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四年级上册《 Our new home Story time》导学案苏教版

四年级上册《 our new home  story time》导学案苏教版

unit 5 our new home  story time
【课型】 新授课
2.能听懂、会读、会说以下词汇: home, sofa, bedroom, living room, kitchen
where’s/ where are …?及其回答it’s/ they’re…
where’s/ where are …?及其回答it’s/ they’re…
【教学具准备】 cai, pictures,
【课时安排】 第一课时
step 1 free talk
1. ask and answer.
what’s this?  is this your …?  where is your pencil box/ book/ school bag/…?
step 2 presentation
1. brain storm
things for school, prepositions
2. let’s talk. (运用身边的学习用品操练句型)
  a: where’s …?          b: it’s…
  a: where are …?        b: they’re…
step 3 story time
1. t: all these things are in the classroom. drill: classroom
(show the picture.)  is this a classroom?
  s: no, it isn’t.
  t: it’s su yang and su hai’s new home.
  (揭题) unit 5 our new home