unit1 my classroomobjective:1. vocabulary: book, ruler, pencil, rubber, pen, bag2. structure: stand up/ sit down, please. open/close your book.
how are you? fine, thank you. good morning.3. function: giving simple instructions.
responding to simple instructions.
identifying and describing classroom objects.
greeting people and responding to greetings. period 1teaching aids: cassette player, cassette, real objects procedurecontentmethodpurposepre-taskpreparation1.warming-up1. introduce yourself to the class, and say, “hello, i am…”这是学生学习英语的第一堂课,教师用英语向学生作自我介绍,让学生感受英语的氛围。 2. ask pupils to introduce themselves. encourage them to greet the whole class.
“hello, i am…”鼓励孩子模仿老师的样子,向全班作自我介绍。3. ask pupils to form a circle, then throw a balloon to a classmate and say: “hi, …”学生自我介绍后,围圈坐, 用扔气球的方式相互打招呼,做互相认识游戏。 while-task
stand up, please.
sit down, please.1. t: use postures and body language, and say: “sit down, please.” 游戏结束,让学生回到座位上。教师利用动作和肢体语言让学生明白英语指令,反复几次,让学生感知语音、语调,并让他们模仿跟读。2. use postures and body language, and say: “stand up, please.”3. repeat several times, let pupils know the meaning then read the sentence after teacher. 2.a game1. game: simon says让学生通过游戏,调动身体各部位同时活动,激发兴趣。2. let pupils understand the meaning “boys, girls, the whole class.”通过迅速做出相应动作,让学生理解这些常用语的意思,同时进一步巩固所学指令。3.quick responsesay, “boys, stand up. girls stand up. the whole class, sit down, please.” and let pupils do some actions after that.4. learn:
good morningt: “good morning.” ask pupils to say after teacher.模仿跟说后, 让学生走出座位,和朋友打招呼。5. free talkask pupils to say “good morning” to their friends.6. a songsing a song: good morning to you.
good morning to you.good morning, my friendsgood morning to you.通过唱歌既巩固了句型,又提高了学生的兴趣。post-task
activities1.listen and followask pupils to follow the tape and point to the relevant pictures.让学生听录音、模仿,感知纯正的语音、语调,掌握正确的发音。 2. make a dialoguet: suppose you and your friend are sitting on a bus, an old man is getting on.what should you do?p1: stand up.p2: stand up and say to the old man: “sit down, please.”让学生不仅在模拟的情景中学会语言的运用,同时接受思想品德教育,从小学会尊敬老人。assignmentplay games with your friends 因为这是第一堂英语课,教师可以布置一些口头操练的作业,让学生初步感知学英语是为了与人交流,并让他们觉得学习英语有很多乐趣。【教案设计说明】小学教育是基础教育的起点,是培养和造就人才的关键阶段,为了顺利地通过这一阶段应该从儿童兴趣入手,实施“兴趣教育”,在此基础上全方位地提高学生的思想素质、科学文化素质、身体与心理素质。英语“兴趣教学”是培养和训练学生听说能力的重要手段,是促进学生学习英语和形成良好习惯的重要五环节,是巩固学生英语学习质量的有效保证。本课是学生学习英语的第一堂课,如何利用各种方法和手段调动孩子的学习积极性,激发他们的兴趣是这堂课的关键所在。根据这堂课的教学内容“stand up/sit down, please. good morning.”以及学生的年龄特点,这堂课以听听、学学、说说、做做等活动为主。心理学研究表明:通过多种感觉器官的同时活动,可以增强记忆,有效提高学习效率。因此,教师在教学过程中应该尽可能把学生的眼(看)、耳(听)、口(说)、手(写)、脑(想)积极地动员起来,让多种感觉器官和思维过程一起参与学习。从教师发布指令到学生相互合作发布指令,练习的坡度逐渐递进,学生在初次合作中学会了指令的实际操作。此外对初学者而言,让他们静听并模仿录音是必要的,这有助于他们感知纯正的语音语调,掌握正确的发音。最后设计了在公交车上为老人让座这一情景,这不仅让学生学会了如何在生活中运用语言,同时也让他们接受一次思想品德教育。
上海牛津1a unit1 period1教案 来自皮皮范文网。
上海牛津1A Unit1 Period1教案