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上海牛津英语1A教案 Unit 3 My abilities

unit 3 my abilities1、  teaching aims: ss can use imperatives to give simple instructions, such as : raise your hand.2、  teaching aids: tape recorder3、  language skills:listeninglocate specific information in response to simple instructions                speakinguse modeled phrase to communicate with other learners.4、  teaching period: 1 [1]teacher’s activityss’ activityremarkspre-task1. ask ss to listen and act. revise the classroom instruction language student have learnt. eg. stand up please.give me…show me a…2. say’open your  book. who can act? raiseyour hand.”and move your hand to give ss a hint. let the students copy you.3.say ‘put it down’ and put down your hand to let the ss understand its meaning.ask the ss to repeat the words and the action.4.say ‘show me your book.’ move your hand to explain the meaning.let the ss copy you.   while-task1.have the class listen and act according to your commands raise your hand, put it down and show me your book.repeat several times until they can act freely.2. say the commands in random order and ask individuals to act accordingly.3. open the ss’ book to page 12. play the  cassette tape for ‘raise your hand.  ask some ss to act it  and the rest of the class to judge right or wrong.4.repeat the process with ‘put it down’and show me your book.’5.divide the class into groups of four to practise acting the commands. in each group,one student gives commands and the others do the action. then let them change roles.6.select groups to act the commands to the class. post-task play a match:who is the quickest to respond? ask every student to act according to your commands(including the commands in unit1 and unit2).the quickest student to act will be the winner.   students listen and act.      ss act. students copy and follow.   students repeat the word and act.     students copy.       ss carry out the commands.    ss repeat the commands and act.  individual ss carry out the commands. ss listen to the tape.  ss act.the other students judge right or wrong.   ss repeat.  ss do pair work.ss change their roles.      ss act the commands to the class.   ss play a match.通过口令复习,引入新课,激发学生兴趣,消除学生的紧张。          从听,看入手,逐步过度到跟读,说,做,循序渐进。符合认知规律。             让学生边听,边做,使得他们更容易掌握句型。      个别操练和整体操练相结合。             通过集体,个别操练,使每个学生都有简单交际,练习对话的机会。          通过比赛,激起学生的竞争欲望,训练反应能力。6页,当前第1123456 [2]                                                                                                                                            1.      teaching aims:ss can use formulaic expressions to ask for one’s age, and responding. eg. how old are you? i am five years old.2.      teaching aids: student’s book1a page 13 ,cassette ,tape.3.      language skills:speakinguse modeled phrase to communicate with other learns open an interaction by eliciting a response4.teacher period:2 teacher’s activityss’ activityremarkspre-task1. put up the wallchart on the board and tell a story like this:  one day sam and may went to the beach with mummy and daddy. they love swimming.they had their swim-suits on and were doing some warm-up exercises before getting into the water. there was a fat man sitting nearby.look at his fingers and toes. they were so round! as sam was kicking up his foot,this man asked,“how old are you?” sam answered, ‘i am five years old.’ may knew how to count,so she held up five fingers, sam and may had a happy time at the beach.2.use a muppet to elicit answers to the question ‘how old are you?’ if students only gives a one-word response such as ‘five’ say ‘i am five years old.’ let them copy you.  while-task1.      play the cassette tape for page13.students listen and follow in their books.2.play the cassette tape again.students listen and repeat several times.ss may have trouble saying the word ‘years’ help them to drill the correct pronunciation.3.group the students into pairs. allow them to practise asking and answering the question ‘how old are you?’ ‘i am …years old.4. select pairs to   act out the role-play to the class. 6页,当前第2123456post-task1.extend the task by having the same groups practise the dialogue, substituting with their own ages. 2.select pairs to act the modified dialogues.check students’pronunciation.and correct if necessary. consolidationwork book page9: 1 listen and tick the correct age.2how old are you?draw the correct number of candles.then colour them.3.listen and respond quickly.    ss listen to the story.                   ss answer the muppet question.  individual ss copy. s1: how old are you?s2:i am 7 years olds3:i am 8 years old. ….  ss listen the tape and follow it.   ss listen and repeat    ss work in pairs ss practise ask and answer question.   ss act.   ss work in pairs and practise.   ss act.    ss do the exercises.  通过挂图做图意描述,使学生比较直观。符合低年级学生的特点。                  联系实际,引出文句,为下面的教学做铺垫。         通过听,读练习,巩固操练所学单词。        通过小组操练的形式,培养学生的团队精神,接近生活化。      通过游戏做一个巩固,避免枯燥。      [3]1.teaching aims:ss can use verbs to indicate momentary actions.eg, read,sing4.      teaching aids: student’s book1a page 14,cassette ,tape.5.      language skills:speakingpronounce words properly4.teacher period:3  teacher’s activityss’ activityremarkspre-task1. put up the picture cards for the new words ‘draw’ ,‘read’, ‘write’, ‘jump’, ‘dance’, ‘sing’on the board.2.point to  the  picture card for the word ‘draw’and say ‘draw’.ask the student to repeat.3. repeat step2 with the other five action words. while-task1.         say the word ‘draw’ ask one student to do the2. put the vocabulary action and the rest of the class to judge right or wrong. 2.         repeat step 1 with the other five action words.3. point to each picture card on the board and say the words slowly.ask the class to listen and repeat.4. write the words below the pictures. read the words slowly. let the students copy you.5. open the student’s book to page14.play the cassette and allow students to follow orally unit they are familiar with the words.ask the ss to point to each picture as it is being read out.6.put up the picture and word cards on the board in random order. ask individual students to come up and re-arrange them by putting the word cards below their corresponding picture cards, as shown in their ss’s books. 6页,当前第3123456post-task1.show any one of the word cards to pairs of students.askone to read the word and the other to do the action.2. hide any one of the word cards at your back and ask individual students to guess which word? ss: i can …     ss repeat.         individual ss do the action. the other students judge right or wrong.         ss listen and repeat.      ss copy.   ss follow the tape.      ss point each picture. individual ss come up and re-arrange them by put the word cards below their corresp-onding picture cards.        ss work in pairs.individual ss read. other do the action.    individual ss guess. 利用图片,使学生更形象的认知单词,比较直观,使学生乐学,好学。                让学生建立起单词音、形、义之间的联系。                     让学生在听的同时,指出相应的图片,使学生建立起音,形之间的联系。    通过各种不同的游戏来来测试学生认读单词的情况,在游戏中学习。       相互操练的形式,锻炼学生口语的表达能力。激发学习的兴趣。          [4] 1.      teaching aims:ss can use modal verb’can, to express abilities.eg, i can read.using formulaic expressions to express thanks e.g. thank you ,teacher.6.      teaching aids: student’s book1a page 14,cassette ,tape.7.      language skills:speakingopen an insteraction by expressing one’s abilitiesopen an interaction by expressing thanks4.teacher period:4 teacher’s activityss’ activityremarkspre-task1. hold up the six action word cards and ask individual students to read and do the actions.2. put up the picture cards for the new words on the board. ask individual ss to come up and choose a certain card. then put up the corresponding word card next to it and read the word.3. say “ can you draw,sing,dance,write,read,jump? you can do many things, today we will read a story about may and what she can do. while-taskthe first verse1. open the student’s book to page 15,tell the story in the ss’ mother tongue.2. read the story in story in english imitating a girl’s voice.explain the meaning of ‘can’.3. play the cassette tape.the students look at each picture in their books,listen and repeat.4. ask what can may do? what does she say? invite individuals to repeat may’s words and do the actions.5. practise reading the story once or twice with the ss as they point to each picture.walk around to see if they are able to follow the sequence correctly 6页,当前第4123456post-task1.      ask what can you do? invite several students to answer. if a student just gives a one-word response. eg. ‘read’,say ‘i can read.’get the student to repeat. 2.student prepare to tell what they can do, bases on may’s story.they can tell their stories to the teacher,their classmates or their parents.  individual ss read and do the action. individual ss come up and choose a certain card.           ss listen to the story.    ss look at each picture in their books. listen and repeat. ss repeat the words and do the actions. ss point to each picture.    individual ss answer.     ss tell the story to the teacher.    通过复习昨天所学的生词来开始今天的新课,以旧带新,符合认知规律。            通过讲故事的形式,引出今天所要学习的内容,比较能引起学生的兴趣。         反复操练,巩固新学的内容。      以学生讲故事的形式,激发他们的表达欲,锻炼学生的口语。       [5]1. teaching aims:ss can use modal verb’can, to express abilities.eg, i can read.2.language skills:speakingopen an insteraction by expressing one’s abilitieslisteningidentify key words in an utterance by recognizing stress4.teacher period:5  teacher’s activityss’ activityremarkspre-task1. write the six action words on the board.read one of the words and ask individual ss to come up and circle the word you just read. then practise reading the words together.2. put a book, a pencil and some paper, and a casstte tape on the table in front of you. say ‘i can draw/read/write/sing/dance.’have students get and pass to you what is needed for that action.3. as you act out each action,ask students to say ‘i can…4. say i can sing .can you sing? let’s learn a new song about the things we can do.  while-task1. open the student’s book to page16. point to each picture and discuss.2. read the verses of the song slowly.let ss repeat.workon this for a while.3. play the cassette tape .let them listen to the song. sing for them a few times,and then allow them to sing with the tape. post-task1.set up three desks and chairs in front of the class. put a book on the first desk,a pencil and paper on the second, and a cassette tape on the third. invite three ss to sit at the desks. point to the first ss and sing verse one.point to the second for verse two, ect.2.  try having the girls sing one verse, the boys sing the next verse,and every one sings the last verse.3. say can you sing for your mummy and daddy? let’s sing the song again! individual ss come up and circle the word the teacher read.ss practise reading the words together.  ss pass it .   ss say “i can ….          ss repeat.   ss listen the song.ss sing with the tape.     individual ss sit at the desks.    individual ss sing the verse.   ss sing the song again.    让学生建立起单词音,形 ,义之间的联系。   通过连锁问答,使每个学生都有机会传东西或回答,练习对话的机会。  问学生是否想学歌曲,以引起学生的兴趣。        在唱的同时加入动作,可以帮助学生有效了解歌曲的内容意思。      通过歌曲练习,让学生做出相应的动作,真正做到寓教于乐。         在唱的同时加入动作,可以帮助学生有效了解歌曲的内容意思      6页,当前第5123456 [6]teacher’s activityss’ activityremarksfinish workbook1.      page 9: a. listen and tick the correct age.b.how old are you? draw the correct number of candles. then colour them.c.listen and respond quickly.2.      page 10: what can may do? tick the correct word.3.      page 11: can you find the word in the puzzle? colour the boxes.4.      page12:a. draw a line from the speech bubble to the correct child. b.how about you? what can you do? tick the sentences. revision of unit 31.      throw a toy to a student and say “what can you do?’’ after the student respond to the sentense,  he can throw the toy to his friend and ask him the question.2.      show the ss the word cards and ask them to judge. if what the teacher said is correspond to the picture, ss repeat. ss finish the workbook                        ss ask this question to each other, using the toy.       ss judge and repeat the right word. 通过完成练习册,巩固学生听和认读的技巧              板书设计:     unit 3 dance    read   jump   sing   draw  write  (picture)what can you do ?   i can …..  教学后记:本单元结合教材重点,难点及英语学科特点,运用实物道具创设情景,以激发学生的学习动机。同时在教学中补充了一些有关的单词,为学生今后的学习打下扎实的基础。6页,当前第6123456