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period   plan


title:what do you do every day?



lesson 2



teaching aims

ⅰ. enable the students to read, say and write the phrases: have classes, have lunch, go home, go to bed.

ⅱ. introduce own time of work and rest to the others: i… at…

ⅲ. enable them to perform the “learn to say” skillfully.

ⅳ. enable them to write own timetable of work and rest in english.

important points:

enable the students to read, say and write the phrases: have classes, have lunch, go home, go to bed.



teaching tools

ⅰ. a cartoon clock.

ⅱ. several cards and pictures with the phrases, time, sentence patterns.

ⅲ. billy’s timetable.

ⅳ. everyone prepares a piece of paper and several colored pencils.



key points

grasp the sentence pattern “i… at…”



difficult points

enable the students to read, say and write the phrases: have classes, have lunch, go home, go to bed.


teaching   process


the activities of the teacher

the activities of the students


ⅲ. simon says: get up, eat breakfast, go to school, watch tv, have classes, have lunch, go home, go to bed.

ⅳ. free talk: hi, boys and girls. pleased to see you. how are you?


ⅰ. i will show a clock and ask the students “what time is it?”


t: billy is a good boy. he has a good habit in his daily life. look, this is his timetable. (show billy’s timetable and start to discuss.) look, this is billy’s timetable. let’s take a look.

ⅰ. learn to say

ⅰ) t: this is billy’s timetable.

lead the students to look at the pictures and help them understand the meaning of timetable. then i will guide the students to read the word.

ⅱ) i will act billy: hi, this is my timetable. i get up… what about you?

ⅲ) t: what time do you get up?

ⅳ) learn to say: have classes, have lunch, go home, go to bed.

ⅴ) show the sentence pattern cards and stick them on the blackboard: i… at…

ⅵ) i will introduce my timetable,

ⅱ. try to use

ⅰ) i will show the pictures of try to use, the students practice in pairs.

ⅱ) finish the exercise: write and talk.

ⅲ) lead the students to introduce their daily life with the sentence pattern i… at…

ⅳ. consolidation and extension:

play a game.

ⅴ. homework:

ⅰ. listen to the recording and read aloud the text.

ⅱ. plan a timetable.



ⅰ. sing the song “let us do morning exercises.” together.

ⅱ. listen and d get up, eat breakfast, go to school, watch tv, have classes, have lunch, go home, go to bed. 6页,当前第1123456







free talk:

ⅱ. practice in pairs with “it’s … it’s time to…”




ss: i get up at…(replace with have classes, have lunch, go home, go to bed )

then the students start to make their timetables and introduce them to the others.  

ⅶ) the students listen to the recording and read aloud the text.

students introduce

students play games


blackboard design


lesson  2

                    i  -------  at ----- .


look back

they are interested in the sentences and dialojgue.

period   plan

unit 1

title:what do you do every day?



lesson 2



teaching aims

ⅰ. consolidate the phrases and sentence pattern : i… at…

ⅱ. understand the contents of the “read and think” , know the time difference between china and america, answer the questions.

ⅲ. enable the students to listen, read, say and write the phonetic symbols /ι/, /t/, /d/ and try to use them to learn the new words.

ⅳ. learn to read aloud the rhyme lyrically and find the feet of the rhyme


teaching tools

ⅰ. everyone prepares a timetable.

ⅱ. the verb phrase cards.

ⅲ. the phonetic symbol and word cards.

ⅳ.a tape-recorder and the text tape.



key points

ⅰ. understand the contents of the “read and think” , know the time difference between china and america, answer the questions.

ⅱ. enable the students to listen, read, say and write the phonetic symbols /ι/, /t/, /d/ and try to use them to learn the new words.



difficult points

enable the students to listen, read, say and write the phonetic symbols /ι/, /t/, /d/ and try to use them to learn the new words.


teaching   process


the activities of the teacher

the activities of the students


teacher lead them;

ⅲ. free talk:

  hi, children. good to see you. how is it going?



t (show the picture of the read and think): look at the boy. he’s calling his uncle. look at his uncle. is he happy?

t: yes. what happened? let’s read and answer.

ⅰ. read and think

ⅰ) i will direct the students to read the text, encourage them to put some questions to me.

ⅱ) i will put the easy questions to them:

   where is joe now?

   where is his uncle now?

ⅲ) read the text. i will put the harder questions to them:

   what’s the time in beijing?

     what’s the time in new york? 6页,当前第2123456

ⅴ) explain the time difference between china and america.

ⅱ. listen, match and read

ⅰ) i will show the phonetic symbol cards of /i:/, /p/, /b/, the students read them one by one.

ⅱ) show the phonetic symbol cards of /ι/, /t/, /d/ , coach them to pronounce.

ⅲ) write the phonetic symbols on the exercise books.

ⅳ) show the phonetic symbol words: /ti:/, /pιg/, /dιp/ ,and lead them to read aloud the words. then try to spell the words.

ⅴ) broadcast the recording of the rhyme,


ⅴ. homework:

ⅰ. copy the phonetic symbols and phonetic symbol words.

ⅱ. read aloud the rhyme lyrically.



ⅰ. sing the song: let ’s do morning exercises.

ⅱ. play a game: …says: go to bed. / …

students talk freely.



everybody shows own timetable and introduces it each other.

this is my timetable. i get up at …



ss: no, he’s not happy.











ⅳ) the students listen to the recording and read aloud it.

the students read after it

ⅳ. consolidation and extension:

perform the “read and think”


blackboard design


lesson  2

                              /ι/  /t/  /d/

                        tea /ti:/  pig /pιg/  dip /dιp/


look back

the students are good at the pronunciation. they answer the questions very well.

period   plan

unit 1

title:what do you do every day?



lesson 3



teaching aims

ⅰ. enable the students to read, say and write the words and phrase: early, late, usually, in the morning. enable them to estimate somebody else's timetables with the words.

ⅱ. enable the students to inquire somebody else's timetables skillfully: when do you… ? i… at…

ⅲ. enable them to perform the “learn to say” skillfully.

ⅳ. finish the “make a survey”.



teaching tools

ⅰ. everyone prepares a timetable.

ⅱ. several cards with the words and sentence patterns.

ⅲ.a tape-recorder and the text tape.



key points

ⅰ. enable the students to read, say and write the words and phrase: early, late, usually, in the morning. enable them to estimate somebody else's timetables with the words.

ⅱ. enable the students to inquire somebody else's timetables skillfully: when do you… ? i… at… 6页,当前第3123456



difficult points

the pronunciation of usually.


teaching   process


the activities of the teacher

the activities of the students


ⅰ. sing the song“let us do morning exercises.”together.

ⅱ. free talk:

ⅰ) t: i get up at 6:30am.what time do you get up?

t: what time is it now?

t: oh! it’s time to have classes. i must go. good-bye!

ⅱ) t: oh! my poor watch. it doesn’t work. excuse me! can you tell me what time is it now?

t: thank you very much!

t: my name is linda, i’m in class 4, grade 5.and you?

t: nice to meet you.

       t: let’s be friends, ok?


t: oh! it’s time for my english class. i must hurry. good-bye!


t: today we are going to learn the lesson 3. last class everybody made a timetable, me too. look! this is my timetable: i get up at 6:30am and go to work at 7:30am. now please take out your timetables. who can show your timetable?

ⅰ.try to use

ⅰ) t: what time do you go to bed?

     what time do you get up?

ⅱ) show the sentence pattern cards: when do you get up?

     distinguish between “when ” and “what time”, explain the meaning of


ⅲ) read the sentence after me and make sentences with the verb phrases.

ⅵ) i will show two clocks and put the questions to the students:

   t: when do you get up?

   s1: i get up at…

   t: i get up at 6:00am. i get up early, but you get up late.

t: when do you go home?

   s2: i go home at 4:20.

   t: i go home at 4:40pm. you go home early, but i go home late.

   lead them to understand the meanings of “early” and “late”.

ⅶ) show the cards: early, late, usually, in the morning. the students read them one by one. emphasize the pronunciation of usually.

ⅱ.learn to say

ⅰ) t: just now we were taking about our timetables. now let’s talk about david’s timetable. let’s read the passage first. then answer the questions: when does david get up? why?

ⅱ) the students read the text and try to answer the question above.

ⅲ) finish david’s timetable below.



early or late

get up

have classes

go to bed

t: is it the same to us? oh, it’s different with us.

show the word: different.

ⅳ. homework:

ⅰ. read aloud the dialogue.

ⅱ. make sentences with “when do you… ? i… at… i … early/late.”



students sing with the teacher.





s;i get up…… 6页,当前第4123456


s: it’s…






s: it’s…


s: not at all.





s: me , too.


s: ok.

ⅳ) practice in pairs and introduce own timetable to the others with the new sentence patterns.

ⅴ) write the sentence and make some new sentences on the english exercise books and blackboard.

ⅷ) practice in pairs:

s1: when do you… ?

s2: i usually…

ⅸ) open the books and turn to page 7, finish the “make a survey”.

students read and answer.

discuss david’s timetable above.

ⅳ) the students listen to the recording and read the dialogue.

ⅴ) start a role-play reading.

ⅵ) perform the “learn to say”.

ⅲ. consolidation and extension:

the students talk about their timetables each other.


blackboard design


lesson  3

when do you…

i… at…

i … early/late.


look back

the students are good at making the new sentences.they understand the whole text very well.

period   plan

unit 1

title: what do you do every day?



lesson 3



teaching aims

ⅰ. consolidate the sentences and the dialogue of this lesson farther.

ⅱ. understand the contents of “a joke” and answer the questions.

ⅲ. enable the students to listen, say, read and write the phonetic symbols /ι/, /t/, /d/, /s/, /z/ and sum up the pronunciations of i, s, t, d in words.



teaching tools

ⅰ. the phonetic symbol and word cards.

ⅱ. a tape-recorder and the text tape.



key points

ⅰ. understand the contents of “a joke” and answer the questions.


difficult points

ⅱ. enable the students to listen, say, read and write the phonetic symbols /ι/, /t/, /d/, /s/, /z/ and sum up the pronunciations of i, s, t, d in words.


teaching   process


the activities of the teacher

the activities of the students


ⅰ. simon says: get up…

ⅱ. say a chant: i am happy. i’m so glad. i’m not happy. i’m so sad.

ⅲ. free talk: hello! how are you doing? how do you feel?


ⅰ. look at the verb cards and say quickly: get up, have breakfast, go to school…

ⅱ.hand on the verb cards, ask and answer one by one: when do you… ?i…

ⅲ. select eleven students to recite the dialogue.


t: oh, boys and girls. do you like jokes? today i have a joke for you. please read.

ⅰ. a joke

ⅰ) the students read the joke, then answer the questions below:

   what time is it now? where is billy?

ⅱ) and the questions below:

   what time does the sun go to bed?

   what time does billy go to bed? 6页,当前第5123456

   what does billy say while his mother asks him to get up?

ⅲ) listen to the recording and read aloud the joke by imitating the recording.

ⅳ) read aloud the joke, then i will lead the students to discuss the questions

below: do you like this joke? why? do you usually get up late?

ⅱ. listen, match and read

ⅰ) show the old the phonetic symbol words, read aloud the rhyme lyrically.

ⅱ) show the rhyme of this lesson, stick the phonetic symbol cards /i:/, /ι/, /p/, /b/, /k/, /g/, /t/, /d/ on the blackboard. broadcast the recording of this rhyme and find out the words’ vowel of this lesson. then put them below the relevant words.

ⅲ) i will demonstrate the pronunciations of /ι/, /s/, /z/. play the game “what’s missing” for consolidating the pronunciations. show the words “sit, seat” and ask them to guess their pronunciations. then i will show the phonetic symbols and read them.

ⅳ) write the phonetic symbols and words.

ⅳ. consolidation and extension:

play a game for consolidating the phonetic symbols.

ⅴ. homework:

ⅰ. copy the phonetic symbols and phonetic symbol words.

ⅱ. tell the joke to their parents.



students chant with the teacher.



students talk freely.



students take part in this activity.






students act out the dialogue.


s1: hi, david. what’s the matter?

   s2: i’m sleepy. i get up early in the morning.

   s3: when do you get up?

   s4: at 7: 10.

   s5: oh, it’s not early. it’s late.


ⅳ. perform the “learn to say”.

the students read the joke, then answer the questions

students listen to the recording and read aloud the joke by imitating the recording.









students practice reading and writing.


blackboard design


lesson  3

                               /s/  /z/

                           sit /sιt/  seat /si:t/


look back

they understand and answer the question very well. the students are good at the pronunciation and read it .
