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2007牛津小学5年级5B Unit1 A new term 知识要点和基础能力测试题

同学们又可以每天在一起学习、娱乐了。新的课程表发下来了吗?你会制作一张英文课程表吗?你会用“what day is it?”询问星期和用“what subject do you like?”与他人谈论学校课程吗?现在来吧,让我们共同学习第一单元的内容吧!



a subject,chinese,science,computer studies,interesting,

a week

三会词汇:trick, tell, more, minus, hope, at once

四会句型: 1. what day is it today? it’s…

2. what lessons do you have in the…?

3. we have…and…

4. what subject do you like? i like…

语音:        了解元音字母o在单词中的读音



all day 整天; every day 每天; one day 一天;  day and night 日日夜夜 new year’s day 元旦


-- what lessons do you have in the morning?  上午你们有什么课程?

   -- what subject do you like?                你喜欢什么科目?

      -- i like english. how about you?            我喜欢英语。那你呢?

       -- i like science.                          我喜欢科学。


-- what day is it today?

-- it’s monday.

-- what day is it?

-- today is wednesday.



听力部分一、           listen and number 听录音,标号


数学、       语文、 体育、       科学  数学、      科学、 英语、      电脑  

                                                            (      )                (      )二、listen and fill in the blanks 听录音,完成下列表格 subjectshow many?                      3页,当前第1123笔试部分三、read and find out whether the sound of underlined parts are same or not, write an s if they are same, write a d if they are different  判断下列每组单词中划线部分的发音是否相同,相同的写“s” ,不相同的写“d”(   ) 1. what      morning                      (   ) 2. new         few(   ) 3. say       monday                 (   ) 4. pot          clock(   ) 5. back      have                  (   ) 6. like          english(   ) 7. girl       first                     (   ) 8. term      her (   ) 9. nice       computer            (   )10. do       hope 四、translate the phrases 英汉互译1. 新学期   ____________  2. 上课             ____________3. 在周三   ____________   4. 在门附近     ____________5. 在上午   ____________   6. welcome back    ____________7. the first lesson____________   8. in a week              ____________9. at once             ____________  10. this term               ____________complete the dialogue according to the timetable  根据课程表,完成对话 lily’s timetablemor-ningmondaytuesdaywednesdaythursdayfridaymathschineseenglishchinesemathsenglishmathschinesemathschinesemusicenglishmathssocial sciencesciencechineseartcomputer studiesmusicpeafter-nooncomputer studiessocial sciencescienceenglishchineseartpesocial sciencescienceartmary:     hello, lily. how many subjects do you have this term?lily:                                        .mary:    do you have music lesson on tuesday?lily:                                        .mary:     what lessons do you have on thursday morning?lily:                                         .mary:     do you have art lesson on friday afternoon?lily:                                         .mary:     how many chinese lessons do you have in a week?lily:                                       . 3页,当前第2123能力提升试题一、write three words that can contain the same sound with the given words 请写出三个与所给例词的划线部分发音相同的单词1. maths          ____________    ____________    ____________                                                                           2. thursday ____________    ____________    ____________3. trick                 ____________    ____________    ____________4. minus                ____________    ____________    ____________5. orange              ____________    ____________    ____________二、there’s a mistake in each sentence, circle it and then correct it in the blank 圈出句中的一处错误并改正1. mr zhang is not at the home today.            ________________2. wang bing, is that your mother purse?         ________________3. let she look at the book, please.                ________________4. tom and peter are all in the classroom.              ________________5. i don’t want to go to there with him.           ________________三、answer the questions in english用英语回答问题1. i am not an artist(艺术家) with pencils or pens. but i make pictures of men and women and all the people i ever(曾经)see. who am i?  _______________2. when(当的时候) we put on them, they are full. but they are empty, when we don’t use them. what are they ?  _______________3. what is the difference between a hill and bill?  _______________4.      here’s a box. it looks like a tv, but it isn’t a tv. it can work fast, and it can help you work and study. what is it?  ________________5.      there’s a long and large house. it can run like a bus and it can fly like a bird. it can take hundreds of people to any place. what is it ?  _______________6. there are not 26 letters in “english” . how many letters are there in it?____________.7. what letter is an insect(昆虫)? it’s ______________.8. what letter is drink? it’s _______________.9. i meet three men on a bus. a speaks english and japanese. c only talks with b. b can speak chinese and english. what does c speak? _______________.10. there are ten birds in the tree. if you shot(射击) one of them. how many birds are there in the tree? ______________3页,当前第3123