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uni3复习归纳:词组和单词:节日;假日holiday预报forecast小册子booklet旅行trip旅馆hotel竹筏;木筏raft瀑布waterfall 看一本小册子look at a booklet住在一家很棒的酒店里stay at a nice hotel乘竹筏漂流go on a raft trip看山see the mountains看瀑布see the waterfalls看山水see the river and mountains赏花see the flowers在10月1号on oct. 1st. 天气预报weather forecast一次武夷山之旅a visit to wuyishan 句子:1.你们将要上哪儿度假?where will you go for the holidays?2.你们将在那儿做什么?what will you do there? 3.你们将怎么去?how will you go there?4.哇!一次武夷山之旅。wow! a visit to wuyishan.5.我相信你们会玩得很开心的。i’m you’ll have a very good time.6. 这是武夷山的天气预报。this is the weather forecast for wuyishan.7.10月2日凉爽、多云。it will be cool and cloudy on oct. 2nd.公式:it will be+天气(+and+形容词)。