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computer 计算机       one 一          math 数学             colour 颜色               
board 写字板          two 二          chinese 语文          today 今天                       
fan 风扇              three 三         english 英语          this 这;这个                      
light 灯               four 四          p. e. 体育            that 那;那个                        
teacher’s desk 讲台     five 五          music 音乐            it 它                  
picture 图画;照片     six 六           apple 苹果            is 是                    
wall 墙壁             seven 七         banana 香蕉           are 是                     
floor 地板             eight 八         pear 梨               it’s=it is 它是                    6页,当前第1123456
jacket 夹克衫          nine 九          orange 橙子       aren’t= are not 不是                       
shirt 衬衫             ten十           watermelon 西瓜       yes 是;是的          
skirt 裙子             long 长的        dog 狗               no 不;不是                
dress 连衣裙          big 大的         duck 鸭子            not 不;不是的         
t- shirt t恤衫         small 小的        pig 猪               my 我的                        
 jeans 牛仔裤         short 短的        rabbit 兔子           your 你的                         
 pants 长裤           red 红色的       cat 猫            they 它(他、她)们        
socks 袜子           blue 蓝色的       horse 马            let’s=let us 让我们
shoes 鞋子           yellow 黄色的     cold 寒冷的          what 什么  6页,当前第2123456
play 玩;踢          green 绿色的      cool 凉爽的          how much 多少钱
football 足球         white 白色的      snowy 下雪的        how many 多少
time 时间            for 为; 给        sunny 晴朗的         class 课程
o’clock …点钟        eleven 十一       warm 暖和的         twelve 十二
fifteen 十五          thirteen 十三      twenty 二十           there 那儿;那里
playground操场     garden花园      teacher’s office教师办公室      library图书室                                                      
canteen食堂        art room绘画室      washroom卫生间        music room音乐教室
gym体育馆         tv room电视机房   lunch午餐              english class英语课                                          6页,当前第3123456
music class音乐课   breakfast早餐       dinner晚餐;正餐        p.e. class体育课
get up起床         go to school上学     go home回家            go to bed上床睡觉
sweater毛衣        jeans牛仔裤         pants长裤              socks袜子
shoes鞋子          shorts短裤          hot炎热的              weather天气
rainy下雨的        windy有风的        cloudy多云的           colourful色彩丰富的
pretty漂亮的;可爱的 cheap便宜的     expensive昂贵的   sneakers胶底帆布鞋;网球鞋
slippers拖鞋        sandals凉鞋         boots靴子              sheep绵羊
hen母鸡           lamb小羊;羔羊     goat山羊               cow奶牛
tomato西红柿      cucumber黄瓜        potato土豆             onion洋葱

what 什么
1. what’s on it? (它的上面是什么?)---- it’s a map.
2. what time is it?(几点钟了?)---- it’s nine o’clock.
3. what time is it now?(现在几点了?)---- it’s 5:00.
4. what colour is it?(它是什么颜色的?)---- blue.
5. what colour?(什么颜色?) 
6. what are they?(它们是什么?)---- these are your baby pants.
7. what for?(为了什么?)---- our neighbour has a new baby!
8. what are you doing?(你正在做什么?)---- not much.
9. what’s the weather like in beijing?(北京的天气怎么样了?)---- it’s rainy today.
10. what’s the matter, amy?(amy, 有什么问题啊?)---- i have to close the window.
11. what’s the weather like there?(那儿是什么天气?)---- it’s cool.
12. what size?(什么尺码?)---- size five.
13. what are they?(它们是什么?)---- they are goats.6页,当前第4123456
14. what do you see in the picture?(你在图片里看到什么了?)---- i see five cats.
15. what are those?(那些是什么?)---- they are geese.
16. what are these?(这些是什么?)

where 哪里
1. where is the canteen? (食堂在哪里?)---- it’s on the first floor.
2. where is the art room?(绘画教室在哪里?)---- it’s on the second floor.
3. where is my skirt?(我的短裙在哪里?) 
4. where is my t-shirt?(我的t恤衫在哪里?)
5. where are my socks?(我的袜子在哪里?)
6. where are they?(它们在哪里?)---- they are on your feet!

how 怎么
1. how many students are there in your class? (你们班有多少的学生?)---- forty-five.
2. how about new york?(纽约怎么样呢?)---- it’s sunny.
3. how much is that pretty skirt?(那条漂亮的短裙要多少钱?)---- very expensive.
4. how much is this dress?(这条连裙多少钱?)---- it’s ninety-nine yuan.
5. how much is it?(它多少钱?)---- it’s ten yuan.
6. how about this pair?(这一双又怎么样了?)
7. how much are they?(它们多少钱?)---- they’re thirty-five yuan.
8. how many cows do you have?(你有多少的奶牛?)---- one hundred.
9. how many geese can you see?(你看到多少的鹅?)---- three.
10. how many horses are there ?(那里有多少的马?)---- twelve.

1. which movie can we see?(我们可以看哪一部电影?)
whose 谁的
1.whose is it?(它是谁的?)---- it’s my t-shirt.
2.whose is this?(这是谁的?)---- it’s your baby brother’s!

一、is + 主语+其它?------肯定回答:yes, 主语 is ./ 否定回答:no, 主语 isn’t.
1. is this the library?(这是图书馆吗?)--- yes, it is.
2. is that the art room?(那是绘画教室吗?)---- yes, it is.
3. is that the tv room?(那是电视机房吗?)---- no, it isn’t.
4. is this a tv?(这是一台电视机吗?)---- no, it’s a computer.
5. is that a picture?(那是一幅图画吗?)---- no, it’s a map.
6. is this your skirt, alice?(alice,这是你的短裙吗?)---- yes, it is .
7. is that your t-shirt, dad?(爸爸,那是你的t恤衫吗?)---- no, it’s not.
8. mr monkey, is it cold?(猴子先生,天气冷吗?)---- no, it’s not.

二、are + 主语+其它?------肯定回答:yes, 主语 are ./ 否定回答:no, 主语 aren’t.
1. are they nice, john?(john,它们好看吗?)---- yes, mom.
2. are they all right?(它们合穿吗?)---- yes, they are.
3. are they sheep?(它们是羊吗?)---- no, they aren’t.
4. are they dog?(它们是狗吗?)---- yes, they are .
5. are these tomatoes?(这些是西红柿吗?)---- yes, they are.
6. are those cucumbers?(那些是黄瓜吗?)---- yes, they are.6页,当前第5123456
三、can+ 主语+其它?------肯定回答:yes, 主语 can. /否定回答:no, 主语 can’t.
1. mom, can i wear my new shirt today?(妈妈,今天我可以穿我的新衬衫吗?)---- no, you can’t.
2. can i wear my t-shirt?(我可以穿我的t恤衫吗?)---- yes, you can.
3. can i help you ?(我能帮助你吗?)---- yes.

四、do + 主语+其它?------肯定回答:yes, 主语 do . /否定回答:no, 主语 don’t.
1. do you have a library?(你有一个图书馆吗?)---- yes.
2. do you have lunch at school?(你在学校吃午餐吗?)---- yes!

a     cake     snake     grapes     face
      apple     bag       cat        hat
e     we       me       he         she
      egg      bed       desk       pen 
i     bike      rice       kite        ice-cream
      milk      fish      pig         window
o     hole      home     nose        rose
      box      fox       orange      lock
u     student    cute      music      tube
      bus      umbrella   toothbrush    cup
