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四年级英语下册Unit 4英文教案表格式

teaching plan

 date: 3/17                                 teacher: mia

text bookfun with english 4bunit



buying fruit

period 1

aims 1、        make sure to learn the eight words and enable to spell: apples, oranges, bananas, peaches, grapes, pineapples, watermelons, pears2、        enable to say the daily communicate and ask the objects in the plural form with the pattern: what are these? what are those?3.   make sure ss can answer the question in the plural form: there are…
4.  stimulate students’ interests in studying english.

main points and difficult points1. enable to say the daily communicate and ask the objects in the plural form with the pattern: what are these? what are those?2. make sure that students can use the pattern to make dialogue and to act it.3. ensure they can distinguish the usage of what are these? what are those?4. make sure the pronunciation of the fruit words in the plural form: /s//z/ /iz/grapes, peaches, the other words pronounce/z/.

aids picturesstep 1:  free talkt: who is she? please introduce her to me.ss: this is…t: nice to meet you.t: how are you today?ss: fine, and you?step 2   warming uptoday’s report. ss make a sentence include “today”.
t: what mouth is it now?ss: it’s april.t: what date is it?s: it’s …th.t: oh, liu tao’s birthday is coming soon. let’s go to the market and buy something for his party. ok?ss: ok.t: let’s buy some fruit. t: what’s this? (t writes down)s1: it’s an apple.t: very good. what’s this?s2: it’s an apple.song: an apple a day keeps the doctor away.t: an apple is not enough. we need some apples.t: a-p-p-l-e-s. s pronounces /z/ ss read follow me.t: they’re apples. ss read follow me.  (t writes down)t: what colour are they?  ss: they’re red.2)t: what’s that? (t writes down)ss:it’s an orange. t: we need more oranges. t: oranges, they’re oranges. o-r-a-n-g-e-s. s pronounces /z/ ss read follow me.t: what colour are they?  ss: they’re oranges.3) t shows the picture: what are these? (and point to the sentence: they’re …) to help others answer the question. ss: they’re pineapples.t: here s pronounce what?ss: /z/ let’s spell it together. p-i-n-e-a-p-p-l-e-s. t: do you like pineapples?ss: yes, i do.4) what are these? t writes down the sentence. (t shows the picture) 7页,当前第11234567ss read follow me several times. 5) t: please guess, what are these? (the picture is covered by paper)ss: they’re watermelons.6) t: what are these? (real objects) ss: they’re bananas. here s pronounce /z/ t: great, here s pronounce /z/ how many bananas are there?ss: five.t takes one and ask: what’s this? ss: it’s a banana.t: what’s that? ss: it’s a banana, too.7)t: but what are those? (t help them to say they’re..) t writes down it.ss: they’re pears. /z/8) : what are those?ss: they’re peaches. here “es” pronounce /iz/9) what are those?ss: they’re grapes.  a pronounce /ei/ and s pronounce /s/step3:words consolidation 1) read a chant:apples some apples. red and green.oranges some oranges. orange and green.bananas some bananas. yellow and yellow.pineapples some pineapples. yellow and green.pears some pears. yellow and green.peaches some peaches. white and red.grapes some grapes. purple and green.watermelons some watermelons. green and red.2) guessing game: guess and spell.they’re round. they’re big. they’re green and red. what are they? they’re round. they’re small. sometimes they’re red, and sometimes they’re green.they’re yellow. elephant likes them very much.they’re pink. monkey likes them very much..they’re yellow. they’re big. the surface of them are hard. use should use the knife to cut them off.step4:sentence consolidation1) touch, smell and guesswhat are these? what are those behind the door/ in the desk? they’re …2) practice in pairs.a: what’re these?b: they’re …s.a: do you like …s?b: yes. no, i don’t.a: what do you like?b: i like …s3) do the exercise.                                                  
(1) a: what ___  ____?                 (2)  a: what _____  _____?b: _____ are _____ .                     b: they’re _____.
(3)       a: what ___  ____?                 (4) a: _____ is _____?b: it ___ ____ apple.                  b: it’s ____ _____.7页,当前第21234567
step 5: conclusion evaluate students’ performance and give homework.step 6: homework1. prepare the dialogue and presentation at next class.
2.copy words “these, those, this, that”unit 4   buying fruit   what’s this?                     what are these?it’s a/an …                         they’re ….s   what’s that?                     what are those?

 resourcesreference book

postscript date: 3/21

text bookfun with english 4bunit



buying fruit

period 2

aims 1.      review the pattern drills: what are these/ those? they’re … i’d like some … how many kilos? … kilo(s), please. here you are. try to make new dialogues with the sentences above correctly and properly2.      daily communications and expressions: can i help you? these or those? …yuan, please.

 main points and difficult points1.      vocabulary: kilo2.      sentence: (1) what are these/ those? (2) they’re … (3) i’d like some … (4) how many kilos? (5) … kilo(s), please. (6) here you are.the students can use the dialogues in life.

aids pictures, tape recorder, masksstep 1. warming-up and revisions today’s report. ss make a sentence include “today”.1. dialy practice: point to…. (review the new words which are taught in last period) 2.1) say the chant with actions. 2) ask some students to say the chants which are written by themselves. apples, apples, red and sweetbananas, bananas, green and yellowlemons, lemons, yellow and sourgrapes, grapes, purple and greenwatermelons, watermelons, red and green3) check the table which should be finished after last class. t: excuse me, what do your father and mother like? s1: they like watermelons.t: excuse me, what do your grandfather and grandmother like? s2: they like peaches. t: oh, i see. i like peaches, too. step 2. presentation t: with the table in your hand, i think we can do some shopping now. we can buy some fruits for our father and mother. boys and girls, what are these on the desk? s1: they’re apples. s2: they’re bananas. s3: they’re pears. s4: they’re strawberries. s5: they’re oranges. 7页,当前第31234567new structures learning 1. 重量单位和每重量单位单价的正确认读 1公斤/千克=kilo (1 kg) 3.5公斤/千克: three point five kilos 1磅=pound (1 p) 5元/千克:five yuan a kilo (5元/kg) 3.5元/磅:three yuan five jiao a pound (3.5元/p) 2.can i help you? i’d like some…. how many kilos? …kilos, please. t: now, i’m a shop assistant. you can buy fruits from me. can i help you? s: i’d like apples. t: how many kilos? s: two kilos, please. t: ok, here you are. s: thank you. goodbye! t: bye! t-s t: i also like to buy some fruits for my father and mother. who’d like to be the shop assistant? s: i try. t: ok. you, please. s1: can i help you? t: i’d like some strawberries for my mother. s1: how many kilos? t: one kilo, please. how much are they?( take out the purse in order to help the student understand the meaning of this sentence.) s1:ten yuan. t: here you are. and i’d like some sugar canes for my father, too. s1: how many kilos? t: three kilos, please. how much are they? s1: ten yuan. t: no, eight yuan. s1: ok. t: here you are. s1: thank you. goodbye! t: see you. s-t s-s step 4. practice t: now i’ll divide you into four groups. you can do some shopping in the classroom. the students of group one are the shop assistants in lianhua supermarket. group two are the shop assistants in rt-market. group three and four are the customers. ok, you can go now. s: (do the shopping.) t: ok, the students of group one and group two also like to buy some fruits. so let’s exchange now. the students of group three are the shop assistants in lianhua supermarket. group four are the shop assistants in rt-market. group one and two are the customers. s: (do the shopping.) step 5. consolidation t: now please open your books and turn to page 31. let’s read after the tape. are you ready? s: yes. t: ok, here we go. s: ( read after the tape, then read in groups/ pairs.) today we have learnt how to buy fruits in english. that’s all for today. step6:homework oral work: 1) read page 30-32 after the tape.          2) prepare part d, make a new dialogue.step7: design of writing:unit 4   buying fruit

what are these/ those?

they’re …

i’d like some …

 how many kilos?

… kilo(s), please.

here you are.resourcesfun with english vcd

postscript date: 3/23

text bookfun with english 4bunit



buying fruit

period 3

aims 1.      1. help students try to make new dialogues according part a.2.      to use pattern drills to make short dialogues 7页,当前第412345673. to cultivate their interest of learning english and the consciousness of communicating in english.

main points and difficult points1.sentence: (1) what are these/ those? (2) they’re … (3) i’d like some … (4) how many kilos? (5) …kilo(s), please. (6) here you are.the students can make the dialogues fluently.

aids pictures, tape recorder, masksstep 1. warming-up and revisions 1. review the chant < i like fruits>  i like fruit  apples, apples  red and sweet.  i like to eat.  bananas and pears,  green and yellow.  eat them tomorrow.2. review how to say the kilos and price. t: how much a kilo? ( take out the card: 5元/kg) s: five yuan a kilo. t: how much two kilos? s: ten yuan two kilos. t: how much a pound? ( take out the card: 2.5元/p) s: two yuan five jiao a pound. t: how much four pounds? s: ten yuan four pounds. t: (more practice.) step 2. presentation t: some students told me they haven’t bought fruits last class. so let’s give them a chance to continue. come here, please. t: can i help you? s1: i’d like some strawberries for my grandmother. t: ok. how many kilos? s1: one kilo, please. t: ok, here you are. s1: how much are they? t: eight yuan five jiao. s1: ok, here you are. t: thank you. goodbye! s1: bye-bye! t-s s-s step 3. new structures learning 1. how about…? here’s the money. t: ok, all of us have bought things in the classroom now. i’m very happy. oh, i forgot one important thing, i haven’t bought things for you, my students. i must buy something for you. who can be the shop assistant now? s: i try. t: ok, you please. s1: can i help you? t: i’d like to buy some sugar canes for my students. how much a kilo? s1: six yuan a kilo. t: en, how about five yuan a kilo? s1: ok. how many kilos? t: let me see. five kilos, please. s1: here you are. t: how much are they? s1: twenty-five yuan, please. t: here’s the money. s1: thank you. goodbye! t: see you! t-s 2. these or those? the … ones, please. t: i have bought some sugar canes for my students, they’re so heavy. i still want to buy some pineapples and strawberries for my students. who can buy them for me? s: i try. t: ok, you please. t: (act as the shop assistant.) can i help you? s2: i’d like to buy some pineapples for my teacher. t: these or those? (point to the pineapples.) s2: the big ones. how much a kilo? t: the big ones are ten yuan a kilo. s2: five kilos, please. t: ok, here you are. fifty yuan, please. s2: here’s the money. t: thank you. goodbye! 7页,当前第51234567s2: bye! s-t step 4. practice t: thank you. you’ve done a good job. now, class, i’ve opened a company. the customers can book all kinds of fruits in it. i have to buy the fruits for them now. oh, the telephone is ringing. i have to answer the telephone. who can buy the fruits on the cards for me now? s: i try. t: ok, this card is for you. … (give the cards to some students.) card 1: apples 3元/kg 2 kilos card 2: pears 2.5元/kg 4 kilos card 3: strawberries 4元/kg 1 kilo … s-s step 5. consolidation s: hand in the fruits to me. t: thank you very much. the fruits are for you. that’s all for this lesson. step6.homework 1. oral work: read and practice unit 4 2.written work: copy the new words and drills.  3. the ss who has already well grasped 2 can challenge the following work:

   make new dialogues based on part d in groups.step7: design of writing:unit 4   buying fruit

what are these/ those?

they’re …

i’d like some …

 how many kilos?

… kilo(s), please.

here you are.resourcesreference book

postscript date: 3/24

text bookfun with english 4bunit



buying fruit

period 4

aims 1. review the pattern drills: what are these/ those? they’re … i’d like some … how many kilos? … kilo(s), please. here you are. try to make new dialogues with the sentences above correctly and properly2. daily communications and expressions: can i help you? these or those? …yuan, please.3.      pay attention to the different pronunciations of “th”

main points and difficult points1.      the pronunciation of “th” 2.      what are these/ those? they’re … i’d like some … how many kilos? … kilo(s), please. here you are.

aids pictures, tape recorderstep 1 warming-up1.      touch and guess: what’s this/ that? what are these/ those? are they …?2.      make new dialogues about shopping in groups. give some performances3.      rhymet: do you like fruit? s: yes, i do.t: what do you like?s: i like …let’s learn a rhyme i like fruit.try to make new rhymes with the words we learned.apples, apples, red and sweetbananas, bananas, green and yellowlemons, lemons, yellow and sourgrapes, grapes, purple and greenwatermelons, watermelons, red and greenstep 2 e read and act1.      (look at the picture about part e.) who can you see in the picture? how many women can you see?2.       listen to the tape and answer questions. 7页,当前第61234567what does the woman want to buy?does she want the green apples?how many kilos?how much?explain some points: these or those? this or that?if possible, give some more words about money like: dollar(s), pound(s)3.      read after the tape. 4.      act out in pairs. give some performances.step 4 f listen and repeat1.      listen to the tape and pay attention to the different pronunciations of “th”. give them more examples about “th”. th: three, thirty, thirsty, thank, bathth: that, this, they, their, mother, father, brother2. a competition. who can say the sentence most fluently?step 5 g look and read1.      look and read. help ss understand the meaning of this story. have fun when reading.2.       act out in groups.step6 homework1. complete the exercise book and review the text.2.use the words about jobs to make a new rhyme.3.read, write and recite the words and some important sentences.resourcesreference book
