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第9单元, 季节:
1.a:do you like winter? (spring/summer/fall) “你喜欢冬天(春天/夏天/秋天)吗?”
   b: yes, i do. “是的,我喜欢。”/ no, i don’t.“不,我不喜欢。”
   a: why?“为什么?”
   b: it’s white. (green/ bright/golden.) “它是白色的(绿色的/明亮的/金色的)。”
       i can wear my favourite coat.(sunglasses/ scarf/…)“我能穿上(戴上)我最喜欢的的大衣(太阳镜/围巾……)。”
2. it’s spring! we can plant trees in spring.“春天了!我们能在春天种树。”
  it’s summer! we can swim in summer.“夏天了!我们能在夏天游泳。”
  it’s fall! we can climb hills in fall.“秋天了!我们能在秋天爬山。”
  it’s winter! we can make a snowman in winter.“冬天了!我们能在冬天堆雪人。”
3. a: what’s your favourite season? “你最喜欢的季节是什么?”
  b: spring. (summer/fall/winter)“春天(夏天/秋天/冬天)”
a: why?“为什么?”
b:i can fly a kite.(swim/ plant trees/ make a snowman…)“我能放风筝(游泳/种树/堆雪人)……”
4. a: what season is it?
  b: it’s spring. (summer/fall/winter)
1.it’s sunny(snowy/rainy/cloudy/windy) in beijing.“北京天气是晴朗的(有雪的/下雨/多云/刮风)。”
2. it’s a cold day. i put on my scarf and play.“这是一个冷天。我戴上我的围巾然后去玩。”
 it’s a warm day. i put on my sweater and play. “这是一个暖和天。我穿上我的毛衣然后去玩。”
 it’s a hot day. i put on my sunglasses and play. “这是一个热天。我戴上我的太阳镜然后去玩。”
 it’s a cool day. i put on my coat and play. “这是一个凉爽天。我穿上我的大衣然后去玩。”
3. a: what’s the weather like?(天气怎么样?)
  b: it’s sunny(snowy/rainy/cloudy/windy) and warm(cold/ hot cool).
1.       i can bounce the ball very well.(jump/walk/run/throw the ball/ catch the ball/ kick the ball /…)“我能拍球拍得很好。(跳/走/跑/扔球/接球/踢球……)”
2.a: can you play pingpong? (jump rope/ play football/ throw the ball/ catch the ball/ kick the ball / bounce the ball/swing/ skate/climb the jungle gym/slide… )“你能打乒乓球吗?(跳绳/踢足球/扔球/接球/踢球/拍球/荡秋千/滑冰/爬攀登架/滑滑梯……)”2页,当前第112
 b: yes, i can. “是的,我能。”
 /no, i can’t.“不,我不能。”
2.       a: may i join you?“我能参加吗?”
b: sure. come on .“当然。加油/快来。”
3.       let my try.“让我试一试。”
4.       a: where is yaoyao?  “瑶瑶在哪儿?”
b: she’s on the seesaw.“她在跷跷板上。” 
5.       let’s go swimming.“让我们去游泳吧。”
6.       a: what can you do in spring?(summer/fall/winter.)“你在春天能做什么?(夏天/秋天/冬天)”
b: i can fly a kite.(swim/climb hills/ make a snowman/… )“我能放风筝。(游泳/爬山/堆雪人/……)”
1.a: what time is it?“几点了?”
   b: it’s 12:00.
2. it’s time for breakfast.(lunch/supper/english class/school……)“到早饭的时间了。(中饭/晚饭/英语课/上学……)”
1.a: when do you get up everyday?( wash face/ brush teeth/ eat breakfast/ go to school/ play football/ eat lunch/ go home/ watch tv/ go to bed/…)“你每天什么时候起床?(洗脸/刷牙/吃早饭/去上学/玩足球/吃中饭/回家/看电视/去睡觉/……)”
  b: i get up( wash face/ brush teeth/ eat breakfast/ go to school/ eat lunch/ go home/ watch tv/ go to bed.) at 6:50. “我在6:50 起床。(洗脸/刷牙/吃早饭/去上学/玩足球/吃中饭/回家/看电视/去睡觉/……)”
2. a: what do you do every day?“你每天做什么?”
 b: i sing songs every day. ( wash face/ brush teeth/ eat breakfast/ go to school/ eat lunch/ go home/ watch tv/ go to bed.) “我每天唱歌。(洗脸/刷牙/吃早饭/去上学/玩足球/吃中饭/回家/看电视/去睡觉/……)”
1. a: what day is it (today)?“(今天)星期几?”
  b:it’s wednesday.(monday/tuesday/ thursday/friday/saturday/sunday)“星期三。(星期一/星期二/星期四/星期五/星期六/星期日。)”
let’s go and play football.  “让我们去玩足球。”(线上可替换为其他的活动。)
  a: sorry. i don’t want to.“对不起。我不想。”
2.a: what do you want to do on wednesday? (monday/tuesday/ thursday/friday/saturday/sunday)“你星期三想干什么?(星期一/星期二/星期四/星期五/星期六/星期日。)”
b: i want to have an english class.(sing songs/ play basketball/ sleep/…)“我要上英语课。(唱歌/打篮球/睡觉/……)”
3. we have an art (a music / a math/a computer/ a chinese/ a pe)class on monday. (tuesday/ wednesday / thursday/friday/saturday/sunday)“我们在星期一(或其它星期)上美术课。(音乐/数学/计算机/语文/体育)”2页,当前第212