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unit 2 travelling

一. 教学内容:

unit 2 travelling

words, phrases and sentences


二. 教学目标:





象征 n.                symbol

极好的,美妙的          fantastic

包括 vt.               include

鲸                      whale

速度                    speed

(乘车或汽车的)短途旅程  tour

例如                    such as/for example

鼓掌                    clap

魔法                    magic

派,馅饼                pie

总共,共计              in all

激动 n.                excitement

伤害 n.                harm

有害的                  harmful

无害的                  harmless

无助的                  helpless

无用的                  useless

意义,意思              mean

成功 n.                success

无尽的                  endless

无望的                  hopeless

有意义的                meaningful9页,当前第1123456789


成功的                  successful

行,列,排,线条        line

经历 n.                experience

摩托车                  motorbike

羊羔                    lamb

会议                    meeting

节目,(演出或活动的)程序 program

礼物                    gift/present

结婚,婚姻              marriage

驾驶(或乘坐)帆船航行  sailing

在国外,到国外          abroad

核实,查明              find out

捆,绑                  tie

官员                    official

文化的                  culture

清楚地                  clearly




1. the old man fell a____________ while he was listening to the beijing opera.

2. there is something wrong with the computer. let’s try to r__________ it.

3. can you tell me when the new airport will be in s_______________?

4. nowadays more and more people like going shopping on the internet which is called “o___________ shopping”.

5. computers are widely used in our daily life. we can use computers to send and r____________ e-mails.

6. our teachers are very strict with us in everything. _________, they love us very much. ( in fact)

7. the pop star is very popular with young people, so he often __________(出现) on tv now.

8. in class our english teacher often gives us chances to ___________(讨论)some interesting topics with each other.

9. the young man is always working very hard. so he can ___________(挣得)more than 3000 yuan every month.

10. daniel is clever and he knows a lot of things . he is a boy of much ______________ (know) and he is sure to have a bright future. 9页,当前第2123456789


11. kitty has collected enough information about _____________ games. (education)

12. could you please try to answer these questions ____________(proper).

13. when i was traveling in thailand, i saw some people play with snakes. the snakes seemed to be __________(harm) to them. so they were not afraid of them.

14. do you mind __________ (turn) on the lights? it is getting dark now.

15. you __________(sure) remember the wonderful trip to the world park. that is a happy experience.


1. asleep     2. repair     3. service      4. online     5. receive

6. acturally     7. appears    8. discuss      9. earn     10. knowledge

11. educational  12. properly   13. harmless     14. turning    15. surely



1. 快点;加油     come on

2. 把某物带在某人身边     bring/take sth. with sb.

3. 去徒步旅行     go hiking

4. 去滑雪     go skiing

5. 看美丽的风景     see the beautiful view

6. 拍照     take photos

7. 一整天     the whole day

8. 一个著名的室内主题公园     a famous indoor theme park

9. 傍晚(下午的晚些时候)       later in the afternoon

10. 即使(引导让步状语从句)  even though=even if

11. 去旅行       go on a trip

去日本旅行     go on a trip to japan

去度假     go on holiday

去日本度假     go to japan for a holiday

12. 如些……以至于……     so… that…/ such… that…

为了……;以便……      …so that…

13. 一家快餐店       a fast-food restaurant

14. 凯蒂猫小屋       hello kitty’s house

15. 凯蒂猫苹果派     hello kitty apple pie

16. 鼓掌     clap one’s hands

17. 忍不住做某事     can’t stop doing sth.

18. 变得兴奋     get excited

19. 从…里跳出来     jump out of…

20. a与b很相配     a match well with b

21. 向某人招手       wave to sb.

22. 随着音乐跳舞     dance to the music

23. 跳舞跳得很优美       dance beautifully9页,当前第3123456789


24. 东京市中心       the city centre of tokyo

25. 把某物给某人看       show sth. to sb.=show sb. sth.

26. 加入某人一起     join sb.

加入某人一起做某事     join sb. in (doing) sth.

27. (人排成的)队伍     the line of people

28. 在计算机房       in the computer room

全球网/环球信息网     the world wide web

29. 一……就……(引导时间状从)     as soon as…

尽可能快(时间快)     as soon as sb. can=as soon as possible

30. 去天津的一次旅行     a trip to tianjin

31. 一张天津地图     a map of tianjin

32. 寻找     look for=search for

33. 在那时(常用于过去进行时中)     at that time

34. 查明;找出     find out

35. 操作电脑     work on the computer

36. 迷路     get lost=lose one’s way

37. 在春节期间     during the spring festival

在游行过程中     during the parade

38. 一年到头          all year round=the whole year

39. 去……的飞机票     the air tickets to…

40. 去观光       go sightseeing

41. 开始做某事      start/begin to do sth.=start/begin doing sth.

42. 我们去日本旅行的那一天       the day of our trip to japan

43. 在我们旅行的第二天       on the second day of our trip

44. 一次快乐的经历       a happy experience

45. 有趣而又特殊的事(物)     something interesting and special

46. 使你的文章更有趣     make your article more interesting

47. 从(客人手里)拿走(香蕉)     take (bananas) from (the visitors)

48. 在最后一段       in the last paragraph

49. seem(好像) 的用法

(1)seem + adj. (系表)     

(2)seem to do sth.

(3)it seems that+从句

50. 世界之窗     window of the world



i. 用词组适当形式填空

① used to    ② connect…to…       ③ turned into

④ as soon as   ⑤ find out  ⑥ come out ⑦ even though

1. over the ten years, the small village has ______________ a modern city.

2. it is said that his new book will ________________ next month. 9页,当前第4123456789


3. i will certainly make you a phone call ______________ i arrive in beijing.

4. i ___________ get up late. but now i always get up early. so i have never been late for school since then.

5. ___________ i don’t pass the english exam this time, i will keep on trying.

答案:1. turned into   2. be come out   3. as soon as   4. used to   5. even though


ii. 句型转换

1. betty married a handsome worker ten years ago.(改为同义句)

betty _________ ________ _______ a handsome worker ten years ago.

2. she looks very nice with this pair of shoes and this green coat.(改为同义句)

  she looks very nice because the shoes _______ ________ ______ the green coat.

3. sandy gave him a pretty gift yesterday. (改为被动句)

  a pretty gift _______ _______ ______ him by sandy yesterday.

4 jim was searching for information on the internet from 7 to 9 last night.(对划线部分提问)

________ ________ jim _________ from 7 to 9 last night?

5. most of the students in our class began to learn english 4 years ago.

most of the students in our class ______ _______ english _________ 4 years.

6. mr. smith has taught english in nanjing since ten years ago.(对划线部分提问)

________ ________ has mr. smith taught english in nanjing?

7. he plays football on the playground every afternoon.(用at this time yesterday改写句子)

he _______ ________ on the playground at this time yesterday.

8. simon has had his lunch.(变为疑问句)


9. i haven’t heard from her yet. (变为肯定句)


10. my family has owned a train for 80 years.(提问)


11. tom has few good friends. (提问)


12. it has been in service. it was two years. (用since合并为一句)


13. in the past people could only go to lantau island by ferry.

in the past people could only_______the ferry _____ lantau island.

14. to read english in the morning is very important.

   _______very important ______ _______english in the morning.

15. i have felt a bit lonely since i moved into that house. (提问)

______ _______you ______since you moved into that house?

16. jim has read the comic book twice. ( 提问)


17. she has lived in america since she was 5 years old. (提问)


18. mr zhang has known this place for a long time.(提问)9页,当前第5123456789



19. i began to live in shanghai nine years ago.(改为现在完成时)


20. i lent a magazine to him yesterday.

he _________a magazine _______me yesterday.


1. got married to    2. go well with    3. was given to    4. what was, doing

  5. have learned, for    6. how long    7. was playing

  8. has simon had his lunch?

  9. i have already heard from her.

  10. how long has your family owned a train?

  11. how many good friends does tom have?

  12. it’s two years since it was in service.

  13. take, to,    14. it’s to read     15. how have you felt

  16. how many times has jim read the comic book?

  17. where has she lived since she was 5 years old?

18. what has mr zhang known for a long time?

19. i have lived in shanghai for nine years.

20. borrowed , from



1. ----where are you going ?   ----- i’m going on a trip.

2. it must be fun. can i join you ?

3. let me take you out for a few days.

4. i want to bring everything with me.

5. mum and i went to hello kitty’s house as soon as we arrived.

6. everything there was so beautiful that i wanted to live in it.

7. we were clapping our hands while they were marching across the park.

8. their clothes were so colourful that i could not stop taking photos.

9. it matches well with the crown on her head and the bow on her left ear.

10. she waved to the visitors while she was dancing to the music.

11. she danced so beautifully that everyone screamed.

12. the line of people outside was endless. it seemed to be hopeless to try to get inside.

13. there may be some rain but the weather is nice at that time.

14. spring is the best time for visiting chinese gardens.

 =spring is the best time to visit chinese gardens.

15. it was fun to see so many elephants marching and dancing.

16. it was excited even though we had to wait for two hours before we could get into the house.

17. dad went to buy some stationery as souvenirs for my cousin.

18. it was the best part of the day.

19. one of the theme parks (he can go to) is window of the world.

20. can you check it for us by(到…为止) tomorrow afternoon?




1. none of the tickets ______(leave)

2. my brother was ______(lie)in bed, watching tv. 9页,当前第6123456789


3. would you like ______(go)out for a walk?

4. most of the students are _____(interest)in computer games.

5. thank you for ______(tell)me the way to the post office.

6. let’s ______(play)football together.

7. he wanted ______(borrow)a dictionary from the library.

8. i’m a twenty-year-old girl who loves ______(travel).

9. word _______(process)skills are taught in our computer lessons.

10. the cd-roms are all _______(sell)out.


1. is left         2. lying          3. to go          4. interested

5. telling         6. play           7. to borrow      8. traveling

9. processing      10. sold



1. he learned japanese since he was five years old.            

        a             b     c       d               (     ) _________

2. the olympic games are hold every four years in different cities of the world.

          a              b       c              d      (     ) ________

3. every time his mother will see the film, she will invite me to go with her.

       a                 b                c         d      (     ) __________

4. when the famous singer arrived, his fans couldn’t stop to scream.

     a                    b            c          d     (     ) _________9页,当前第7123456789


5. everything there was very beautiful that i wanted to own all of them.

      a            b  c          d               (     ) _____________


1. a has learned   2. b held       3. b sees

4. d screaming     5. c so



1. i no more want to play with you.

i _____ ________ to play with you_____ ______.

2. i have eaten it. (用two hours ago作为时间状语)

i ___________ it two hours ago.

3. i know the place very well.(提问)


4. he feels a bit lonely at times.

he feels a bit lonely__________________.

5. john’s grandfather died ten years ago.

john’s grandfather has been______ _______ten years.

6. they have lived there for three years.

they have lived there____________________.

7. i have finished my homework already.(变为否定句)


8. my sister and david got married in .

my sister and david _________________________since .

9. his teacher has been to beijing only once. (提问)

   _______________________has his teacher been to beijing?

10. his brother has had a cold since the day before yesterday. (提问)

____________________his mother had a cold?


1. don’t want, any more   2. ate          3. how do you know the place?

4. from time to time       5. dead for    6. since three years ago

7. i haven’t finished my homework yet.

8. have been married       9. how many times    10. how long



1. 它(离岛)再也不能给野生动物提供一个好的环境了。

it _________ _________ provides a good environment for wildlife.

2. 离岛的变化带来了许多利益也引发了很多问题.

the changes ________ lantau island have ________ many ________, but they have also _________ many problems for wildlife.

3. 那天最美好的时光是傍晚时的游行。表演者们穿着不同的服装。当他们列队穿过公园时,我们就鼓掌。

the ________ ________ of the day was the parade later in the afternoon. the ___________ all ________ different costumes. we were clapping our hands ______ they were ___________ ______ the park.

4. 每次你过了一关,你就会看到一张世界地图。你已经参观过的地方被标注上亮紫色。9页,当前第8123456789


_______ _______ you pass a level, you will see a world map. the places you have visited _________ _______ _______ bright purple.

5. 现在去购买,以免它被售完。

please get it now before it is ________ ________.


1. no longer     2. to, bring, benefits, caused

3. best time, performers, wore, while, matching cross    

4. each time, are marked in    5. sold out
