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4年级第一单元My classroom.教案英文表格式

 科目:  英           班 级: 四         执教人    

课   题

第一单元my classroom.



教学目标1.       tell the colours of the objects of the classroom. 2.       le make the students describe their own classroom with simple words. 3.       arn the words and sentences in part a,b. 4.       sing the song “in the classroom” and understand the story.

教学重点get the pupils to describe their classroom in their own words.  

教学难点get the pupils to describe their classroom in their own words.  


tape and recorder, pictures,stickers and word cards.

程period 11.     warm-up:t: hello, a! welcome back to school!(教师先自我介绍,然后引导学生相互问好。)a: hello, miss…. nice to see you.t: nice to see you, too.2.     presentation:(1)  show the picture of the classroom and say: look,this is our classroom. what can you see in it? present the words(在学生已有积累的基础上随机出示新词语): window, door, picture, light, board, floor.(当教授board时,告诉学生有blackboard,greenboard,whiteboard,etc.)教师利用实物或单词卡教学生正确理解,大声朗读。(2)  practise the words, using the patterns: where is ….? it’s on the….. (draw a bag on the board, asking: where’s the bag? get the answer: on the board.)(3)  game: let the students have the word cards in their hands. the teacher gives the order: show me your picture/window/… the students show the word cards.(4)  listen to the tape, get the students read after the tape.(要求学生边听边指读。)(5)  presentation of the new phrases: open the door. sweep the floor. turn on the light. clean the window. put up the picture. clean the board. read and act.(6)  learn to sing the song: in the classroom.(适当讲解词义。)3.     consolidation and extension.do the exercises.period 21.     warm-up:practise everyday english:

a: hello,b! this is….

b: hello,c! nice to meet you, too.

c: let’s go to school.

b&c: ok!

2.     preview:

(1)  listen to the tape for part a, let’s do. read and act.

(2)  show the picture of zhang peng, introduce him to the students.


 (1)ask a pupil to act as zhang peng, say: this is zhang peng, our 3页,当前第1123

    new classmate. (引导学生会说这两句话)make a dialogue:

    t: where’s your seat?    s: it’s over there.

    t: let’s go and have a look. oh! it’s here. it’s near the door.(师强调最后一句话,然后请多个学生一起操练。)

(3)  drill the dialogue. then ask pupils to make their own dialogues.

(4)  listen to the tape and read after the tape.

(5)  play the tape in random order. get the pupils to point out the responding picture. practise the dialogue in two teams.

(6)  teacher draw a bag on the board and ask: what’s it? s:it’s a bag. where’ it? it’s on the board.

(7)  句型练习:where’s the ……?  it’s on/in…….

(8)  play the tape for the chant for the pupils to listen and repeat.(注意every day”的发音和fun”的含义。)

(9)  story time.

4.     consolidation and extension.

do exercises in activity book.

     period 3

1.     warm-up:

act out the dialogue in part a, let’s talk.

2.     presentation:

(1)  show the word cards ( ant, apple, hand), get the pupils to find the letter a. practise the pronunciation. teach the other letters in the same way.

(2)  listen to the tape, the pupils read the letters and the words.

(3)  game: say words.

teacher gives a letter. ask a pupil to say out a corresponding word. the second tells another….. see which team tells the most words.

(4)  copy the words in class for about five minutes.

3.     consolidation and extension.

do exercises in activity book, a. read and write.period 4

1.     warm-up:

teacher and pupils, pupil and pupil ask and answer the questions for the objects in the classroom.


(1)revise part a let’s do. read and act.

(2)ask and answer: how many lights can you see? i can see 11.


(1)show a picture of a classroom, asking: what’s this? and

answer: it’s zoom’s classroom. teach the new words: computer, teacher’s desk, fan, wall.(出示单词时结合实物的颜色说说短语。) repeat the new words several times.

(2)game: who touches quickly?

teacher gives the names of the objects in the classroom, ask the pupils to touch them quickly.(此游戏以接触卡片比较合适。)

    (3) listen to the tape and read after the tape.

 (4) play the game bingo.

    (5) page 11. let’s find out. first the teacher can ask: how many big/ small letters can you see? get the students to find the answers.3页,当前第2123

    (6)page 10:color your classroom and talk about it in your group.  4. consolidation and extension.

  do exercises in activity book.

  listen to the tape at home.

period 5

1.     warm-up:

(1)  everyday english:what day is it today? what’s the weather like today?...

(2)  play the tape for let’s do, and get the pupils to repeat and act.

2.     play chain work.

s1: this is my classroom.

s2: this is my classroom. the door is yellow.

s3: this is my classroom. the door is yellow. the wall is white. …..

3.     presentation:

(1)  play the tape for a. let’s do. the pupils do the actions. then play the game “ sam says” to see if the pupils can say out : clean the desk, clean the board etc. fluently.

(2)  plus “ let’s” or “ let me” before the phrases. guide the pupils to repeat.

(3)  listen to the tape and repeat the dialogue.

(4)  practise the dialogue in groups.

(5)  guessing game. ask two pupils to standing in front of the class face to face. teacher shows one a picture and let them to act it out. get the other to guess it and say it in english. if he guess it correctly, give him a prize.

(6)  let’s check. listen and tick.

4.     consolidation and extension.

(1)do exercises in activity book.

  (2)good to  know.    

period 6

1.     warm-up:

everyday english:

hello!a.nice to meet you again!what are you doing? what do you do on sundays?......

2.     presentation:

(1)  show some letters and find the words which contain the letters. and show the word cards.

(2)  listen to the tape and repeat the letters and words.

(3)  copy the words for five minutes.

(4)  write and draw pictures on page9.

(5)  spelling practice. give letters in random orders. let the pupils put them in right order.

3.     consolidation and extension.

(1)do exercises in p11。

(2)make up a chant.

t: we have a classroom, too. is it big or small?  (t look around the classroom.)

t: good! what’s in the classroom, look, look, look!

s: ….

t: (把刚才回答的事物串成儿歌,可采用师生问答式拍手反复练习对话)

t:what’s in my classroom, look, look, look!

s:a board, eight lights, two big doors!


let’s clean the classroom, we have fun everyday!

(3)do exercises in activity book.
