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八年级英语A day out教案

八年级英语A day out教案


课 题

8a unit 3 welcome to the unit





学 习

目 标to introduce well-known foreign cities and popular places of interestto guess meaning from pictures

重 点

难 点to activate existing knowledge of the world and identify names of places and countries学  习   过  程教学资源,完全免费,无须注册,天天更新!">订正、笔记栏一、预习检测:1._______ first words used when you meet sb.2. ______ ask sb. to do or come to a place.3. ______ head of the usa or some other countries.4. ______ ill, not feel well.5. ______ old stone buildings of egypt.6. ______ (time of) sun's going west.

二、课堂反馈:词组互译                1.名胜                        7.keep fit                 2.很多不同的地方              8.enjoy oneself3.美国总统                    9.take a boat trip 4.下车                        10.home page   5.全世界                      11.at the beginning  6.大部分行程感到恶心          12.a lot of traffic



课 题

8a unit 3 reading 





学 习

目 标to guess meaning from picturesto infer general meaning from context and keywords

重 点

难 点to respond to text by sequencing informationto identify specific details by correcting a list of statements教学资源,完全免费,无须注册,天天更新!">订正、笔记栏  订正、笔记栏学   习   过  程一、预习检测:(    )1. please speak louder for us ___________you clearly.      a. hearing       b. hear       c. listen     d. to hear 8页,当前第112345678

八年级英语A day out教案

(    )2. the white house is a beautiful building___ a big garden and many flowers. a. have       b. has       c. having       d. with(    )3. it was a wonderful trip, ___________i liked it very much.       a. but       b. and        c. or         d. ∕(    )4.why ___________a film tonight?a. don’t go to see   b. not go to see     c. not to see   d. don’t you going and seeing(    )5. it_________me 2 hours to get to my office this morning.    a. takes        b. took        c. spend       d. costs二、课堂反馈:1、需要锻炼                   6.  feel  sick                        2、美国总统                  7.  on top of the eiffel tower                 3、玩得开心                 8.  how to make a home page                  4、在会议开始时               9.  arrive at airport                     5.名胜                       10. the whole afternoon                       三、课后拓展: 请翻译下列句子:(10)1.他们很有可能步行去长城。it’s highly possible that                                               8页,当前第212345678

八年级英语A day out教案

2.从上海到北京有多远?                                            from shanghai to beijing?3.这座塔看上去就像真的埃菲尔铁塔。the tower                                                            4.昨天我的好朋友邀请我一起参加他们去杭州的旅行。yesterday my good friend                                                           5.前天晚上7:00到8:00,马路上交通繁忙。                                      from 7:00 to 8:00 yesterday evening.                      八年级(上)英语导学稿

课 题

8a unit 3 vocabulary





学 习

目 标to use proper nouns to talk about well-known places and tourist sights in beijingto use nouns and noun phrases to talk about means of transport.

重 点

难 点to use proper nouns to talk about well-known places and tourist sights in beijingto use nouns and noun phrases to talk about means of transport   学   习   过  程订正、笔记栏一、预习检测:

1 颐和园                         2 天安门                     

3 红色枫叶                       4 在过去                        8页,当前第312345678

八年级英语A day out教案

5 看一看                         6 感受……的美                  

7 乘地铁                         8 北京市中心                           

9 欣赏京剧                      10 the place museum                   二、课堂反馈:

 1 i feel sick for most of the trip. (改为否定句)


3 how do you like the trip ? (改为同意句)


4 it is half an hour’s walk from the school to the park..(就划线部分提问)      


5 he often flies to new york. (改为同意句)


6 i walk home after school every day. (改为同意句)8页,当前第412345678

八年级英语A day out教案



1 昨天我们乘地铁去了世界公园。

  yesterday, we _______ an _____________ _____ the ________ ________.

2 北京有两百多名胜古迹吗? 我不知到。

are there _______ two ________ _______ of ________ in beijing ?

sorry, i _______ _______ _________ .


please _____ _________ , because there’s ______ ______ __________ on the road.

4 在会议开始时,他为人们唱了一首歌。

___ ___ __________ ____ _________, he ______ a song _____ ______ ______.

5 他花了很多时间朗读英语,因此他考试取得了好成绩。

he spent __________________________________________________________.


课 题8a unit 3 grammar





学 习

目 标to use ‘and’, ‘but’ and ‘or’ to join ideas togetherto use verbs and ‘to’-infinitives togetherto use reflexive pronouns when the subject and object are the same person

重 点

难 点to use verbs and ‘to’-infinitives togetherto use reflexive pronouns when the subject and object are the same person 

订正、笔记栏学   习   过  程一、预习检测:1. i like watching tv, _______ i can’t spend much time on it.2        he didn’t do anything _____ say a word.3        he played piano _____ she sang.4        there is no air _____ water on the moon.5        we saw the tower _______ liked it very much.6        the old man has three daughters ______ no sons.7        it was hard work, ______ they really enjoyed it .8        call a taxi, ______ you will miss the train.二、课堂反馈:1 we can go to the eiffel tower first. we can visit the pyramids first.(合并成一句)                                                       8页,当前第512345678

八年级英语A day out教案

 2 the music was great. the music was too loud.                                                           3 the golden gate bridge was small. the golden gate bridge looked just like the one in america.                                                                4 would you like some pears? would you like some grapes?                                                                5 it took me over an hour to have a show.  i ________ over an hour ______ a show.  6 we can travel by underground to the place museum.  we can ____________________ to the place museum.三、课后拓展: 1 暑假你可以去三亚或去桂林。2 他们正在计划明天去野外旅游。3 这道题很简单,我可以轻易的算出来。4 我想学习如何喂养鹦鹉。


课 题8a unit 3 integrated skills




学 习

目 标to infer general meaning from context and keywordsto extract information from a posterto check accuracy of written text by identifying true and false sentences

重 点

难 点understand specific information by reading and listening   学   习   过  程订正、笔记栏一、预习检测: 1.this match was _________(cheer) because our team won.2.is he one of ____________(win) in the competition?3.did you receive the cup at the end of the ___________(finally)?4.don’t be afraid. we are all your ____________(support).5.she was very sad after ____________(receive) the letter from him.6.the __________(费用) of this trip is much cheaper than before.7.they will go on a school trip this sunday. are you ________(确定)?8.the school bus __________(到达) at our school at 7 a.m. every day.8页,当前第612345678

八年级英语A day out教案

9.the teacher says,”¥30 _______(每) person if you want to go there.”10.the score at ____________(中场休息) was 2-2.二、课堂反馈: 1.it took me over two hours to finish my homework last night. it took me ____ ______ ____hours to finish my homework last night.2.he spent 100 yuan buying the coat. the coat ________ __________ 100 yuan.3.i don’t know which sportswoman i should support.  i don’t know _______ _______ ________ _______.4.our school has a library. there are many useful books in it.  our school has a library _______ ________ ________books in it.5.why don’t you go to the palace museum with us?  _________ ________ _________ to the palace museum with us?三、课后拓展:1.shall we _______(go) to the palace museum?2.let’s _______(go) to the palace museum?3.why not _______(go) to the palace museum?4.why don’t we_______(go) to the palace museum?5.what about _______(go) to the palace museum?6.how about _______(go) to the palace museum?7.would you like_______(go) to the palace museum?


课 题8a unit 3 main task & checkout





学 习

目 标to develop understanding of the differences between facts and opinionsto introduce students to the use of register

重 点

难 点to ask students to state facts and express opinions   学   习   过  程订正、笔记栏一、预习检测:

1.beijing is _________________(世界上最好的城市之一).

 2.the great wall is ____________(最棒的地方) to visit.

3.there are over a hundred ________________(旅游胜地) from all over the world in the world park.

4.there is a song and ___________(跳舞游行).

5.the golden gate bridge here looks better than_____________(真的那座).二、课堂反馈:

1.      they ________ (see)a film last week.

2.      our english teacher told us to listen to the radio___________(careful).

3.      be quick, i said to__________ (my).

4.      many people decided___________ (move)to the city.

5.      jim________(have)some bread for breakfast yesterday morning.

6.      he always practises ___________ (speak)english in or out of class.

7.      without________(say)a word , he left.

8.      do you know what__________ (happen) to him last night?

9.      it’s cold today, please keep the window_________(close).

10.  it’s  important            (learn)  english  well8页,当前第712345678

八年级英语A day out教案



   i want ______________________________________________.


   if you want ___________________, please ________________.


   we are _____________________________________________.


   we will _____________________and ____________________.


   i hope _____________________________________________.8页,当前第812345678