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英语--Wash You Dirty Hand

一、 师生共同跳舞

1、t:today ,a new friend will come ,look,who is he ?let’ssay hello to him .



t:look ,what’s this?what’s on the doll?

c:hend,should knee……引出娃娃的脏手

以娃娃的口吻说: “wash my dirty hand”.

t:boys and girls ,raise you hands ,hmm,dity hands ,wash you dirty hands

now,let’s me have a look ,oh,hands are clean now .

二游戏“do as i tell you ”

t:let’s play the game ,follow me ,ship ,hop,walk,slowly,run fast ……

引出rubhe scrub

三、 戏“yes or now”

t:this time ,listen to me carefully,i’llsay rub or scrub,and do it,you ‘ll tell me “yes or no”,ok?


四、巩固“rub or scrub”

t:today i have put some cards under the you chairs.please find them out.

now,let’s count ,how many cards?

now,look at me ,do like this ,i say rub ,you show rub,i say scrub ,you show scrub,ok?


五、 游戏“lounder bidge

t:now,let ‘s play the game lounder bridge

i’d some of you to come here,,you please,

if you like rub stand here ,if you like scrub stand there.


六、 欣赏儿歌数遍

七、 歌曲“bye-bye” 结束活动