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大班英语--What can you see?

活动目标:    1、鼓励幼儿大胆开口说英语,体验英语活动的乐趣。    2、掌握交通工具bus,car,bicycle ,motorcycle,并能正确发音。    3、知道红灯停绿灯行的交通规则,初步使用“i can see…”表达自己看到的交通工具。活动准备:    1、各种交通工具的实物和图片、电视机。    2、欢乐的音乐及汽车开动的模拟声。活动过程:    一、  greetingt: hello!boys and grils! nice to see you!c: hello!amanda!    二:warming upt:class begins. childre guess! what animal is this?c: it’s a bunny.t:now let’s be bunny jump ,jump ,jump.c:let’s jump.t:what animal is this?c:it’s a monkey.t:ok! let’s be monkey ryn,run,run.t: what animal is this?c:it’s a beet:ok! let’s be bee fly,fly,fly.t: what animal is this?c:it’s a tiger.t:go away.    三、  revisiont: listen to what is the sound of transport?c:bus,car,bicycle,motorcycle.边猜边出示实物让幼儿理解。    四、  presentation出示卡片,并纠正读音。t:look, i have some cards. what can you see?c:i can see a bus /a car/ a bicycle/a motorcycle.t:bus ,bus,叭叭叭。car,car,的的的。bicycle’bicycle铃铃铃。motorcycle,motcycle嘟嘟嘟。t:let,s watch the vcd.lister carefully. what can you see in the story? who is in the story? what color is the bicycle?    五、  practicet:let’s play a game “what’s missing?” please close your eyes. when i say “open youer etes.”please open your eyes and tell me what is missing. is that clear?c:ok.    六、  consolidationt: we are ready to open the car to play it. if you see a green light can be opened, he saw a red light on the back seat, i caught the last one was going to answer my question.(在游戏中让幼儿学会红灯停,绿灯行的交通规则的社会性行为)t:let’s play a game “london bridge”c:ok.t:who wants to be the bridge?c: we ask teachers to do the bridge back, okay?t:now,line up one by one. are you ready? let,s go. when the music is off,the bridge will fall down. if you are caught, please say:car ,car,go go go.(让幼儿大胆地邀请其他老师一起参与到游戏中,提高幼儿的交往能力)    七、conclusiont:go home an tell you dad and mom ,red light stop stop stop, green light ,go go go ,yellow light wait wait wait.