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八年级英语How do you make a banana milk shake教案

八年级英语How do you make a banana milk shake教案

新目标英语八年级上册unit 7导学案 period 1                                                       姓名:

课    题

unit7 how do you make a banana milk shake? (p41)


1. master the vocabularies: shake, milk shake, blender, turn on, cut up, peel,pour, into 2. master and use:  how do you make a milk shake?                     peel the banana….


1 the vocabulary.

2.describe a process.


use the language to describe a process.

学  习  过  程

一.课前反馈1. dictation: wheel, begin with, exited, safe, fast, cheese, sick, use, women, body.     2. ask and answer:  what’s the matter?  do you have a sore throat? what do you usually do on weekend?  how often does your mother clean the room? how far is it from your home to school?  how long does it take him to do his homework? 二.自主学习 1. 自主学习1a里面的单词。a. 找出新单词,边读边写两遍。. b. 熟悉词义,完成1a . peel…            剥,削(水果等的皮)cut up…        切碎             put … into     把  ……  放入……pour… into   把  ……   倒入……turn on…      打开(电器)turn off…     关上(电器)finally            最后         drink …   喝……blender          搅和器milk shake    奶昔

watermelon   西瓜 what do we need? 写出这些物品的单词形式。

how to make a banana milk shake?

 _______the bananas ___________the bananas. ________the bananas and ice cream into the blender.  ____________the milk into the blender.  ____________the blender。        __________ the milk shake. 2. 熟读1b中句子。 3. 自主练习1c中的对话, 初步掌握句型: —how do you make a milk shake?   —peel the banana…. ( 注意:1.熟记制作香蕉奶昔的步骤和需要用的动词短语.2. turn on 打开(电器等的电源)。其反义词是turn off关上。这种由“动词+副词”构成的短语中,当宾语是名词时,可置于动副词短语后,也可以在动词和副词之间。如:turn on  the  tv  =turn the tv on . 但当宾语是代词时,则只能放在动词和副词之间。如:turn it on绝不能说turn on it ) 三.合作探究6页,当前第1123456

八年级英语How do you make a banana milk shake教案

1.小组讨论并检查1a 的答案。 2.听听力,完成1b. 3.分组练习1c的对话,. 四.一课多练(一)。根据句意和首字母提示填空。1.be careful with the knife ,you may c_____ yourself.2.would you like a c______of tea, please ?3.read the i__________ on the bottle carefully before you take this medicine4.he worked out the math problem f__________.5.can you  p_______ me a glass of water? sure ,here you are.6.please  p_________ the apples before you  eat them.     (二) ,根据汉语意思完成下列句子。1.首先剥开三根香蕉。           , __________________ three bananas.2.然后将苹果切碎。then _________ the apples _______________ .3.你怎样做香蕉奶昔?_________do you _________a banana ____________ .4.最后,将奶昔倒进一个杯子里。______________,_________the milk shake _____a glass 5他放了一些糖在咖啡里。he _______ some sugar_____ the coffee.6.请往他的杯中倒些酒。please _______some wine ______ his cup.7.他让我替他打开收音机。.he asked me to _________ ________ the radio for him.五.总结延伸 本节课我学到了六.新知提示1 预习教材42、43页,圈出不认识的单词2.写出可数名词和不可数名词各十个。新目标英语八年级上册unit7导学案 period2    


课    题

unit7 how do you make a banana milk shake? (p42-43)


1. master the vocabularies: ingredient, cup, watermelon, teaspoon, amount, instruction, finally, mix up, popcorn, popper, boil, salt, add to, 2. master and use: countable nouns and uncountable nouns.                     follow instructions.


1 the vocabulary.

2. master and use: countable nouns and uncountable nouns.                     follow instructions.


2. master and use: countable nouns and uncountable nouns.                     follow instructions.

学  习  过  程

一.课前反馈1.dictation:  shake, milk shake, blender, turn on, cut up, peel, pour, into2.ask and answer: how do you make a milk shake?( peel, cut up, turn on, pour, into) 二.自主学习1.自主学习教材42、43页的单词,找出新单词,读写两遍。 2.熟悉2a、2b的内容,找出不懂的地方。 3.自读2c的对话,弄清意思。 4.阅读3a,弄清first, next then ,finally的意思(注意:first...next...then...finally... 首先……接下来……然后……最后……用于讲述做事的顺序。) 三.合作探究6页,当前第2123456

八年级英语How do you make a banana milk shake教案

1.一起完成2a、2b的听力练习。    2.小组自由练习2c中的对话。 3.小组讨论并完成3a,然后练习对话。  4.仿照3a,利用3b的图片编造新对话,再分组展示。 四.一课多练(一)。给下列单词归类。apple, watermelon, banana, honey, popcorn, salt, bread, rice, yogurt, pear, grape,cake, milk, water, cup, teaspoon可数名词:_________________________________________________不可数名词:__________________________________________________ (二).根据句意与汉语提示补全所缺单词1. have you read the___________(用法说明) of this machine. 2. many people like to drink tea with____(蜂蜜).  3.please give me a _________(杯) of tea. 4.i’d love to drink some _________(酸奶) 5.the dishes your mother cooked________(尝起来)great. 6.i don’t like pure milk, but i like y_________. 7.how much honey do we need? ---two t__________. 8.how many i_____________ do you need to make fruit salad? --- five .bananas ,apples, pears, oranges and yogurt. (三).完成下列句子。 1._________________________(多少香蕉) do we need? 2. ________________________________(多少盐) do we need? 3.___________________________________(多少苹果) do you need? 4._______________________________________(多少奶酪) do you need? 5._________________________________(多少蜂蜜) do you need? 6._____________________________________(多少西瓜) do you need? (四)。句型转换。 1、we need two teaspoons of honey.             teaspoons of honey    you    ? 2、we need two teaspoons of honey.             honey    you    ?       3、please mix the apple and the milk up.(同义句)          please            the apple and the milk。      4、you should add salt to the noodles.(祈使句)              salt     the noodles.      5、there are some watermelons here.(一般疑问句)                          watermelons here?   (五)、单项选择 (  )1、they  want   honey. a、a   b、two   c、two teaspoons   d、two teaspoons of (  )2、please     . a、mix up them  b、mix up they  c、mix them up  d、mix they up (  )3、how do you   a strawberry shake? a、make  b、do   c、have   d、eat (  )4、let’s         . a、cut up it  b、cut it up  c、it cut up  d、cut it in      (  )5、then put them    the blender. a、in   b、on    c、into   d、with (  )6、do you need     ? a、two glasses of water   b、two water     c、two glass of waters    d、two glasses of waters (六),补全对话(每空一词) a:     do you make a banana milk shake? b:first     three bananas .      cut      the bananas. put the bananas and      ice cream     the blender. then     the milk into the blender.           the blender .      drink the banana milk shake. (七).1,完成2c的内容。write a passage about how to make fruit salad. _______________________________________________________________  _______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________               __________________________________________________________________ 2、如何制作爆米花 (1)首先把玉米(corn)放进爆米花机 (2)接下来打开爆米花机 (3)然后把爆米花倒在碗里,加上盐 (4)最后就可以食用了 let’s make the popcorn.        6页,当前第3123456

八年级英语How do you make a banana milk shake教案

五.总结延伸   本节课我学到了

六.新知提示  1.预习教材44页,熟记本页的单词.   2.完成1a,1b,的练习.

新目标英语八年级上册unit7导学案  period3   


课    题

unit7 how do you make a banana milk shake?  (p44)


1.       master the vocabulary: bread, butter, relish, lettuce, turkey, slice 2.master and use: countable nouns and uncountable nouns.                     follow instructions. 3.listening skills.


1 .the vocabulary. 2.master and use: countable nouns and uncountable nouns.                     follow instructions. 3.listening skills.


listening skills.

学  习  过  程

一.课前反馈1.dictation: ingredient, cup, watermelon, teaspoon, amount, instruction, finally, mix up, popcorn, popper, boil, salt, add to, 2. ask and answer:  how do you make fruit salad? ( first...next...then...finally...) 二.自主学习1.自主学习教材44页的单词,找出新单词,并写下来. 2.小组讨论2c的对话. 三.合作探究1.完成1a、1b,并熟读单词。 2.完成听力练习后,跟读一遍。 3.小组讨论并展示2c中的对话。 四.一课多练(一)、圈出下列单词中的不可数名词       bread  onion  butter  turkey  tomato  relish  lettuce       sandwich  sauce  yogurt  watermelon  duck  salt  popcorn        (二)、选词填空         1、           bread.(two,two slices of,two glasses of)           2、           butter(three,three slices of,three teaspoons of) 3、           lettuce(a,many,some) 4、           relish(one teaspoon of,one teaspoon,many) 5、           chicken(much,two,two slice of) 6、           onions(a,lot of,a lot,lots of) (三)根据汉语提示完成下列句子。 1.please put the dictionary on ________ (顶部)of these books. 2.i’ll _________ (检查)my e-mails right away. 3.in the __________(食谱),it says that i must use two eggs. 4.there is a _________ (极好的)restaurant near here. 5.give me a ________ (片) of bread,please. (四)、翻译下列句子 1、这儿有一张火鸡三明治的食谱。          a            a great turkey sandwich. 2、首先把黄油放在一块面包上。          put the butter     a     of bread. 3、加点调料到面包。          some relish     the bread. 4、最后再加片面包在上面。          put     slice of bread on the     . 5、你想要多少酸奶?                      do you     ? (五)、书面表达 请根据下列食谱介绍牛肉三明治的做法 ingredients6页,当前第4123456

八年级英语How do you make a banana milk shake教案

•             2 slices of bread •             1 teaspoon of butter •             1 onion (cut up) •             1 carrot (cup up) •             lettuce •             3 slices of beef •             2 teaspoons of relish (1)把黄油放在面包上    (2)切开一个洋葱和胡萝卜,把这些加在面包上 (3)放些生菜和三片牛肉在面包上,放两勺调料在牛肉上 (4)放上另一片面包                                                                                       (六),完成下列对话。 a: how do you make a fish sandwich ? b: _______ , ______some relish on a slice of bread. a: _______ _______ relish? b: about a _______.  _______ , ______  _____ some tomatoes. a:______ _______ tomatoes. b:about two tomatoes.______,_______some lettuce and the fish slices on the sandwich. a:is that all? b:well,_____ ______another slice of bread on the top. 五.总结延伸


六.新知提示  预习p45,熟记单词,要求下节课默写。

新目标英语八年级上册unit7导学案period4      :                                           姓名:

课    题

unit7 how do you make a banana milk shake?  (p45)


1.master the vocabulary: super, top, recipe, check, green onion, duck, sauce, pancake, roll 2.master reading and writing skills.


1 the vocabulary. 2. master reading and writing skills.


master reading and writing skills.

学  习  过  程


八年级英语How do you make a banana milk shake教案

1.dictation: bread, butter, relish, lettuce, turkey, slice 2. ask and answer:   how do you make fruit salad? ( first...next...then...finally...) 二.自主学习1. 默读p45  3a、3b的短文,找出其中的新单词,并写下来. 2. 再读短文,并按要求试做3a、3b的练习。 三.合作探究1.齐读3a、3b的短文一遍。 2.小组讨论并完成3a、3b。 3.分小组展示3c的写作内容并作出评价。 四.一课多练

a.见教材p46 1 b.写作练习,见教材p46 2。



六.新知提示  预习unit 8的单词。
