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What’s the matter

What’s the matter


  年级   八年级   课题 unit 2 what’s the matter?_a (1a – 2c)_

  时间__ .7_____

 学习目 标 1. 单词和词组:matter, have, cold, have a cold, stomachache, sore, back, arm, ear, eye, foot, hand, head, leg, mouth, neck, nose, stomach, tooth, throat,see a dentist2.句型:学会用what’s the matter? i have a cold. i have a stomachache.                 i have a sore back.  i have a sore throat  谈论身体情况。

3. 学习用should 给出建议









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--------- ----------------    ------- -------------------  --------- -----------------------二.合作探究1.have a cold的意思是“感冒,着凉”为固定词组,have 表示生…病,解释下列词组的意思。have a sore throat _____________       have a sore neck   _______________                  have a fever   _______________        have a headache __________________                  have a stomachache _____________      have a toothache ________________               

2.what’s the matter?怎么了,其后常与介词with 连用。类似的问句还有:

what’s wrong (with )you? what’s the trouble (with you)? what’s your trouble?

what’s the matter with ben? (改为同义句)what’s _______ with jim?

3.that’s a good idea. 好主意= good idea.用语对别人的建议、忠告,表示赞成。

-我们去游泳吧?---let’s go swimming

-好主意         ---__________ _________..


1)should 常用来表示劝告、建议、认为某人应该做某事。13页,当前第112345678910111213

What’s the matter

2)should 本身不能单独作谓语,必须和动词原形连用。should 没有人称和数的变化,其否定形式为shouldn’t.

如:we__________ study hard.我们应该努力学习。

    you_________ play computer games.你不应该玩电脑游戏。。问题发 现


  年级   八年级   课题 unit 2 what’s the matter? a (1a – 2c)

 时间 __ .7_____











馈     一.写出下列生词:1.胳膊__    _____         2. 后背____     ___3. 耳朵____    ____       4. 眼睛___    _____5. 脚____     ____         6. 头______       ___ 7. 腿_______    __         8. 脖子___   _____9. 鼻子___     _____     10. 胃_____   ____11.牙齿___   ______      12. 嘴巴____   _____ 13. 手_______     __    14. 牙医_____     ____二.根据句意用首字母提示完成单词:(1) if you have a toothache, you should see a d             .        (2) oh, your head feels hot, you must have a f              .    (3) in spring all the bees are busy making h               .(4) most animals have four l         .(5) i have a c          and keep coughing day and night.三. 单项选择 (    ) 1. i have a toothache. i should _________.a.     drink more water    b.lie down and restc.see the dentist        d.drink some hot tea with honey.(    ) 2. he has a stomachahe. he________ eat anything for 24 hours.      a. needn’t               b. may not     c. isn’t                 d. shouldn’t13页,当前第212345678910111213

What’s the matter

(    ) 3.---- what’s the matter ________ you?---- nothing. i’m just tired.       a. for              b. with             c. in               d. from我 的收 获



  年级   八年级   课题 unit 2 what’s the matter?_a (3a – 4)_

 时间__ .7_____

 学习目 标 1.  重点单词: fever, toothache, rest, honey, dentist, should, headache, shouldn’t, ago, so, illness, advice.2.短语:feel well,three days ago,lie down3.句型:i’m not feeling well./i hope you feel better soon.







 一预习感知:根据句意完成句子。1.你怎么了?我不太舒服。what’s the matter? i’m not ________ _________.2.你应该躺下休息。      you should _______ ______ and rest.3.fever is an  _____________ (疾病)4.please give me some ________(建议)二.合作探究: 1.yes ,i think so.so “这样,如此”,在此句中是代指上面的内容 ,如:don’t say so._________.2.illness是由形容词ill+名词后缀ness构成,表示名词疾病,再看看下面的单词,猜一猜它们的含义吧,相信你一定能做对!     happiness              business               kindness                3.i’m not feeling well.我感到不舒服。feeling作系动词,“感觉,觉得”,后面常跟形容词。feel well “感到身体健康.” i’m not feeling well.此句的同义句是   i don’t feel well.  i feel ill.                                                                                                          13页,当前第312345678910111213

What’s the matter

如:-what’s the matter with tony? -he doesn’t _________ _________.他感到不舒服。4.i hope you feel better soon.此句中you will feel better soon 是一个从句,作hope的宾语。如:i hope you can come to my party.意思是__________________________hopeto do sth /hpoe +that 从句我希望得到那本书。i hope _______ _______ the book.                  i hope that______ ______ ______ the book.5.advice “劝告、建议”是不可数名词,”一条建议为” a piece of advice.can you give me ________ _______?你能给我一些建议吗?问题发 现


  年级   八年级   课题 unit 2 what’s the matter? a (3a – 4)

  时间 __ .7_____











馈一 用给动词的适当形式填空。(1) he believes that i should          (have) a good habit.        (2) he          (stay)at home and watched tv yesterday.    (3)i           (study) at that middle school half a year ago.(4)he hope         (get) the first prize.(5) i                          (feel)well now. you should go to see the doctor.二.翻译。(1)请躺下休息一下。please ______ _____ and have a ________.(2)你不应该把一个婴儿独自留在家里。you                  a baby alone in the house.(3)我胃痛,今天不能上学了。i                           . i can’t go to school today.(4)她应该去看牙医。she should                           . 


1.you should do it the morning.(改为否定句)

you ______ do it in the morning.

2. she has a fever.(改为一般疑问句)

  ______ she ______ a fever.

3.i am feeling well now.

  _______ _____ you _______ now?我 的收 获



 年级   八年级   课题 unit 2 what’s the matter?_b (1a – 2c)_13页,当前第412345678910111213

What’s the matter

  时间__ .7_____

 学习目 标 1. 重点单词和词组: thirsty, stress, (be)stressed out, early, problem listen to music2. 学会使用句型: ---what’s the matter with gina? -----she’s tired.  ……drink some water. /go to bed early  3.语法:肯定和否定的祈使句 







 一.预习感知:读读下列单词及词组,并写出其意思,tired              hungry              thirsty               stressed out               eat an apple          go to bed                           drink some water              listen to music                  二.合作探究1.be stressed out紧张的,有压力的stressed是由动词stress在词尾加-ed构成的形容词,用来反映人或动物的心理状态, 如:i’m ______ _______.i need to have a rest.许多动词的现在分词和过去分词可被用作形容词,常用来表示特征和状态,例如:interesting /interested 你还能试举出其他单词吗?                                                                                                                                                            13页,当前第512345678910111213

What’s the matter

2.drink some water 这是一个肯定的祈使句。要以动词原形开头,表示请求或命令。有时可在动词原形前加please。其否定形式常在动词原形前加don’t.如:请听音乐.please listen to music. 不要听音乐_________listen to music.3。he should drink more water .   请将这个句子按要求进行转换吧!否定句:                                                                    一般疑问句:                                                                画线部分提问:                                                              你会用其他的方式提建议吗?                                                                                                                                                               问题发 现


What’s the matter

  年级   八年级   课题 unit 2 what’s the matter?b(1a-2c)

主备教师 杨琦  戴艳 审查人戴艳______ 时间 __ .7_____











馈 一.根据句意用首字母提示完成单词:(1) the child is t           .,give him some water to drink.       (2)i’m too s         . out, i can’t speak clearly at the meeting.   (3) the dog is h          .,give it something to eat.(4) you do the work so long, i think you are t       .have a rest.(5) it’s a good habit to get up e          .二.用给单词的适当形式填空。(1) tom’s mother can’t go to work because of his         (ill).       (2) mr wang         (come) late yesterday.   (3)mary         (eat) an apple for breakfast today.(4)my brother         (go) to bed late last night.(5) li ming            (drink) some milk and went out.三.根据汉语提示完成句子。(1)please give me                              (一些好的建议) (2)                                   gina?(怎么啦)(3)                  (令他困惑的事)is that he can’t sleep well at night.(4)you                                            .(应早点睡觉)(5)she                                            (不应参加聚会)13页,当前第712345678910111213

What’s the matter



     年级 八年级  课题 unit 2 what’s the matter?_b (3a –self check )_

 时间__ .7_____

 学习目 标 1.  掌握重点单词和词组:. traditional, believe, balance, weak, angry, tofu, medicine, western, everybody, get, few, a few, stay, important, balanced, diet, moment, at the moment, until, dear, host family, hear .thirsty, stress, (be)stressed out, early, problem2.  学会:给别人提一些有益身体健康的方法。







 一.预习感知:请你认真阅读3a,试着解释下列短语。healthy lifestyle                  chinese way                   traditional chinese doctors             for example             too much                     be good for                                                                                                                           chinese medicine              western countries                二、合作探究你会理解下列句子么?1.traditionma chinese doctors believe we need a balance of yin and yang to be healthy.  意思是:                                                                            13页,当前第812345678910111213

What’s the matter

to be healthy 是动词不定式,在句中作状语,表目的。如:他去美国学习英语。he went to america________ ________ _______.2.eating dangshen and huangqi herbs is also good for this.意思是:                                                           eating dangshen…是动名词短语,在句中作主语,谓语动词用单数。_________(do) exercises is good for our health.3.it’s easy to have a healthy lifestyle, and it’s important to eat a balanced diet.意思是 :                                                                                         该句型的结构为:it’s+adj.+(for sb) to do sth .动词不定式在句中作真正的主语。it作形式主语。如:it’s difficult for a child ________ _________ the work.对于一个孩子来说,要完成这项工作很难。4.i’m sorry to hear that you’re not feeling well.听到你不舒服,我很难过。i’m sorry to hear that。。。是当得知别人遇到不幸或不愉快的事情时想对方表示同情的日常交际用语,以示对别人有礼貌。----my mother is ill, i have to look after her at home.--______ _______ ______ ____ _____.问题发 现


  年级   八年级   课题 unit 2 what’s the matter?b(3a –self check)

  时间 __ .7_____











馈一. 用给单词的适当形式填空。(1) it’s easy         (have)a healthy lifestyle.       (2) tibet is in the          (west ) part of china.   (3)i’m sorry         (hear) that your mother is ill.(4)it’s important         (sleep) eight hours a night.(5) you need the doctor            (give) you some medicine.13页,当前第912345678910111213

What’s the matter

二..根据中文完成英文。(1)一些中医认为我们需要平衡膳食。some chinese doctors    we need to eat                            .(2)汉语现在流行于许多西方国家。chinese is now very         in many                 .(3)早睡早起对健康有好处。it’s                  our health                                    and                   early.(4)当你疲倦时,你不应该外出。when you                 , you                           .(5)当你紧张时,你应该听听音乐。when you                           , you should                             .三.以”do you have a cold?”为题试着写一篇文章,写写你应该和不应该做的事情。                                                     _______________                                                    ______________                                                            _______________       13页,当前第1012345678910111213

What’s the matter

                                                ___________         我 的收 获



年级   八年级   课题  unit2单元检测

 时间 __ .7_____一.根据句意和首字母提示,完成下列单词拼写。(10分) 1. we walk with our l________. 2. yesterday i had a bad c________, so i didn't go to school. 3. there is much w________in the river. 4. she was very t________, and soon she fell asleep in bed. 5. he is very t________, please give him a cup of tea.二. 单项选择。(10分) 1. -________ -i have a headache. a. what's the matter, judy? b. where are you, judy? c. who are you? d. what are you doing, judy? 2. he________stay at home and look after his mother yesterday. a. needed to   b. must c. have to     d. has to 3. i think walking is________our health. a. good at    b. bad at c. well in     d. good for 4. we should not eat________junk food. a. too many     b. too much c. many too     d. much too 5. -how is the young man? -________ a. he is twelve.      b. he's much better. c. he is a doctor.    d. he's allan. 6. it's important to eat a________diet. a. balanced         b. balance c. balancing        d. balances 7. he often has sports. ________, football, basketball and ping-pong. a. for an example    b. for example c. for the example     d. for a example 8. you should not eat________24 hours. a. something in     b. nothing for c. anything for      d. everything at 9. -my mother is ill. -________ a. don't worry.    b. no hurry. c. i'm sorry to hear that.     d. ok. 10. -i feel stressed out. i have so much work to do every day. -you'd better not work too hard. it's good for you to take some________, i think. a. health    b. exercise     c. lesson     d. work 三. 完成对话。(20分) a)从对话后的方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。 a: we are going to play basketball. (1)________ 13页,当前第1112345678910111213