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1B Unit 2 period 5

2.句型:three little rabbits.
1.using numerals to count
eg: three little rabbits.
教学重点、难点:1. using numerals to count
pre-task preparation
1.review the numbers:
t: i have got a lot of pencils here. how many pencils? please guess.
p: seven pencils…
t: you did a good job. now let’s sing a song. <ten little indians>
while-task procedure
1.(show ten little rabbits)
t: i have many little rabbits. how many little rabbits?
p: guess: seven little rabbits
p2: ten little rabbits
t: let’s count together.
one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, ten little rabbits.
ask some students to count.
2.listen to the song.
t: here i have a song about ten little paper rabbits. do you know paper rabbits?
p: students listen to the song.
1)sing with them for a few times
    2) sing this song one group by one group.
post-task activities:
1. divide the class into four groups. have each group practise singing a new song substituting “rabbit” with other small animals just like butterflies, ladybirds, etc.
2. invite every group to sing their songs to the class.
1.listen to the tape and sing after it .
2.try to make a new sing.