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titlense     book 9  module3  revision

aims1get students to review the new dialogue and the new words2through this lesson,get the students to grasp the drills” they go/say/give……. ”3 enable the students to describe the western festivals.

focus1let students  grasp  the  4-skill  words: scary , scare , festival , mask , halloween. easter  toy chicks  chocolate eggs the months of the year2help students grasp the key sentences:they …….there is  … . there are …3difficult point:

aidscards  tape  activity-booksteacher's activitystudents’activityre-preparation


processⅰ.warming up ⅱ. revision1sum up the 4-skill words.scary , scare , festival , mask , halloween. easter  toy chicks  chocolate eggs the months of the year2sum up the important drills in this lesson.. they …….there is  … . there are …3 sum up the grammar and useful phrases.  ⅲ. exercisesⅳ.reading comprehensionsⅴ.homeworkreview this module.pre-view next module.sing a song or chant.1read and spell the words, then make sentences by the words.2read and spell the sentences.3practise it in oral way.ⅲ..finish the exercises.ⅳ.finish the reading materials about western festivals.1疑问代词:whatwhenwherewho2一般现在时#单三形式feedbackthis module is more difficult for the students. some of them can’t talk about the western festival correctly and frequently.but most of them can finish the exercises by themselves. they can help each other for the comprehension.10月9日讲练能力培养1.this module is more difficult for the students. some of them can’t talk about the western festival correctly and frequently.2.but most of them can finish the exercises by themselves. they can help each other for the comprehension.teaching plan   10月18日 title 课题nse   book 9 module 4 unit 1aims 教学目的ⅰcan use “be going to” to express one’s plan. ⅱ.celebrating a birthday.focus 教学重 难点ⅰ.learn  new  sentences “be going to” ⅱ.grammar and phrases. iii. subject personal and “be”aids 教学准备pictures, radio, an invitation of the birthday, etcteaching process 教学过程teachers activity ⅰ: warming up and revision 1. say  hello to children 2 freetalk----easter ⅱ: leading-in 1.talk about one’s birthday.----- know “going to”  ⅲ: listening& reading activities 1.    listen and find “going to” 2.answer the questions.  “how old is amy going to do?” “what are they going to do?” “what is amy’s mother going to do?” “after lunch, what are they going to do?” 3、words and phrases learning. 4、text reading 5. talk about amy’s birthday. iv. further development 1.    give them introduce of the england birthday party.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ⅴ: homework : think about how do you spend your birthday.students   activity7页,当前第112345671.       hello 2.       talk bout easter 1.       the students look and answer. 1look and listen. 2answer: amy is going to be 11. they are going to sing and dance. she’s going to make a cake for amy. they are going to tidy up. 3practice the new words and phrases. 4 listen and repeat 5talk in groups then in class. listen and talk, know about the knowledge. re-preparation when is your birthday?----- month ------- how old are you going to be?feed ack 教学反馈teaching plan   10月19日 title 课题nse   book 9 module 4 unit 2aims 教学目的ⅰamy is going to be 11.what are you going to do at 9? ⅱ.learn to write  a invitation of birthday .focus 教学重难点ⅰ.learn  new  sentences ⅱ.how to write a invitation card.aids 教学准备pictures, radio, an invitation of the birthday, etcteaching process 教学过程teachers activity ⅰ: warming up and revision 1. say  hello to children 2 sing english song. 3 invite some students talk about the plans of this weekend. ⅱ: leading-in 1.ask the students open their books,look at page16 ,then play the tape and  answer the question  what's about the card? 2.tell the students to write a invitation card by themselves.  ⅲ: listening& reading activities 1.    listen and look this card . point it 2.listen and find amy is going to be 11. 3、play the first version of the song and get the students to repeat the words. 4、now play the second version and let the students do some actions. 5.listen and repeat 6.once again 7. listen and say part 2 8.drill 9. do activity book part one. iv.further development 1.    give them introduce of the england birthday party.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ⅴ: homework : make a invitation of your birthday by yourself.students   activity7页,当前第212345671hello, teacher sings it. 2sing an english song. 3talk about their plans of this weekend. 1.       the students look and answer. 2.    write a card. 1. listen and point 2.       listen and find 3.       listen and repeat. 4.       sing and do the actions. 5.       read 6.       listen and repeat 7.       read 8.       read look the pictures and say some sentences. 1.know about the knowledge re-preparation we can do the oral work first, then write it out. eg. change the subject “they” into “we”, “english” into “chinese”, etc. after practice let them write the card.feed back 教学反馈

teaching plan            10月22日

titlense     book 9  module4  revision

aims1get students to review the new dialogue and the new words2through this lesson,get the students to grasp the sentence,”amy is going to be 11.what are you going to do at the party?”3 enable the students to write an invitation of a birthday.

focus1let students  grasp  the  4-skill  words: invitation, reply2help students grasp the key sentences:amy is going to be 11.what are you going to do at the party? we/i are/am going to sing and dance. etc.3difficult point: written work. the use of” we and i”.

aidscards  tape  activity-booksteacher's activitystudents’activityre-preparation


processⅰ.warming up ⅱ. revision1sum up the 4-skill words.invitation, reply……2sum up the important drills in this lesson.. amy is going to be 11. what are you going to do at the party? we are going to ……. i’m going to…….3 sum up the grammar and useful phrases.  ⅲ. exercisesⅳ.reading comprehensionsⅴ.homeworkreview this module.pre-view next module.sing a song or chant.1read and spell the words, then make sentences by the words.2read and spell the sentences.3practise it in oral way.ⅲ..finish the exercises.ⅳ.finish the reading materials.be going toall the months fly by.三者都。as christmas is near.当…时。feedbackto write an invitation is more difficult for them. but to complete the invitation is easy for them. they can read and finish the exercises in this module.7页,当前第31234567but some of them can’t finish the exercises by themselves. they need help and more practice.10月25日讲练能力培养 1.学生对基础知识掌握较好。2.但语法方面的练习题做的差,时态一混合,错误率偏高。3。抓住课堂,有效教学,照顾全体同学。

teaching   plan     11月11日titlense  book 9  module 6  unit 1

aimsi :assessing oneself.ⅱ:let the students learn how to assessing oneself.

focusi :learn, say, read, write some new words “ well, true, point, team….”ⅱ: grasp the main sentences:can you run fast?you can play basketball well.aidsrecorder   pictures

teacher’s activity

students’ activity


teaching process

教学过程teacher’s activityi、warming up and revision1.greetings!2.play a game “simon says”,review the words of sports.ii、leading-in·what’s the weather like today? oh, it’s sunny. it’s a nice day. what can you do in such a sunny day?can you play basketball?   can you ride a bike?  can you read a book?  can you play the flute?  can you go swimming?  can you …?do you know what game lingling wants to play? and can she play well? today let’s learn the new lesson.iii、listening & reading activities1.show the cards and teach new words.2.listen to the tape and look at the picture.3.listen to the tape once more, and then answer the questions:“can lingling run fast?”“can lingling catch the ball well?”“can lingling jump high?

4.to ask the pupils to understand the word: well, and can use the word make  sentence.5.practise and act it out.iv、 further development1、            do the sb activity book

2、            make a dialogue with“can

 you…”.3、            act the dialogue about the text.v、homework 1、listen to the tape and read the text .2、copy  the new words of  module 6  unit 1 . 3. questionnaire:activitynamewell/not wellplay footballplay pingpongplay the piano…………students’ activity1.greetings.2. play a game “simon says”. listen and do.3. review some verb phrase.(play basketball, play football. go swimming….)ss talk about it: yes, i can …. no, i can’t…..make short dialogues use the sentences.read the title.read the wordslisten and point, and try to understand the text.answer the questiongs.to follow the teacher to read the words.7页,当前第41234567 to repeat the sentences.to practise and act it out.activity book 9 make a dialogue in groupsact it out group by grouplet them know well and find other adv. just like “fast, high”.

feed backbut the numbers are the problem of their learning work. they can’t read the numbers quickly and correctly. so they need more practice for numbers revision.

teaching plan  11月16日



nse   book 9module 6  unit 2


教学目的ⅰ. they got fifty points. ⅱ.you can play basketball well.


教学重难点ⅰ.the past tense of the verbs.ⅱ. 0---100 numbers.they got fifty points.


教学准备pictures, radio, computer.




teacher’s activity

ⅰ: warming up and revision1. say “ hello” to children2.first, let`s  singa song .3.review 0---100 numbers. 4.review the past tense of the verbs

ⅱ: leading-in1.now please open your books and turn to page 24, let’s look at the pictures.and answer my questions.what did they do?

ⅲ: listening& reading

activities1.      listen and point. 2.listen and repeat.3. now please look at part 2, practice : he got thirty-three points.4.listen and learn the song.: can you play very well? 5.do some exercise:

ⅳ: further developmenta. translate the following numbers;10--    20----    30----      40---50--       60—70--      80—90---    100—b. choice1. can you ___ very well? a. play b.played.2. i can __ high in the air  a. jump  b. jumped3.she can __ very fast  a. ran  b. run4.they __ fifty points yesterday.   a. get b. got5. their team __ yesterday.   a. win b. won.6. they __ very happy yesterday.   a. are  b. were7. do you want to play basketball?a. yes,i do b.yes,she does.ⅴ: homeworkto use what we have learnt to make a dialogue.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            7页,当前第51234567

students’ activity1say “hello “to teacher2.sing  it 3.review some numbers.4.for example: play---played   walk—walked …..1.look and answer they played basketball in the park.1.listen and point2.listen and repeat.3. practice : he got thirty-three points.4. learn a song.5.do some exercise.

ⅳ: further developmenta. translate the following numbers;10--    20----    30----      40---50--       60—70--      80—90---    100—b. choice1. can you ___ very well? a. play b.played.2. i can __ high in the air  a. jump  b. jumped3.she can __ very fast  a. ran  b. run4.they __ fifty points yesterday. a. get b. got5. their team __ yesterday. a. win b. won.6. they __ very happy yesterday.   a. are  b. wereⅴ: homeworkto use what we have learnt to make a dialogue.


let them underline the sentences: he/she got ~. the other team got~. we /they got~.

feed backthey can well mast this module. most of them can spell the words and drills correctly. they also can talk about a match.

teaching plan    11月17日

titlense     book 9  module6  revision

aims1get students to review the new dialogue and the new words2through this lesson,get the students to grasp “can you……?yes, i can. no, i can’t. they got …points.”3 enable the students to use the drills assessing oneself and to describe a match.

focus1let students  grasp  the  4-skill  words: well, true, point, team ,thirty-six.2help students grasp the key sentences:can you run fast? you can play basketball well. they got fifty points.3difficult point: 0---100 numbers. the past tense of the verbs.

aidscards  tape  activity-booksteacher's activitystudents’activityre-preparation


processⅰ.warming up ⅱ. revision1sum up the 4-skill words.well, true, point, team ,thirty-six.2sum up the important drills in this lesson.. can you run fast? yes, i can. /no, i can’t.you can play basketball well.they got fifty points.3 sum up the grammar and useful phrases.  ⅲ. exercisesⅳ.reading comprehensionsⅴ.homeworkreview this module.pre-view next module.sing a song or chant.1read and spell the words, then make sentences by the words.2read and spell the sentences.3practise it in oral way.ⅲ..finish the exercises.ⅳ.finish the reading materials.1人+can/can’t+动词原形,表某人能和不能做某事。一般疑问句can you/he/she+动词原形?回答yes, i/he/she can. /no, i/he/she can’t. 2they got fifty points.用get的过去式got说明得了多少分。7页,当前第61234567feedbackthey can well mast this module. most of them can spell the words and drills correctly. they also can talk about a match.but the numbers are the problem of their learning work. they can’t read the numbers quickly and correctly. so they need more practice for numbers revision.11月18日做能力培养反思:1.通过练习,查漏补缺,针对出现的问题及时纠正。2.反复练习,掌握情态动词加动词原形3.can的句型转换4..要求错题在本上重做,加深印象。teaching    plan    11月23日

titlense book 9   module 7 unit 1

aims(1)let the students learn the new words.(2)to master diglogue and use main language freely:“can, can’t.”

focusi.listen, say, read and write:blind, special, hear, fire,inside, safe.ii.new sentences pattern:this dog can help him.                         can fifi help the blind people?

aidstape recorder    word cards  

teaching processteacher’s activityi、warming up and revision1、say hello to students.2、let’s sing a song 3、review the words learnt in last lesson.ii、leading-in ·show pictures and introduce these different animals to the students. such as:a monkey, a bird, a dog and so on.·put the picture on the blackboard and ask“what’s the matter with the man?”and then ask“do you like dog?”today we are going to see a special dog. this dog can help the blind people.iii、listening & reading activities1.show the cards and teach new words.2.listen to the tape and look at the picture.3.listen to the tape once more, and then answer the questions:“who can help the blind people?”students’ activitysay hello to teachersing the songspell the wordslook at the picture and call out the animals.answer the questions.read the wordslisten and point, and try to understand the text.answer this question.re-parationphrases practice bymatching the english with chinese.teaching process

4.to ask the pupils to understand the words:can, can’t and listen to the tape sentence by sentence.5.practise and act it out.iv、 further development4、do the sb activity book

5、make a dialogue with“can,

can’t”.6、act the dialogue about the text.v、homework 1、listen to the tape and read the text .2、copy  the new words of  module 7  unit 1 . to follow the teacher to read the words. to repeat the sentences.to practise and act it out.activity book 9 make a dialogue in groupact it out group by grouplook and say. this ___ can/can’t do.feed back ome of them can’t recite the text. they can use could and couldn’t correctly.they need more practice.7页,当前第71234567