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上海版牛津英语1A教案 Unit 7 My family

unit 7 my family1、  teaching aims: ss can use imperatives to give simple instructionse.g. point to your mother.using possessive adjectives to express possession e.g your.2、  teaching period: 1 [1]teacher’s activityss’ activityremarks               students listen and look at the photo..   ss take out the photo.individual ss point to their father and repeat it.         ss point and say ‘my mother’, ‘my brother’, ‘my sister’.  通过卡片,直观的,形象的了解所要学习的内容。          从听,看入手,逐步过度到跟读,说,做,循序渐进。符合认知规律。           teacher’s activityss’ activityremarks while-task1.      draw sam’s head on the board. pretend that you are sam and say ‘hello,i am sam. it’s me. me, sam’.2.      ask students to draw their own heads and hold up the picture to say ‘look,i am…it’s me. me,…3.      put up an enlarged photocopy of student’s book page32. play the cassette tape for ‘point to your father’. ask a student to act as sam. have him/her come up to point to the right person in the picture and say ‘my father’.4.      repeat step 3 with ‘point to your mother’, ‘point to your brother’and ‘point to your sister’.5.      divide the class into pairs with one student giving commands and the other pointing to the relevant person in his/her family photo. then let them change roles.6.      select pairs to act to the class. post-taskextend the task by having the same pairs practice giving and acting the commands, substituting family members with body parts,e.g.s1: point to your nose.(s2 does the action.)s2: point to your mouth.(s1 does the action.)           ss draw their own heads and say ‘look, i am…   ss listen to the tape.    individual ss act as sam and point the right person in the picture.      ss repeat it.. ….      individual ss give commands and others point the family photo. ss change their roles.  ss act.     ss practice and act the commands.   ss work in pairs and practise. ss act. 通过画图等形式,使学生比较直观。符合低年级学生的特点。                请个别学生上来表演,引起学生的兴趣,达到个别操练和整体操练相结合。      通过反复的读录音,锻炼听读能力,帮助其记忆。   通过小组操练的形式,培养学生的团队精神,接近生活化。            给学生自由发挥的空间。    学生间发号施令,帮助其巩固所学的知识。6页,当前第1123456  [2]  teaching aims: ss can use formulaic expressions introduce people .e.g. this is my brother.asking yes/no questions to obtain a simple response e.g. have you got a brother?using formulaic expressions to confirm or deny e.g.yes/no.language skills:listeninglocate specific information in response to questionsspeakinguse modeled phrase to communicate with other learners open an interaction by eliciting a response3、  teaching period: 2  teacher’s activityss’ activityremarkspre-task1.       show photos of some of the students’ families. encourage these students to introduce their own family members to the class by using the phrase ‘my…’2.       say last time we learnt the names of our family members in english. today we will learn to talk more about them. while-task1.         revise and reinforce the structure ‘this is my…’ by pointing to different body parts and saying, for example, ‘this is my arm.’2.         invite individual students to pretend to be sam. show the picture cards of his family members. point to each one and ask who is this? the student should answer ‘this is my…’ continue until the students are familiar with sam’s family.3. then let the same students keep pretending to be sam and ask, ‘have you got a brother?’ to elict ‘no.i have got a sister.’ students may only answer ‘no.’ say the model answer and ask them to repeat after you. 4. open the student’s book to page33. explain the idea of a family tree if necessary. play the cassette tape. students listen and repeat.5. divide the class into pairs and practice the dialogue. select pairs to act out the dialogue. post-taskextend the task by having the same groups practice the dialogue, using their own situations. select pairs to act the modified dialogues. check students’ pronunciation, and correct if necessary.     individual ss introduce their own family members..    ss listen to teacher,        individual ss do the action. the other students judge right or wrong.         ss listen and answer the teacher’s question.      .   individual ss do action.        ss open the book .ss listen to the tape anf repeat.     ss work in pairs ang act out the dialogue.       ss work in pairs do  the avtion. 利用图片,使学生更形象的认知单词,比较直观,使学生乐学,好学。 鼓励学生介绍自己的家庭,贴进生活,联系实际。     复习上节课所学的知识,符合认知规律。        让学生建立起单词音、形、义之间的联系。           学生与老师,学生与学生间,互相提问,练习口语,巩固知识。         让学生在听的同时,指出相应的图片,并进行相应的表演,活跃课堂气氛,在愉快的环境中学习。    通过各种不同的游戏来来测试学生认读单词的情况,在游戏中学习。       相互操练的形式,锻炼学生口语的表达能力。激发学习的兴趣。         6页,当前第2123456 [3] 1.teaching aims: ss can use pronounce to identify people e.g.meusing nouns to identify family members e.g. mother2.language skillslisten identify key words in an utterance by recognizing stressspeakingpronounce words properly3.teaching period: 3  teacher’s activityss’ activityremarkspre-task1.        go around the classroom. show picture cards for ‘father’, ‘mother’, ‘brother’and ‘sister’. tell students to say the word upon seeing the picture.2.        ask individual students ‘have you got a sister/brother?’ let them answer according to real situations.3.        put up the above four picture cards of family members on the board in a circle.4.        point to the picture card for ‘mother’ and say ‘my mother’. ask the students to repeat.5.        repeat step 4 with the other words for family members. while-task1.put the picture cards for ‘me’ in the  centre of the circle of pictures on the board. imitate sam’s gesture by putting your hand on your chest. say ‘me’ slowly. repeat.2.draw on the board a simple outline of a house similar to the one shown on the student’s book page34. move picture cards of the family members into the house.3.write the words below the pictures. read the words slowly. let the students copy you.4.open the student’s book to page 34. play the cassette tape and allow students to follow orally until they are familiar with the words. ask the students to point to each picture as it is being read out.5.put up the picture and word cards on the board in random order. ask individual students to come up and re-arrange them by putting the word cards below their corresponding picture cards, as shown in their student’s books.6.take away the picture cards but leave the word cards. ask individual students to draw the corresponding family members above the words. post-taskmake 7 10cm rectangles of coloured cardboard. draw a curved or zigzag line through each to create two puzzle pieces that will fit together. on one side of the line write a ‘family member’ word and on the other half glue the corresponding picture. cut the pieces up and put them on a table. ask a small group to come up and try to match the pieces together and then read out the words.  individual ss read and do the action.          individual ss answer the teacher’s question.       ss look at each picture in their books. listen and repeat. ss repeat the words .        ss read after the teacher.                ss copy the teacher    ss open the book and listen to the cassette.  ss point to each picture as it is be read out.   individual ss come up and re-arrange them by putting the word cards below their corresponding picture cards.     individual ss to draw the corresponding family members above the words.                 individual ss come up and try to match the pieces together and then read out the words. 通过复习昨天所学的生词来开始今天的新课,以旧带新,符合认知规律。            通过提问,检测学生的掌握情况。        反复操练,巩固新学的内容。      以看土介绍家人的形式,激发他们的表达欲,锻炼学生的口语。                               通过排列正确的卡片,使学生真正掌握所学的知识。                 动手做一做,不仅缓解了课堂的紧张气氛,还锻炼了学生的动手能力。       反复的读,听,更进一步复习,巩固单词内容,符合低年级学生的认知规律。6页,当前第3123456 [4] 1.teaching aims: ss can use formulaic expressions to introduce peoplee.g. this is my mother.2.using possessive adjectives to express possession e.g. myusing pronouns to identify people e.g. meusing nouns to identify family members e.g. mother 3.language skillsidentify key words in an utterance by recognizing stressspeakinguse modeled phrase to communicate with other learns 4.teaching period: 4    teacher’s activityss’ activityremarkspre-task1. put up four word cards in a row on the board. three should be of the same type while one does not belong. for example, ‘apple’ with ‘father’, ‘mother’, ‘brother’.ask a student to come up, read all the words,and take away the one that is different.2. prepare several sets in advance and keep each set separate with rubber bands.3. say last time we learnt the words of our family members. today we will have fun making little puppet families!  while-task1.prepare the finger puppets before class. show how you tape the strips of paper together to fit these puppets onto your fingers. move your fingers as you say ‘this is my…’2.provide some additional information as well,e.g. ‘this is john. this is my brother. he is six years old.’ ask the students to repeat.3.give one finger puppet to a student and ask him/her to come up and introduce the family member to the class,e.g. ‘this is may. this is my sister. she is five years old.’4.continue the game until most of the students have a chance to play.make a few sets of the finger puppets if possible so that students can practice in groups.5 open the student’s book to page 35. play the cassette tape to listen to and then say the expressions properly. post-taskin groups students draw their own family members and introduce them to their friends. individual ss come up and take away the one that is different.                ss listen to the teacher.     ss listen to the teacher.       individual ss repeat it.     individual ss come up and introduce the family member to the class.       ss work in pairs and practice in groups.     ss open the book .ss listen to the tape and say the expressions properly.     i ndividual ss draw their family members and introduce them to their friends.  让学生建立起单词音,形 ,义之间的联系。   通过连锁问答,使每个学生都有机会传东西或回答,练习对话的机会。                好玩可爱的指套,激起学生的兴趣,在快乐中学到了知识。              反复练习,进行巩固。        学生互相游戏,操练。                    6页,当前第4123456 [5]  1.teaching aims: ss can use nouns to identify family members e.g. fatherusing possessive adjectives to express possession e.g.my brother2.language skillslisten identify key words in an utterance by recognizing stressspeakingpronouce correctly words in connected speech by linking words together and using appropriate stress3.teaching period: 5  teacher’s activityss’ activityremarkspre-task1.      pretend that you are sam.ask two boys and two girls to come up to the front.give each the word cards for ‘father’, ‘mother’, ‘sister’, ‘brother’. let another group of four students give each of them the corresponding picture card.2.      say today we will learn a rhyme about our family members and how we love them. while-task 1.discuss with students what is happening in the first picture and then read the first verse to them.2.explain ‘is coming’ and ‘i love him’ in students’ mother tongue.3.play the cassette tape for this verse. the students look at the picture in their books, listen and repeat.4.play the cassette tape again and encourage the students to join in and practice several times.5.invite pairs of students to act out the first verse.6.repeat the step from 1 to 5 with the second and third verse.7.play the cassette tape for the whole rhyme.invite students to read along and do the actions. post-task1.divide the class into pairs and let them compose another verse, substituting with ‘my sister’. help the less able students while you walk around the classroom.2.invite pairs of students to act out the new verse.   individual ss come up and take the cards.         individual ss corresponding picture cards.        ss discuss with the teacher.       ss listen to the tape look at the picture.       ss join in and practice several times.   individual ss act out the first verse.    ss read the rhyme.       ss work in pairs.        individual ss act out the new verse. 给学生上台表演的机会。            问学生想不想学儿歌,激起学生的兴趣。          讲解其中的难点句型,为下面的学习扫清障碍。         通过儿歌练习,让学生做出相应的动作,真正做到寓教于乐  个别学生进行表演,激发学生。            以小组为单位,发扬团队精神。6页,当前第5123456(6) teacher’s activity      ss’ activity   remarksfinish workbook1.       page 23: a. listen and tick the correct picture..2. page 24: read and draw.3page 25: listen and circle the correct picture..consolidationoxford english (shanghai edition) practice and assessment series 1a unit 7 presents futher gammar and vocabulary exercise as well as listening and reading skills development tasks. ss finish the workbook                 student read the word cards and repeat.        通过完成练习册,巩固学生听和认读的技巧             板书设计:unit7mother        picturefatherbrothersisterme  教学后记:本单元在愉快快乐的气氛中学习,结合教材的重点,难点及学科特点,使学生在‘生活’中得到锻炼,在愉快轻松的氛围中学习,达到初步运用英语交际的能力。6页,当前第6123456