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Lesson 19-- May I Invite Danny and Jenny?

lesson 19: may i invite danny and jenny? 
       leaning aims:1.go in learning “may i …?”
                    2.let the students know well some phrases and sentrences.
leaning important: phrases: a.invite sb. “邀请某人”
                           b.leave for “前往,出发去”
                           c.arrive in “到达”                
leaning difficult: remember and use the phrases well.
leaning method:  情景教学法
teaching steps:
               step1:organize teaching.
1. 我可以去北京吗?
2. 我可以天安门广场吗?
3. 这双鞋太大了而不能穿。
4. 北京太伟大了!
5. 我可以去旅游吗?
6. 北京离西安很远。
                step 2: showing the learning aims and ask the students to read them together.
       step3: write phrases on the blackboard.
              1.invite sb.  “邀请某人”
                         eg. a.invite him\ her \ you \  them
                             b.may i invite him to go to xi’an ?
                             c.may i invite her to go to the u.k.?
                             d. may i invite them to go to the gym?
                 then ask the students to make some sentences.4页,当前第11234
              2. leave for  “前往,出发去”
                 eg. a.when do you leave for beijing?
                     b.when do you leave for shanghai?
                     c.when does he leave for hongkong?
                  then ask the students to make some sentences.
3.arrive in    “ 到达 ”                  
 eg. a. when do you arrive in beijing?
                     b. when does he arrive in hongkong?
                     c. when do they arrive in shanghai?
                 arrive in + 大地点
                 arrive at + 小地点
                   then ask the students to make some sentences.
            step5:listen to the tape and answer some questions.
1. do jenny and danny want to go an trips to beijing ?
2. when do li ming and his mother leave for  beijing ?
3. when do li ming and his mother arrive in beijing ?
            step6:check the answers.
1. yes,they do.
2. they leave february first in the morning.
3. in the afternoon on february first.
            step7:read the text together,then role play the
            step8.do exercises.
                  complete the dialogue.
a:hello? jenny?
a:__________ sun mei.
b:hello, sun mei!_________________ ?4页,当前第21234
a:fine,thanks! ______________________?
b:i am fine,too.
a:_______ i _______ you ____ _______ to my birthday party at my home this evening?
b:great!_________ kitty come with me?
a. of course. see you then.
b. _______ you.
            step9. writing on the bb.
a. phrases.
                    1.invite sb.  “邀请某人”
                               eg. a.invite him\ her \ you \  them
                                   b.may i invite him to go to xi’an ?
                                   c.may i invite her to go to the u.k.?
                     2. leave for  “前往,出发去”
                      eg. a.when do you leave for beijing?
                          b.when do you leave for shanghai?
                          c.when does he leave for hongkong?
                     3. arrive in    “ 到达 ”                  
 eg. a. when do you arrive in beijing?
                           b. when does he arrive in hongkong?
                           c. when do they arrive in shanghai?4页,当前第31234
                              arrive in + 大地点
                              arrive at + 小地点
b. sentences.
1. can jenny and danny come?
2.when do li ming and his mother leave for  beijing ?
3.when do li ming and his mother arrive in beijing ?
4.they leave february first in the morning.
5.in the afternoon on february first.4页,当前第41234