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1A Unit 6 Period 2

teaching contents:
 a. patterns: what's this?
              it's ….
 b. words: cat, dog.

teaching aims:
 a. to understand the particular sentence: what's this?
    and can answer it with the pattern: it's …. according to situation.
 b. ss can use the particular sentence: what's this? to ask and confirm some objects with others. pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.
 c. to understand and say the words: cat, dog.
 d. raise ss interest of learning english.

key points and difficulty:
 teaching aims a, b, c.

teaching aids:
 animal picture(cow, duck, pig, cat, dog)
 word cards (on a farm, cat, dog, what's this? it's …)
 teaching picture (part a)
 recorder, tape

teaching procedure:
 step 1. warm up
  1. greetings.
  2. free talk.
  3. review the word: cow, duck, pig.(show and respond)
 step 2. presetation and consolidation
  1. lead:
   a. show the teaching picture(part a)
      t: where are they? (show the word card: on a farm)
      ss: on a farm.
   b. guess: what is helen saying?
      listen to the tape.
  2. teach the new pattern: what's this?
   a. t: what did helen say?
      ss: what's this?
   b. teach: what's /wɔts/  this/ðis/ (drive trains)
             what's this? (group work)
             what's this? 这是什么? (clap)
          c. imitate "helen"
  3. teach the pattern: it's a ….
   a. guess: what is miss li saying?
      listen to the tape.
   b. t: what did miss li say?
      ss: it's a cow.
   c. teach: it's /its/ (drive trains)
      it's a cow. (group work)
      it's a cow. 它是一头奶牛。 (clap)
   d. imitate "miss li"
   e. show in roles
      helen: what's this?
      miss li: it's a cow.

      su hai: what's this?
      miss li: it's a duck.

      mike: what's this?
      miss li: it's a pig.2页,当前第112
      (t set an example -- t vs s  -- s vs s -- pair work)
  4. teach the new word: cat, dog.
   a. ss imitate teacher. (roles exchange)
      t point and ask: what's this?
      ss: it's a cow/duck/pig.
   b. t point at the cat and ask: what's this?
      ss: it's a cat.
   c. teach: cat /kæt/. (drive trains)
      cat, cat是小猫。 (clap)
      小猫cat, miaow, miaow, miaow. (gestures)
      miaow /mi'au/
      it's a cat. (group work)
      what's this? it's a cat. (clap)
   d. the same way to teach the other word: dog
      dog /dog/   woof /wu:f/
 step 3. practice
  clap: 奶牛cow, moo, moo.
        鸭子duck, quack, quack, quack.
        小猪pig, oink, oink, oink.
        小猫cat, miaow, miaow, miaow.
        小狗dog, woof, woof, woof.
 step 4. end
  say "goodbye"
 step 5. homework
  read the text and the words of this unit to your parents.

1a unit 6 period 2 来自皮皮范文网。 2页,当前第212