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牛津英语1B Unit 4 Post a policeman (oxford 1B)教案

unit 4  post a policeman

let’s act
language focus:  using imperatives to give simple instructions .
eg. follow me.
   turn left. turn right.
listening:        locate specific information in resfonse to simple instructions.
speaking:        use modeled phrases to communicate with other learners.
materials:        a remote control toy.
teaching ladders:
ⅰ.  warming up
1. greeting
2. read a rhyme.
one two
red and blue
up and dowm
drange and brown
kites in the sky
flying wery high
ⅱ.  pre-task preparation
1. read the rhyres.
(which they have learned in the past three units.)
2. revise the classroom instrction language students have learned by playing the games.
simon says: ask the students to stand up.
only do it after “simon says”
the last one left it the wimrer.
ⅲ.  while-task procedure
1.(1) t:(ware your hands)
follow me!
                t&s:(ware their hards)
             (2)t:(wash your hands)
                   wash your hands.
                   follow me!
                t&s:wash your hands!
2.t:what’s the chinese meaning?
       of “follow me!”
3. t:(show a remote conteol try)
turn left. turn right.
(press the corresponding buttons.)
repeat several times
4. t:(stand facing away from the class)
point to the left with your left hand and say “left”
t:stand up & follow me.
t&s:left (do it)
do the same with “right”
5. t:(stand facing away from the class)
t:turn left. (demonstrate the action)
go back to your original position and do the same with “turn right”
repect several times and let the students copy.
6. invite pairs of students to come to the front. have are student give the commands and the other do the actions.
(change roles.)
7. t:listen to the tape.
      ask the students to perform the action after hearing each command.4页,当前第11234
ⅳ.  post-task activities
1. ask a udunteer student to give the commands and the class to do the actions.
2. you may wish to add those you have taunght today to
“simon says!”

let’s talk
language focus:  1. using formulatic expressions to identify people.
eg. he is a postman.
                2. asking yes/no questions to identify people.
                  eg: is he a postman?
speaking:        use modeled phrases to communicat with other learners.
listening:        locate speafic information in response to simple questions.
materials:        wallcharts 1b
teaching ladders:
ⅰ.  warming up
1. greeting
2. read a rhyme.
act talk learn play
let’s enjoy
3. train
follow me
turn left
turn right 
ⅱ.  pre-task preparation
1. get two boys to come up.
give one a toy gun and the other a big bag of letters. point to the former.
t:(he is a policemin)
   he is a postman.
t:say after me!
   he is a policeman.
   he is a postman.
(1) say it are by one
(2) do group work
2. hold up a box of milk.
t:do you drink milk every day?
   do you like milk?
every day, milkmen deliver milk to many homes.
(get a boy to carry the box of milk.)
t:he is a milkmen.
  repect it!
3. t:(use a toy fire-engine to try to expiain the work of a fireman.)
t:(produce the sound of a fire-engine’s siren)
   let sb do it.
   he is a fireman.
4. t:drivers take us to where we wart to go and save us time.
there are many kinds of drivers.
here we see a bus driver.
t:(piont to the picture)
   he is a driver.
t:who can say?   
ⅲ.  while-task procedure.
1. put up the wallchart.
t:is he a postman?
father:yes, he is.
       he is a postman.
2. t:(point to the milkman)
who is he?
he is a milkman.
t:is he a policeman?
3. play the tape.
t:listen carefully

1. workbook page12
listen and decide if the starenorts and true or false.
2. workbook papge 13
match the pictures to find who has what. listen and respond quickly.

let’s learn
language focus: 
1. using nouns to identify people’s occupations.
eg. postman  policeman4页,当前第21234
2. using adjecioves to describle people
   eg: tall short
speaking:      1. open an intracion by eliciting a response.
              2. pronoune words properly
materials:       cassette 1b
teaching ladders:
ⅰ.  warming up
1. greeting
2. train
follow me
turn left
turn right
3. rhyme
one two
red and blue
up and down
orange and brown
kitesin the sky
flying very high
ⅱ.  pre-task preparation
1. t:yesterday we net fire kinds of people who help us a lot.
do you remember who they are?
(encourage the class to say)
postman, policeman, driver
fireman, milkman
2. t:let’s play a game
repeat or clap
t:(hold up the picture card for “postman” and say “he is a postman”)
t:it i’m right, repeat.
   it i’m right, clap.
(driver, policeman, fireman, milkman)
3. put up the picture cards on the board. let’s say together.
ⅲ.  while-task procedure
1. press five boys up as a driver, a milkman, a postman, a policeman, a fireman.
t:stand in a now at the front of the class.
   each holds the appropriate word card.
   point to the students one by one.
t:he is a ……
2. t:let’s read the words one by one.
(several times)
3. t:, cone here.
look, i’m tall.
     he’s short.
pat the student’s head.
tall, short.
4. put up the picture cards for “tall” and “short”.
t:(write the two words below the cards)
   let’s read the words.
5. t:open your books. turn to page 19.
       listen to the tape.   
   ⅳ.  post-task activities
1. have a boy come to the frint of the class. show him the word card for “driver” withour hettiy others see it.
t:act out it.
s:(is he a…..?)
   turn on,
       review the words.
2. to reinforce the idea of “tall” and “short”
t:(squart down,->short,
    stand up -> tall)
ⅴ.  consolidation
     workbook page 14
             workbook page 15

let’s play
language focus: 
1. using formulaic expressions to identify people
eg. he is a postman.
2. asking yes/no questions to identify people.
  eg: is he a driver?
listening:      locate specific information in response to simple questions.
materials:      1. a toy gun a big bay of letters a paper steering- wheel a box of milk a toy fire-engine.4页,当前第31234
2. five sentarce cards.
3. cassette
teaching ladders:
ⅰ、warming up
1. greeting
2. train
is he a policeman?
is he a postman?
ⅱ、pre-task preparation
1. put a toy gun a big bag of letters a box of milk a paper steering-wheel and a toy fire-engine ong the table.
t:(pull up the toy gun)
2. put up the word cards.
quick response
        ⅲ、  while-task procedure
1. choose five boys act the people.
2. passing around the class five cards
when step the music read the cards and select one.
3. point the five boys, say it again.
4. listen the the tape.
page 20
ⅳ、  post-task activities
      show some phototes
      t:is he a driver?
    workbook page 15
    tick the correct sentence.

let’s enjoy
language focus: 
1. using formulaic expressions to identify people
eg. he is a postman.
2. using adjectives to describe people
   eg. tall short
3. using formulaic expressions to tabe leave
   eg. goodbye
speaking:      use modeled phrases to communicate with other learners
materials: cards.
teaching ladders:
ⅰ.  warming up
1. greeting
2. train
is he a postman?
yes. no.
ⅱ.  pre-task preparation    
1. show the picture cards for “postman”, “policeman”, “driver” , “milkman” and “fireman”
t (show it to then)
  who is he?
s:he is a ……
2. use arm actions to illustrate the idea of “tall” and “short”.
encourage students to shout the words out.
3. review the expression “goodbye” with the students.
ⅲ、 while-task procedure
1. t:open your books. turn to page21
(allow students to get used to the melody)
2. read the words line by line with students
(play the cassette tape)
3. ask a volunteer student who unknows the ture to hum it.
4. have the students sing the song.
5. to line up the song a bit.
try one or more of the following
a. make up a set of gestures for the song.
b. have students dance in a cirde and sing.
you can clap when you want them to walk in the other directir.
c. have students sing along with the tape.
d. build up speed.  
ⅳ、  post-task activities
1. pepending on individual students’ abilities, invite them to sing the song.
2. divide the class into groups.
have each group sing the song.    
