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三年级 Unit 1 It’s red导学案




 module 4 colours 第一课时

unit 1 it’s red.

1. knowledge aim:知识目标   words: panda  my   it   red   blue   yellow   green   black sentences: i’m a panda. my name is panpan. it’s red/ blue/ yellow/ green/ black. 2. language skill:技能目标   describe color 描述物体颜色 3. emotional aim:情感目标   通过学习不同物体的颜色,培养学生独特的审美观。





重点:描述物体颜色 难点:用句型 “it’s …”描述物品颜色。 突破措施:利用图片、道具等创设直观的影像,然后再通过师生活动,反复练习描述物体的颜色。



颜色卡  师生共制的有颜色的图片  录音机   彩色粉笔   ppt课件



一、i can read the words: 我会读下面的单词     panda  my   it   red   blue   yellow   green   black 二、i know the sentence: 我知道这些句子 i’m a panda. my name is panpan. it’s red/ blue/ yellow/ green/ black. 三、i can describe the color of  something. 我会描述物体的颜色 四、draw pictures and color it. 制作卡片,并涂上颜色。

一、warm up 1. greeting. t: good morning, boys and girls. ss: good morning, teacher. t: how are you? ss: i’m fine, thank you. and you? t: i’m fine, too. 2. let’s play: say the order and do! 有节奏的说指令做动作 二、lead in 1. look at the picture and guess the words.看图说单词 door  window  blackboard  desk  chair  bird  panda  cat  dog 2. which one do you want? red/ blue/ yellow/ green/ black? 询问小组组长,你想要哪幅图片?引导学生说出图片的颜色。反复练习颜色词的读音,将图片发给表现好的小组。 3. take out the picture of a chameleon and ask students: what’s this? 拿出变色龙的图片,询问学生:这是什么?引导学生跟着说出它的发音。 a. dog  b. cat  c. bird  d. chameleon   t: is it a dog/ cat/ bird? ss: no.   t: is it a chameleon? ss: yes.(领读,反复练习)   t: chameleon is a strange animal. it has many many colors. it’s red now. then it’s blue. then it’s green. do you know what it is? 变色龙是一种非常奇怪的动物,你知道它是什么吗? 4.today we will learn a dialogue between a panda and a chameleon. let’s see what they are saying. 这节课让我们来看一下,它们都谈了些什么呢? 三、text teaching    1. listening      listen for the first time.  look and listen.      listen for the second time. underline the difficult points.     listen and repeat.    2. read in your group and get the main idea.    3. showing time. show your learning result. 学生展示对课文的理解。 老师点评难点和学生不容易懂的地方。    4. read in your group. 小组内互助合作,相互读课文或分角色读。    5. act it out. 分角色扮演课文。对于表演好的小组给与及时鼓励。    6. practise. take out your cards and introduce it to your desk mate.     eg: it’s a dog. it’s red.拿出卡片,向你的同桌介绍你的卡片吧。 四、exercise:look, read and match. 五、sum up: it’s red/ blue/ yellow/ green/ black. my name is …     i’m a panda. 六、homework 运用我们上课学的颜色画彩虹     draw a rainbow using the color we learned. 七、blackboard design 1. words: red  blue  yellow  green  black panda  a  my  dog  cat  2. sentences: i’m a panda.            my name is …            it’s red. 3. exercise: look, read and match.  1.              a. i’m a panda. 2.              b. i’m a bird. 3.              c. i’m a girl. 4.              d. i’m a boy.

测 反 馈

课 外

拓 展

学 反 思