回答。
2. 能用"what can you see in the picture ?how many ?"正确询问并回答。






预习read ,say the rhyme

计step 1.revision.
1. to review the words of foodst:what can you see in the picture?
s:i can see …
2. listen to the tape (say a rhyme),and say after it .
3. students make a new rhyme.(教师给予一定指导)
model: what would you like ?
i'd like some orange juice .
what would you like ?
i'd like some milk .4页,当前第21234
sure , they're very nice .
4. free talk :
t:shall we go to the kfc , a?
s:great.how do we go there ?
t:shall we go to the kfc by bus ?
s:no,let's go by minibus .
t:ok . let's go .
step 2 look at the picture of part g 2
1. ask questions:
(1) what can you see in the picture ? i can see some …
(2) how many ?
(3) do you like sandwiches?
(4) i'd like …
2. students ask in pairs and fill in the blanks of the table.
3. teacher asks the students and checks the answers.
step 3: presention and practice:
t:let's go and buy something to eat.
t:who act the waiter and the waitress.
(two students act the waiter and the waitress.)
1. teacher makes a model with some students.
s1:what would you like ?
t:i'm hungry .i'd like a humburger.
s1:anything else ?
t: i'm thirsty , too.i'd like a glass of juice .
s1:hot or cold ?
t:hot , please.
s1:here you are .
t:here's my humburger and a glass of juice. thank you. how much are they ?
s1:they're 18 yuan .
2. students go to buy something to eat in a group.
3. act out the dialogue.
step 4:consolidation:
look at the book of page 56.act a waiter or a waitress , ask your classmates and fill in the blanks.

作    业finish the part d of the workbook.

板书设计unit 7 at a snack bar something to drink ?how much is it / are they ?it's / they're ….



  小学英语  课程教案

   年级 四年级  年  5  月 6 日

周    次




授课课题unit  7  at  a  snack  bar.


内容part e 、f.教学目的和要求1.巩固本单元所学的内容,了解字母组合ds, ts 的发音。
2. 完成补充习题上的练习。教学重点及难点1.巩固本单元所学的内容,了解字母组合ds, ts 的发音。
2. 完成补充习题上的练习。教学方法及手段本课的学习要和学生的生活实际相结合,在学完本课以后,学生更多的了解在小吃店买东西的过程。学法指导指导学生会拼写点心、饮料。



计step 1.revision.
1. hungry, hungry ,i'm hungry,
humburger,humburger,here's a humburger.
thirsty ,thirsty ,i'm thirsty,
coffee,coffee,here's some coffee.
(pies, juice;biscuits, milk)
2. free talk:
t:do you like biscuits?
s:yes , i do.
t:me,too.do you like sweets?
s:yes,i do.
t:oh,no .i don't like sweets.
step 2:look at the picture of part f:
t: look at those boys. what are those in their hands?
ss: they're biscuits and sweets.
t: what are those flying in the sky?(教师边说边做动作)
ss: they're birds.
read the words and sentence.
birds friends biscuits sweets
my friends like birds ,sweets and biscuits.
step 3:read and act:
t: hello,what's the time ?
s:it's …
t:let's go and play basketball.
s:ok.let's go. t:i can't move now . i'm hungy.

teach the phrases"go and play"and the word "move".
2.listen to the tape and answer some questions:
what do they want to play ?
what does gao shan want?
does go shan go to play basketball?
3.read the dialogue after the tape .
4.read in pairs.
5.make a new dialogue and act it out.
step 4:consolidation:
look at the workbook ,listen and do .
a. listen ,find and circle .
b. listen and match .
c. listen match and write.

作  业 make a new dialogue according to the real life.

板书设计unit  7  at  a  snack  bar.birds   friends   biscuits   sweets    


  小学英语  课程教案

   年级 四年级 年  2  月 27日

周    次




授课课题unit  7  at  a  snack  bar.




和要求1、            能按四会和三会要求掌握所学单词。2、          能运用日常交际用语,活用四会句型,进行简单的交流,并做到大胆开口,发音正确。


及难点1、  句型的听、说、读、写。2、能按四会和三会要求掌握所学单词。3、  能运用日常交际用语,活用四会句型,进行简单的交流,并做到大胆开口,发音正确。






计1、           复习本单元四会单词,听写,订正。2、           复习本单元重要句型:what would you like ? i'd like a hamburger ./ chips.anything else ? a pie/ some sweets .something to drink ?how much is it / are they ?it's / they're ….3、           做练习册听力部分并讲解。4、            订正练习册笔试部分。

作    业订正练习册

板书设计what would you like ? i'd like a hamburger ./ chips.anything else ? a pie/ some sweets .something to drink ?how much is it / are they ?it's / they're ….


